100字范文 > 民工 Migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

民工 Migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-07 04:30:24


民工 Migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

民工,Migrant workers

1)Migrant workers民工

1.Mechanism for the formation of Social identity of migrant workers——Based on the Perspective of intergroup Communication;民工社会认同形成机制探析——基于群际传播视角

2.On the restrictive factors and their solutions of young migrant workers starting an undertaking in their hometown;青年民工返乡创业的制约因素分析及其对策

3.Based on the viewpoint of the evolutionary game of limited ration,this paper analyzes the evolutionary mechanism resulting from the shortage of migrant workers.从有限理性的进化博弈视野出发,分析民工荒现象出现的演化机理,将处于相同境况的民工视为一个群体,将民工个体的决策置身于民工群体决策中,则个体民工选择某种策略从民工群体角度来看就是以一定的概率选择该种策略。


1.The Migrant Workers′Social Network and the Building of the Migrant Worker Union;农民工的社会网络与农民工工会建设

2.The Special Urbanization Course in China: the Peasants,the Peasant Workers and the Townsfolk;中国特色城镇化进程:农民—农民工—市民

3.Improve the Policies for Peasant Workers and Legally Protect their Rights and Interests;完善农民工政策 依法维护农民工权益

4.Economic Analysis from "Migrant Workers Boom"to"Migrant Workers Scarcity";从“民工潮”到“民工荒”的经济学分析

5.On the Permanent Residence Registration System--From Peasant-worker Booming to Peasant-worker Famine;浅谈户籍制度——从“民工潮”到“民工荒”

6.An Economic Analysis of Migrant Worker "Flood" and "Shortage" in China“民工潮”与“民工荒”的经济学分析

7.Urban living capital of peasant-workers and peasant-workers citizenization;农民工的城市生活资本与农民工的市民化

8.National Union of Workers and Peasants全国工人农民工会(全国工农会)

9.Probing into the Role of Farmer-turned Workers in Promoting the Coordinated Development of Regional--From the "Tide" of Farmer-turned Workers to "Back to Business";推动区域协调发展的农民工角色认知——从“民工潮”到农民工“回乡创业”

10.Peasant Workers Rush & Peasant Workers Shortage:An Economic Study of Labor Supply Behavior;“民工潮”与“民工荒”——农民工劳动供给行为视角的经济学分析

11.From "Waves of Peasant-laborers" to "Shortage of Peasant-laborers"──An Analysis of Distorted Price of Factor Labor;从“民工潮”到“民工荒”──农民工劳动力要素价格扭曲现象剖析

12.Industrial and civil architecture工业与民用建筑(工民建)

13.strikes, riots and civil commotion罢工、暴动、民变险

14.Insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion(SRCC)罢工,暴动,民变险

15.The Relationship between National and Folk Arts and Crafts in Yunnan and Industrial Design;云南民族民间工艺与工业设计的关系

16."We should handle well the work relating to ethnic minorities, religions and overseas Chinese."做好民族工作、宗教工作和侨务工作。

17.Association of Democratic Journalists民主新闻工作者协会

18.Specification of thermotic design of civil building民用建筑热工设计规程


Migrant worker民工

1.This paper analyzes following issues by using Geographic Information System, (1)the characteristics of immigratory population and migratory population in cities,(2)inflow spatial features for migrant workers in Beijing and Guangdong respectively, (3)situation prediction for migrant workers reflunce to Beijing, and (4)spatiallg distributing features for SARS along traffic lines.利用地理信息系统技术对中国内地人口流动空间规律进行了初步研究 ,主要包括 :(1)内地城市人口迁移规律 ,(2 )流入北京、广东两地民工流动状况的空间分析 ,(3)在北京SARS发生期间民工回流的态势等 ;SARS沿交通线分布特点。

2.This thesis studies the human rights of some migrant workers who belong to the disadvantaged groups.本文对作为弱势群体一部分的民工人权状况进行了研究。


1.OBJECTIVE Learning about the knowledge, attitude and behavior characteristic on AIDS/ STD of flowing workers in building sites, providing the scientific basis for conducting AIDS/STD health education in the flowing workers further.目的了解流动建筑民工对艾滋病性病(AIDS/STD)的知识、态度与行为特征,为进一步在该人群中开展艾滋病性病健康教育提供科学依据。

4)Peasant workers民工

1.Every winter and spring, these peasant workers who were peasants from the villages of Heibei did a huge contribution to the Haihe River s project.每年的冬春两季,来自河北省农民的“海河民工”参加根治海河工程,他们付出了艰辛的劳动,为根治海河做出了巨大的贡献,参加根治海河也对这些“海河民工”的人生命运产生了重要的影响。


1.We can t deny individual factor causeslabor s self-relief crime, and also we should pay attention to the non-individual factors, including social unfairness, faulty social security and lack of government s firm protection tolabor s even rights, especially thatlabor s legal rights are impinged seriously.民工实施“自我救济式犯罪” ,不可否认其中有个人品质问题 ,但也必须注意到犯罪现象背后的非个人因素 ,包括社会的不公正、社会保障的不完善和政府对民工正当权益保护的乏力 ,尤其是民工合法权益被严重侵犯等问题。

2.In recent years, the phenomenon of delayinglaborers pay became serious, which extremely damagedlaborers lawful rights and interests.近年来,拖欠民工工资的现象十分突出,严重损害了民工的合法权益,如何从社会主义分配制度的基本要求出发,公平、合理的解决日益复杂的民工工资拖欠问题,切实保障其工资权益,也已成为当前经济和社会体制改革正面临且必须及时解决的一个重要课题。

6)workers salary民工工资

1.This article analyses the factors and strategies of delaying project fund andworkers salary and puts forward some suggestions that it is necessary to solve the problems by managing from the beginning,controlling from each segment,fully monitoring and guarding against,avoiding and reducing the risk from the enterprise itself and legally seeking for the protect and ways.文章就工程款和民工工资拖欠问题产生的原因及对策作了系统分析,认为从源头上抓起和管起、从环节上把关控制、从全过程监督和防范、从企业自身规避和降低风险、从法律上寻求保障和途径,来有效解决工程款和农民工工资的拖欠问题。


