100字范文 > 行为引导教学法 behavior guidance teaching英语短句 例句大全

行为引导教学法 behavior guidance teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-04 01:57:20


行为引导教学法 behavior guidance teaching英语短句 例句大全

行为引导教学法,behavior guidance teaching

1)behavior guidance teaching行为引导教学法


1.The Applied Research of Behavior-conducting Teaching Method in Mechatronic Teaching of the Vocational Education School;行为引导教学法在中等职业学校机电专业课教学中的应用研究

2.The Application of Action-oriented Teaching Method in the Mathematics Teaching of Vocational School;行为引导型教学法在职校数学教学中的应用

3.Trying and Thinking about Introducing the Teaching Methods of Leading Behavior into Etiquette Lessons;礼仪课引入行为引导型教学法的尝试与思考

4.The Application of "Behavior-oriented Teaching Method" in Higher Vocational English Teaching;行为引导型教学法在高职英语教学中的应用

5.The application of “Action-Leading” Methods in Practice Teaching;行为引导型教学法在实习教学中的应用

6.To promote "behavior-oriented" research methodology in the teaching electrician在电工教学中推广“行为引导型”教学法的研究

7.The Application of Behavior-orientated Mode of Teaching to PLC Applied Technology;行为引导的项目教学法在PLC应用技术课程教学中的应用

8.Action-oriented pedagogies on the course of computer maintaining and repairing.;“行为引导型教学法”与《计算机维护与维修》课程的教学实践

9.Thoughts caused by the Behavior-Oriented Teaching in Germany;由德国“行为导向教学”引起的思考

work Behavior of University Students and the Education Study Guide大学生网络行为特征及教育引导研究

11.On Behavior-Lead Based Didactical Method and Estimation of the Application Composition;基于行为引导的应用文教学方法及评估体系构建

12.A Case Study of Action-guiding Teaching Method in Sociocultural Comparative Study seminar;“行为引导型”教学法在“中德社会文化比较”课上的尝试

13.Applying Behavior-orientated Teaching Method into the Curriculum of "Theory and Servicing of Air-condition";行为引导型教学法在《空调器原理与维修》课程中的应用

14.A Research on Psychological Analysis and Educational Means for Students Violating Principles;大中专学生违纪行为的心理分析及教育引导方法初探

15.The application of behavior guide teaching in the course of Clinical Nursing Skills“行为引导型”教学在《临床护理技能》教学中的应用

16.Fresh probing of profession education pattern--Action boot mould education pattern;职业教育模式的新探索——行为引导型教学模式

17.Behavior Guidance and Administrative Courses Teaching Practice;“行为导向”教学法与管理专业教学实践

18.Application of Behavior-oriented Approach in the Teaching of Career Guidance行为导向教学法在《职业指导》课程教学中的运用


behavior-conducting teaching method行为引导教学方法

3)Action-oriented Teaching Method行为引导型教学法

1.The Application ofAction-oriented Teaching Method in the Mathematics Teaching of Vocational School;行为引导型教学法在职校数学教学中的应用

4)behavior-orientated mode of teaching行为引导教学

1.The article explores how to applybehavior-orientated mode of teaching to PLC applied technology.对如何在PLC应用技术课程教学中运用行为引导教学进行了探讨。

5)behavior leading teaching method行为引导型教学

1.The item teaching method is one of thebehavior leading teaching methods.项目教学法是行为引导型教学方法中的一种,它突破了传统的教学模式,通过解决学生身边的一些实际问题来实现学生对知识的掌握,大大提高了学生学习的积极性和主动性。

6)behavior-oriented teaching method行为导向教学法

1.Nowadays,the four-step andbehavior-oriented teaching method in German vocational education have applied in the teaching of vocational schools in China in some degree.德国职业教育中的四步教学法和行为导向教学法,目前已在我国职业技术院校教学中得到一定程度的应用。


