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碾压试验 roller compaction test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-21 08:59:08


碾压试验 roller compaction test英语短句 例句大全

碾压试验,roller compaction test

1)roller compaction test碾压试验

1.According to the result ofroller compaction test, points of construction of stabilized soft clay with lime are discussed.在论述石灰稳定土加固机理的基础上,结合现场风干堆积软粘土和石灰稳定软粘土的碾压试验结果,阐述了软粘土和石灰稳定软粘土的性状,同时,提出了石灰稳定软粘土的施工要点及施工质量控制。

2.The quality,the difficulty and the cost of roller compaction of concrete face rockfill dam(CFRD) is directly affected by the choice of roller compaction parameters,reasonable roller compaction parameters should be chosen through in-situroller compaction test before CFRD construction,and design controlling index of compaction is checked.大坝填筑施工前必须进行现场碾压试验以确定合理的碾压参数,并对设计控制标准进行复核。


1.Research and Application of Pebble Foundation Site Roller Compaction Testing砂卵石地基现场碾压试验研究与应用

2.Site test on roller compaction concrete of Yanwangbizi dam阎王鼻子水库坝体碾压混凝土现场碾压试验研究

3.Analysis on rolling compaction experiment of gravel soil material from Zone No.0 of borrow area for Pubugou Dam瀑布沟大坝砾石土料场0区材料碾压试验分析

4.The treatment technique of collapsible loess foundation impact rolling testing section湿陷性黄土地基冲击碾压试验路段处治技术

5.Studies on Embankment Matials Test and Compacting Test of Shui Niujia Power-station Embankment Dam Project;水牛家水电站大坝工程施工期筑坝材料试验及碾压试验研究

6.Study on Field Compaction Tests of Coal Gangue Used as Filler Material of Highway Embankment;煤矸石用作高速公路路基填料的现场碾压试验研究

7.Experiments and Application of Roller Compacted Concrete for Guangdong Shankou Dam;广东山口大坝碾压混凝土试验与应用

8.Experimental Research on Equivalent Strength of Roller Compacted Concrete Crack Director碾压混凝土诱导缝等效强度试验研究

9.Experimental and Numerical Study of RCC Dams Strengthened with Reinforcement in Monolith for Seismic Resistance;碾压混凝土坝配筋抗震措施的试验及数值研究

10.Study and Test on Engineering Properties of Sand-gravel Cushion;砂砾石碾压垫层的工程性能试验与研究

11.Researches of RCC Super Retarding Compound Additive;碾压混凝土坝超缓凝复合外加剂的试验研究

12.Experiment of Water-saving Irrigation Technology for Paddy Field by Pressing on Arenaceous Soils;沙壤土稻田碾压防渗节水灌溉技术试验研究

13.Experimental Study of RCC Gravity Dam Strengthened with Steel Reinforcement in Monolith for Seismic Resistance碾压混凝土重力坝抗震措施模型试验研究

14.Study on mix-proportion experiment of RCC of high volume of high calcium flyash大掺量高钙粉煤灰碾压混凝土配合比试验研究

15.Study on the mix proportion of roller compacted concrete at Gongguoqiao hydropower station功果桥电站碾压混凝土配合比试验研究

16.Sandy Gravel Roller-compacted Foundation Experiment of First-stage Construction of a Power Plant某电厂一期工程砂砾石碾压地基试验实录

17.Research on In-situ Shear Test of RCC for Pengshui Hydropower Station彭水水电站碾压混凝土原位抗剪试验研究

18.Experimental Research on Dynamic Rupture of RCC Gravity Dam碾压混凝土重力坝动力模型破坏试验研究


compaction test碾压试验

1.Large-scalecompaction tests have been carried out and compared with design compacted standards before embankment in order to ensure embankment parameter for dam construction.盘石头水库面板堆石坝,在填筑前进行了大型碾压试验,复核设计压实标准,确定各区筑坝材料的填筑参数,供坝体施工采用。

3)rolling experiment碾压试验

1.Productiverolling experiment on material from excavated debris for construction of Dalong Earth-rock Fill Dam;大隆水利枢纽土石坝石渣料现场生产性碾压试验

4)compacting test碾压试验

1.Based on the actual engineering an introduction is made on the methods and experience to gain the maximum dry density of fill whose grain size exceeds 60mm under the condition of optimum water content bycompacting test.结合具体工程实例,介绍对回填料粒径>60mm的回填土采取碾压试验求取最优含水量状态下的最大干密度的方法和经验。

5)roller compaction and vibratory compaction experiments碾压和振密试验

6)site tests现场碾压试验

1.In order to meet the roller compaction concrete construction needs of Yanwangbizi dam, two roller compactionsite tests were carried out respectively at the upstream longitudinal concrete cofferdam and at the spillway right guide wall.为了满足阎王鼻子水库坝体碾压混凝土施工需要 ,在水库上游纵向混凝土围堰和溢流坝右导墙进行了两次碾压混凝土现场碾压试验。


福建省第二座碾压混凝土坝——龙门滩一级水库福建省第二座碾压混凝土坝——龙门滩一级水库目 福建省第二座碾压混凝土坝— 龙门滩一级水库
