100字范文 > 压实试验 compaction test英语短句 例句大全

压实试验 compaction test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-25 08:31:56


压实试验 compaction test英语短句 例句大全

压实试验,compaction test

1)compaction test压实试验

1.A series of tests have been carried out, such as standardcompaction test, staticcompaction test so as to analyze static and dynamic mechanics characteristics systemically and get to know the engineering property of silt soil.通过标准击实试验、静力压实试验,系统地研究粉质土的动、静力学击实性能,明确粉质土的工程特性,并最终得出粉质土的静压力和压实的难易程度与颗粒级配以及液限等物理量之间的变化规律。


1.Study on the Aeolian Sand Compaction Experiment of Impact Vibratory Roller Model冲击振动压路机模型对风积沙压实试验研究

2.Study on the Loess Compaction Experiment of Impact Vibratory Roller Model冲击振动压路机模型对黄土压实试验的研究

3.Experimental Study on Vibration Test of Subgrade Compaction Degrees路基压实度的振动测试方法试验研究

4.hydraulic pressure test水压试验(俗名试压)

5.Debugging and Experiments of Inorganic Synthesis High-Temperature and High-pressure Apparatus;高温高压无机合成装置的调试与实验

6.Testing and Analyzing on Characteristic of PZT;压电陶瓷(PZT)特性的分析及实验测试

7.Experimental Study on the Standard of Compaction Quality of Subgrade by Detecting of Evd;Evd检测路基压实质量标准的试验研究

8.Experiment Research of Alfalfa Soil Compaction by Mowing Machine;割草机对苜蓿地土壤压实的试验研究

9.Test on unsaturated-remolded-compacted cohesive soil in triaxial condition非饱和重塑压实粘土的三轴剪切试验

10.Laboratory Study of Characteristic Testing for Piezoelectric Ceramic Micropositioning压电陶瓷微位移器特性测试实验研究

11.Hanging-basket Preloading Test and Analysis of Mensured Results某大桥挂篮预压试验及实测结果分析

12.Full scale burst experiment on high pressure test of gas pipelines输气管道高强度试压全尺寸爆破实验

13.Experiment and finite element model for optimizing pressure difference of hydraulic fracture well test压裂井试油压差优化的实验与有限元模型

14.bulge test打压试验, 扩管试验

15.oil pressure test for tightness油密试验油压密封试验

16.Did test cases include boundary, limit, stress and living testing?测试事例都包括范围,界限,压力和实例试验吗?

17.Study on Method of Instant Hammer Testing for Soil Compactness;土压实度的瞬态锤击测试方法试验研究

18.percussive test冲击试验滴油试验;滴油试验;降压试验;投落试验


compaction test压实试验;压实测试

3)shocking and compaction test冲击压实试验

4)gyratory compaction test旋转压实试验

5)Oscillatory compaction experiment振荡压实试验

6)vibration compacting experiments振动压实试验

1.With designed surface vibrating compactor, a series ofvibration compacting experiments of six kinds of gravel soils are carried out in laboratory, and a large amount of data about the vibration compaction of gravel soils under different vibration masses and different vibration frequencies as well as different action time of the vibration are obtained.利用自行研制开发的表面振动压实仪,对6种级配碎石土进行了室内振动压实试验,取得了不同激振力、不同激振频率和不同激振时间作用下的大量试验数据,研究了级配碎石土最大干密度与激振力、激振频率之间的火系。


