100字范文 > 教学行为 Teaching behavior英语短句 例句大全

教学行为 Teaching behavior英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-24 14:48:05


教学行为 Teaching behavior英语短句 例句大全

教学行为,Teaching behavior

1)Teaching behavior教学行为

1.A prestage analysis of the designing of the teaching behavior;教师教学行为设计的前期分析

2.P.E.masters vocational attitude and its influence on their teaching behavior;体育教师职业态度对其教学行为的影响分析

3.Studying and Investigation Relationship Between Teaching Conception and Teaching Behavior of Physical Education Teachers——Talking about Question of Improvement Quality of Physical Education Teachers and Their Training;高校体育教师教学观念与教学行为关系的调查研究——兼谈高校体育教师素质提高和师资培训问题


1.Teaching:Study for Enhancing Oneself--Moral Judgment in Teaching Behavior;教学乃“为己之学”——教学行为的道德评判

2.On the Teaching Behaviors and the Teaching Management of Higher Vocational Education;略论高职教育的教学行为和教学管理

3.Study on Classroom Teaching Deviated Behavior of University Teachers;大学教师课堂教学行为失范问题研究

4.A Research on Teaching Beliefs and Teaching Behaviors of Middle School English Teachers中学英语教师教学信念与教学行为研究

5.An Analysis on the Relationship Between College English Teachers" Teaching Beliefs and Teaching Behavior大学英语教师教学观念与教学行为的对比研究

6.Study on the Relationship between Teaching Belief and Teaching Behaviors of Mathemathics Teacher in Middle School;中学数学教学信念与教学行为的相关研究

7.Teachers" reflective pedagogical thinking is closely related to their teaching behavior.教师的教学反思和教学行为是紧密联系的。

8.Successful Classroom Teaching Originates From Teachers Effective Teaching Acts;成功的课堂教学来自于教师的有效教学行为

9.Teaching Theory of Constructivism and Its Influence on Teachers Teaching Behaviors;建构主义教学观对教师教学行为的影响

10.The Research on Teaching Efficacy and Teaching Behavior of Expert-Intern Teachers;专家-新手型教师教学效能感和教学行为的研究

11.General Judgement of the Influence of Physical Education Teachers Teaching Behaviour on Teaching Effect;综合评判体育教师教学行为对教学效果的影响

12.Research on Teachers Teaching Behaviors in Class under the Background of the New Curriculum Reform;新课程背景下教师课堂教学行为研究

13.An Investigation into Teacher s Teaching Behavior on Physics Concept Teaching in Senior High School;高中物理教师概念教学行为调查研究

14.Construct of Test on Creative Teaching Behavior in Teachers;教师创造性教学行为评价量表的结构

15.An Analysis of Factors Affecting Teachers Teaching Behavior & Countermeasures;影响教师教学行为的因素分析及对策

16.Teacher s Teaching Conduct Choice and Inspiring System;高校教师的教学行为选择与激励机制

17.Challenge that teacher s teaching behavior faces under the new course idea;对新课程理念下教师教学行为的探讨

18.EBSS (Educational and Behavioural Science Section)教育科学与行为科学部


Teaching behaviors教学行为

1.Epidemiologic study on the status quo of teaching behaviors of teachers in a medical university and its influence on teaching quality;某高等医学院校教师教学行为现状及其对教学质量影响的流行病学研究

2.On the point of view of the teaching behaviors should be followed by the teachers and of the teaching management,the paper puts forwards the standard and behaviors followed by the teachers in higher vocational education.从教师应遵循的教学行为和教学管理角度 ,就教师的基本素养、言行、教学规范和教学管理等 ,提出了高职院校教师应遵守的规范和应做到的内容。

3.According to the effective teaching principles and through observation,the paper reflects some improper teaching behaviors and put forward solutions.依据有效教学的原则,利用观察法,反思教师在课堂教学中常见的几种不当的教学行为,并提出改进的建议。

3)teaching action教学行为

1.Teachers must consider the reflection education as an important education idea and put it into use through theteaching action in the course of their growing up.教师在其成长过程中 ,必须把反思性教学作为重要的教育理念始终贯穿于自己的教学行为之中 ,养成不断的教学反思习

2.It is teaching strategy that associates the teaching ideas and actions,provide practical method and strong support for the transformation ofteaching actions,and signify the mature of professional level of teaching.把新的教学观念具体化为教师的教学行为,实现教学的根本变革,是新课程方案实施成败的关键。

4)teaching act教学行为

1.On the professional ethics andteaching act criteria for a CFL teacher;论对外汉语教师的职业道德和教学行为规范

2.It is through theteaching acts that students come to understand teachers requirements, master knowledge and develop their ability.教学行为是在教师自我监控下的一种有选择的技术 ,是教师素质的外化形式 ,学生通过教师的教学行为 ,来理解教师的要求 ,掌握知识 ,发展能力。

5)teaching conduct教学行为

1.The research on relative elements of transforming teaching concept andteaching conduct in the new course of physical education and healthy;新《体育与健康》课程实施中转变教师教学观念和教学行为相关因素的研究

2.And they should also update their notion, change theirteaching conduct, develop the effective teaching and make the students change the learning manner to suit the needs of mathematics curriculum reformation and to develop the education further.广大教师应正确看待过去的教学传统,处理好继承与批判的关系;及时更新观念、改变教学行为;开展有效教学,促使学生转变学习方式,以适应数学课程改革的需要。

6)scientific teaching action科学教学行为


《行为的原理:行为理论导论》C.赫尔著。纽约阿普尔顿世纪克罗夫茨公司1943年第一版。这是一部阐述赫尔的假设-演绎理论体系的代表性专著。本书共20章。第 1章讲科学理论的性质。以后各章依次为:一种客观的行为理论、刺激的接受和有机体的生存、行动及其协调的生物学问题、在需要条件下内部行为的特征、基本强化、次级强化、习惯强度与各种强化内素的关系等。最后一章是总结和结论。书后还附有本书使用的各种概念符号的说明。作者在书中提出了一种客观的行为理论体系。他认为这个理论体系应该:①能够解释已往积累的大量经验资料;②能够从相对少量的公设(本书列举了16条公设)中推导出许多定理;③能够采用具体明确的经验性的试验来加以证明;④能够用新的证据、经验证明和进一步的思辨对这个理论体系加以修订;⑤能够用数学公式对这个理论体系中的任何一个目标加以数量化的表述。作者认为,心理学应研究人类的整体性行为。这种行为包含着有机体与环境之间紧密的相互作用;它具有生物的适应性;行为的中介变量具有重要的作用,但应该用操作性的定义加以确定。在方法论上,作者严格遵守机械主义的、还原主义的和行为主义的客观原则,反对给予所观察的行为以任何主观的解释。赫尔在书中还主张严格遵守一种假设-演绎的方法。这种方法就是根据一系列事先确定的公式进行严格的演绎。它包括建立公设,并由此演绎出可以用实验检验的结论;然后再把这些结论用实验加以实际检验,修正错误的结果,经过证实再把它们纳入科学体系之中。本书所提出的学习理论是西方带有权威性的学习理论之一。它可以大体归为下列各点:①学习是刺激和反应之间的一种联结。这个联结称为习惯强度,以符号SHR表示。H为习惯;S和R分别表示有关的刺激和反应。②学习的必要条件是强化;强化兼指E.L.桑代克的强化和И.Π.巴甫洛夫的强化;强化的效果在于减少当时起作用的内驱力(D)的强度。③SHR作为一种强化作用的函数,其强度随强化而逐渐增加,而且代表一种行为的相对持久的改变。④习惯强度只有在驱力状态下才能被激起,驱力激起有效的习惯强度,使之成为反应势能(SER),反应势能是一种使反应被激起的可能性,相当于作业。赫尔认为,反应势能的量是内驱力和习惯强度的递增函数。可以用下列简明公式表示:SER=D×SHR。表示一个人在特定时刻的作业是由他的内驱力和习惯强度的积决定的。
