100字范文 > 进城农民工 migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

进城农民工 migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-22 04:24:13


进城农民工 migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

进城农民工,migrant workers

1)migrant workers进城农民工

1.How to Ensure Migrant workers Equal Rights for Employment in Cities;我国进城农民工就业平等权实现机制研究

2.Bad employed environment,overtime work,low and deducted earnings,but high-risk labor,frequent incidence of occupational diseases and strong urge to be lifted out of poverty as soon as possible,all these factors contribute to the mental problems ofmigrant workers.进城农民工就业工作环境差、时间长,工资低、克扣拖欠问题严重,并且大多数进城农民工从事的工作危险性高、职业病发病率高,加之急切的求富心理等因素,导致了进城农民工就业心理压力大。


1.Study on the Adaptation Problems of Kids of Rural-laborsin Cities;进城农民工子女社会适应性问题研究

2.Research into the Political and Ideological Education of the Farmer Workers in Cities of China;我国进城农民工思想政治教育的研究

3.Education Research on the Migrated Peasant Workers Children in Anhui Province;安徽省进城农民工子女教育问题研究

4.Study on the Elements Influencing the Social Security of Migrant Workers in China s Cities;进城农民工社会保障的影响因素研究

5.From Isolation to Adaptation:the Culture Transition of Peasant Migrants;从疏离到适应:进城农民工的文化嬗变

6.Behavior Selection Model of Demand Fulfillment for Farmer-workers in City;进城农民工需要满足的行为选择模型

7.Children"s Compulsory Education of Migrant Workers in Cities Research进城农民工子女义务教育问题的研究

8.The Special Urbanization Course in China: the Peasants,the Peasant Workers and the Townsfolk;中国特色城镇化进程:农民—农民工—市民

9.A Shallow Analysis on Urban Community Conflicts Caused by Peasant Workers;农民工进城引发的城市社区冲突浅析

10.The Differences of Farmer Worker and Townsman in the Course of Urbanization;论农民工与城市居民在城市化进程中的差异

11.Conflicts and Its Control between the Migrant Workers and City Residents during the Urbanization of Our Country;我国城市化进程中进城务工农民与城市居民间的冲突及其治理

12.Farmers" doing business and seeking jobs in cities is a practical way to rely on industry to boost agriculture and extend urban civilization to rural areas.农民进城务工经商是工业反哺农业、城市文明辐射农村的现实途径。

13."Reducing burden" means to reduce the cost of farmers to seek employment in cities.“减负”就是要降低农民进城打工的成本。

14.A Study on Migrant Workers Dissemination Function in Urbanization;城市化进程中农民工的传播作用研究

15.A Probe into the Questions about Peasant-Labor during the Urbanization Process;中国城市化进程中农民工问题的探析

16.Thoughts About the Education of the Family of the Migrant Worker;对进城务工农民子女教育问题的思考

17.Long-range Mechanism of Solving Farmer Laborer s Employment Environment in the City;解决农民工进城就业环境的长效机制

18.The Ways of the Rural Laborers to Enter the City: Change of Choice and Increase of Rationality;农民工进城途径:选择、嬗变与理性回归


rural-urban migrants family进城农民工家庭

1.Therural-urban migrants family refers to the family that once lived in countryside and has migrated to urban for a period of time.进城农民工家庭即家庭式流动农民工。

3)unofficial rural labor sellers children进城农民工子女

1.The statisticanalysis of the situations ofunofficial rural labor sellers children s learning adaptability shows that their learningadaptability development is in a relatively unfavorable situation,co.进城农民子女学习适应性相对处境地位的数理分析表明,与城市居民子女相比,进城农民工子女学习适应性发展处于一种相对不利地位。

4)peasant coming to the city农民进城

1.Lao he s novel Rickshaw Boy tells the story of apeasant coming to the city for a living.在新的历史条件下,重读《骆驼祥子》,不仅可以使我们更透彻地了解作品,而且也将帮助我们认识当代生活,尤其是那些与农民进城有关的问题。

5)Peasants in city进城农民

6)young peasant worker青年进城务工农民

1.Therefore it is necessary to take total countermeasures against social exclusion,and to gradually get rid of social exclusion againstyoung peasant workers,so as to promote their urban i.在规模庞大的进城务工农民群体中,青年进城务工农民已成为中坚力量,但他们也受到政治、文化、社会关系、社会心理等多方面的社会排斥。


