100字范文 > 楚州区 Chuzhou District英语短句 例句大全

楚州区 Chuzhou District英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-17 18:18:00


楚州区 Chuzhou District英语短句 例句大全

楚州区,Chuzhou District

1)Chuzhou District楚州区

1.The Research on the Features of the Transformation in the Farmers Income inChuzhou District and the Strategy of Increasing the Farmers Income in New Period;淮安市楚州区农民收入变化特征及新时期增收策略研究


1.Investigation on the Releasing and Transfernce of Rural Labour Force in Chuzhou District, Huaina City;淮安市楚州区农村劳动力释放与转移问题研究

2.Current situation, Problems and Countermeasures of Direct Sowing Rice Production in Chuzhou楚州区直播稻生产现状及存在问题和对策

3.The Research on the Features of the Transformation in the Farmers Income in Chuzhou District and the Strategy of Increasing the Farmers Income in New Period;淮安市楚州区农民收入变化特征及新时期增收策略研究

4.Death Data Analysis of Malignant Tumors among Residents during Two-stage Investigation in Chuzhou District and Jinhu County淮安市楚州区与金湖县两阶段居民恶性肿瘤死亡资料分析

5.Ecological Regionalization Methods of Tobacco-planting in Chuxiong楚雄州烤烟种植的生态区划方法研究

6.The Discrimination of the Relationship Between the Royalty in Shan dong and Zhi zhou in Chu zhou in Nan song;南宋楚州知州与山东忠义关系之辨析

7.Political interests: About to step down after six years as governor of Chukotka, in far north-east Russia.政治兴趣:在任俄罗斯东北部偏远地区楚科塔州长6年之后,正在谋求卸任。

8.Study on the Change of Chu State s Western Territory through the Chu Tomb in the Xiajiang Area;从峡江地区的楚墓看楚国的西境变化

9.Annotations on Zhou Bangyan s Passing by Yangzhou Four Times and a Historical Study of Yue Chuyun,a Local Singing Lady;周邦彦四过扬州词以及扬州歌妓即岳楚云考证

10.A theoretical analysis of and practical reflections on the strategy of constructing Chuxiong Prefecture through intellectuals ;楚雄州“人才立州”战略的理论分析与实践思考

11.Probing into the Architectural Design Art of Hsuchou Han Tombs of King Chu;徐州汉代楚王墓葬建筑设计艺术初探

12.The Growth Strategy Research of Guizhou Environmental Protection Co.Ltd;贵州楚天环保有限公司发展战略研究

13.Problems and countermeasures in county economy development of Chuxiong prefecture;楚雄州县域经济发展中的问题与对策

14.Analysis of Traffic Accidents Injury on 1204 Cases;楚雄州急救中心交通事故伤1204例分析

15.Reflections on the characteristics of Chuxiong tourism resources and its developing strategies;楚雄州旅游资源特色与发展战略思考

16.Analysis of Cut Time about the Chu King Mausoleum of the Western Han Dynasty in Shi Zi Shan Xu Zhou City;徐州狮子山西汉楚王墓开凿时间考析

17.Eco-development Strategies for Rural Tourism of Chuxiong Prefecture试论楚雄州乡村旅游的生态发展对策

18.People of all sorts in our society have been clearly revealed for what they are.社会上各种人物的嘴脸,被区别得清清楚楚。


Zhi Zhou in Chu Zhou楚州知州


1.Division Analysis of Climate and Ecology Type of Main Flue-cured Tobacco Cultivation Area inChuxiong;楚雄州烤烟主要种植区气候生态类型区划分析

2.SWOT Analysis on Human Resources Development ofChuxiong Prefecture楚雄州人才资源开发分析

3.By using the method of GIS integration and geo-informatic tupu overlay,the habitat restoration of YI medicine resource inChuxiong area in Yunnan province is studi.为了对我国中药资源数字化的深入研究提供基础,提出利用现代GIS技术与地学图谱叠加相结合的方法进行生境恢复研究,建立了生境恢复的评价指标体系,并以云南楚雄州为研究区域,进行了彝药资源的生境恢复研究案例。

4)Chuxiong prefecture楚雄州

1.Problems and countermeasures in county economy development ofChuxiong prefecture;楚雄州县域经济发展中的问题与对策

2.An analysis of the reform of social security system in Chuxiong Prefecture;楚雄州社会保障制度改革探析

3.distributed inChuxiong prefecture namely Cycas panzhihuaonsis,Cycas pectinata,Cycas simplicipinna and Cycas parvula,all of which distribute in Jinsha River basin,branch valley,Lishejiang River basin and branch valley.经研究判定,楚雄州分布有4种野生苏铁:攀枝花苏铁、篦齿苏铁、单羽苏铁、元江苏铁。

5)Chuxiong Yi nationality autonomous prefecture楚雄彝州

1.Speeding up reform and innovation of system of household registration actively are the important measure to promote the urbanization development ofChuxiong Yi nationality autonomous prefecture and to accelerate moderately prosperous society establishing.积极加快户籍管理制度改革和创新,是促进楚雄彝州城镇化发展,加快小康社会建设的重要举措。

6)Bachu area巴楚地区

1.Reservoir geological models of reef complexes in the Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formation in theBachu area, Tarim basin, and its implications for hydrocarbon exploration in the Tazhong area, Xinjiang, China.;塔里木盆地巴楚地区中奥陶统一间房组露头礁滩复合体储层地质建模及其对塔中地区油气勘探的启示

2.Study on hydrogeologic conditions of Pliocene inBachu area,northwest margin of Tailm basin,Xinjiang;新疆塔里木盆地巴楚地区上新统地下水动力条件分析

3.The characteristics of intrusive rocks and their influence on carbonate reservoir development in theBachu area,Tarim basin;巴楚地区碳酸盐岩中深成侵入岩特征及其对储层发育的影响


