100字范文 > 击实试验 compaction test英语短句 例句大全

击实试验 compaction test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-13 00:25:34


击实试验 compaction test英语短句 例句大全

击实试验,compaction test

1)compaction test击实试验

1.Discussion on standardcompaction test of swelling clay in roadbed after gray-doped modification;路基膨胀土掺灰改性后标准击实试验的探讨

2.Discussion on the method to process data ofcompaction test;击实试验数据处理方法的探讨

3.Using Matlab realizes processing ofcompaction test data;用Matlab实现击实试验数据处理


1.Brief Analysis on the Main Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Compaction Test浅析影响击实试验准确性的主要因素

2.Predicting method of optimum water content in geotechnical compaction test土工击实试验中预估最优含水率的方法

3.Probe into relationship between plastic limit and water content of soil by light compaction test轻型击实试验中土的塑限与含水率关系的探讨

4.Firmness Testing of Potato with Impact Method冲击法检测马铃薯坚实度的试验研究

5.Study on Method of Instant Hammer Testing for Soil Compactness;土压实度的瞬态锤击测试方法试验研究

6.Laboratory glassware--Methods for thermal shock testGB/T6579-1986实验室玻璃仪器热冲击试验方法

7.Methods for thermal shock test of laboratory apparatus glass (stick method)GB/T15727-1995实验室仪器玻璃热冲击试验方法((棒状法)

8.percussive test冲击试验滴油试验;滴油试验;降压试验;投落试验

9.dieletric breakdown test绝缘击穿试验,电介质击穿试验

10.Study on the Aeolian Sand Compaction Experiment of Impact Vibratory Roller Model冲击振动压路机模型对风积沙压实试验研究

11.Study on the Loess Compaction Experiment of Impact Vibratory Roller Model冲击振动压路机模型对黄土压实试验的研究

12.Experimental Study on Existing Cement Concrete Pavement by Applying Impact Roller Compaction Technology旧水泥路面采用冲击压实技术现场试验研究

13.Interior Experimental Study On Compaction Engineering Characteristics of Weathered-soft-rock Subgrade Filling Materials风化软岩路基填料击实工程特性室内试验研究

14.Fixture Design Technology Research and Practice for Vibration and Shock Test振动冲击试验夹具设计技术研究与实践

15.The Experimental Research on Densification Performance of Typical Earth Mass in Panzhihua攀枝花地区典型土体击实性能试验研究

16.Thermoplastic pipes--Determination of resistance to external impact--True impact rate methodGB/T14152-1993热塑性塑料管材耐外冲击性能试验方法真实冲击率法

17.track impact fatigue testing machine轨道冲击疲劳试验机

18.rotating bar impact fatigue test转杆式冲击疲劳试验


compaction tests击实试验

3)light-compacting experimental method轻型击实试验法

4)heavy-compacting experimental method重型击实试验法

5)wet compaction test湿法击实试验

6)tamping at three points"三点击实"试验法


