100字范文 > 滁州鲫 Chuzhou crucian carp英语短句 例句大全

滁州鲫 Chuzhou crucian carp英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-29 13:45:57


滁州鲫 Chuzhou crucian carp英语短句 例句大全

滁州鲫,Chuzhou crucian carp

1)Chuzhou crucian carp滁州鲫

1.The Chuzhou Crucian carp is a native species of Crucian carp in ChuZhou reservoir.滁州鲫是安徽省滁州市城西水库中的一地方性天然种群。


1.Analysis of Genetic Difference at Molecular Level among Chuzhou Carp,Fangzheng Silver Crucian Carp and Pengze Carp滁州鲫·方正银鲫和彭泽鲫分子遗传差异的分析

2.Research on the Thought of Agricultural Structure Adjustment in Chuzhou City;现阶段滁州市农业结构调整思路探讨

3.Investigation and Analysis of the Rural Labor Transfer in Chuzhou City滁州市农村劳动力转移的调查与分析

4.An Analysis of the Publication of Papers by the Teachers of Chuzhou University in Recent Eight Years滁州学院近八年来教师发表论文分析

5.The Characteristics of Tourist Distribution in Chuzhou City and the Research on Potential Market;滁州市客流时空分布特征与潜在市场研究

6.The Basic Pattern of New Rural Construction and Development Countermeasure Research of Chouzhou City;滁州市新农村建设基本模式及发展对策研究

7.Study on Sustainable Development of Chuzhou City Based on the Ecological Footprint;基于生态足迹的滁州市可持续发展研究

8.Analysis of the Present Situation of Body-Building Exercises of Chuzhou Middle-Aged Women Intellectuals;滁州市中年知识女性体育健身现状分析

9.Driving forces of land use change and countermeasures in Chuzhou city;滁州市土地利用变化驱动力及对策研究

10.Tradition and Symbol;传统与象征——对《滁州西涧》和《游园不值》的现代解析

11.The Research Based on the COSO Framework of the Internal Control System of Chuzhou Branch of China Construction Bank基于COSO框架的滁州建行内控制度建设研究

12.Design and Implementation of Immovable Historical Relics Management Information System of Chuzhou滁州市不可移动文物管理信息系统设计和实现

13.Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Foreign Trade and Economic Growth in Chuzhou滁州市对外贸易与经济增长关系的实证分析

14.The Exploration of the Construction of Chuzhou City in Regional Environment区域背景下的滁州市城镇体系构建探讨

15.Investigation of the Landscape Trees in the Campus of Chuzhou Vocational Technology College滁州职业技术学院园林树木种类调查与分析

16.Making Rainstorm Forecasting System of Chuzhou City by Using T213 Physical Data利用T213物理量资料制作滁州市暴雨预报系统

17.We are located in Chuzhou (nearly Nanjing), Province Anhui / P.R.C. and manufacturer of SIEMENS refrigerators and freezers.我们地处安徽省滁州市(临近南京市),是西门子冰箱在中国的生产商。

18.From the formula the relative change rates of land use various counties (cities, districts) of Chuzhou can be derived.由公式可以得出滁州市各县(市、区)土地利用变化相对变化率。



1.Report on the Application of Trace Element Fertilizerof Daoduoshou inChuzhou in 1995;微肥“稻多收”1995年滁州市应用试验报告

2.Geochronology and geochemistry ofChuzhou and Shangyaopu adakitic intrusive rocks in the eastern area of Anhui province:Implications for petrogenesis and mineralization;皖东滁州、上腰铺埃达克质侵入岩年代学及地球化学特征:岩石成因与成矿意义

3.X-ray Powder Diffraction and Infrared Absorption Spectroscopic Study of Sericite fromChuzhou;滁州绢云母XRD和红外分析的研究

3)Chuzhou City滁州市

1.Driving forces of land use change and countermeasures in Chuzhou city;滁州市土地利用变化驱动力及对策研究

parative study on prediction models of population scale in Chuzhou city;滁州市人口规模预测模型比较研究

3.On Coordination Between Urbanization and Farmland Area ofChuzhou City in Recent 30 Years;滁州市近30年来耕地数量与城市化之间协调性研究


1.Study on Sustainable Use of Land Resources in a Typical Area in Mid China: A Case inChuzhou,Anhui Province;中国中部典型地区土地资源可持续利用研究——以安徽省滁州市为例

2.Investigation and Research on Current Situation and Developing Measure of Countryside Primary and Middle School Physical Education inChuzhou;滁州市农村中小学体育现状调查与发展对策研究

3.Analysis of the Present Situation of Body-Building Exercises ofChuzhou Middle-Aged Women Intellectuals;滁州市中年知识女性体育健身现状分析

5)Chuzhou Anhui安徽滁州

6)the area of Chuzhou滁州地区

1.The investigation of kill-insect plantresources inthe area of Chuzhou;滁州地区杀虫植物资源调查初报


滁州醉翁亭位于琅琊山麓,是安徽省著名古迹之一,为我国名亭之一。宋代大散文家欧阳修写的传世之作——《醉翁亭记》,记的就是此亭。醉翁亭建于北宋仁宗庆历六年(公元1046年)。欧阳修被贬到滁州作太守,感于时愤,寄情山水,常与宾朋来琅琊山游玩,在琅琊寺饮酒抒怀。琅琊山和尚智仙很同情和敬爱欧阳修,为了给欧阳修歇脚和饮酒,就在半山腰造了这座亭子。欧阳修自号“醉翁”,便为这亭子题名为“醉翁亭”。 亭屡经废兴。醉翁亭落成后,吸引了不少游人。当时的太常博士沈遵便慕名而来,观赏之余,创作了琴曲《醉翁吟》(一曰《太守操》),欧阳修亲为配词。现在冯公祠前面的一副对联“泉声如听太守操,海日已照琅琊山”,便是说的这件事。事隔数年之后,欧阳修和沈遵重逢,“夜阑酒半”,沈遵操琴弹《醉翁吟》,“宫声三迭”,“有如凤轻日暖好鸟语,夜静山响春泉鸣”。琴声勾起了欧公对当年在亭间游饮往事的追忆,即作诗以赠。醉翁亭初建时只有一座亭子,北宋末年,知州唐俗在其旁建同醉亭。到了明代,开始兴盛起来。相传当时房屋已建到“数百柱”,可惜后来多次遭到破坏。清代咸丰年间,整个庭园成为一片瓦砾。直到光绪七年(公元1881年),全椒观察使薛时雨主持重修,才使醉翁亭恢复了原样。醉翁亭在层林溅谷之中,是包括以醉翁亭为主的一大群亭台楼阁的建筑群,依山临水,有花棂粉墙环绕,飞檐立柱,雕梁画栋,亭台错落。醉翁亭一带的建筑,布局紧凑别致,亭台小巧独特,具有江南园林特色,总面积虽不到1000平方米,却有九处互不雷同的建筑、景致。醉翁亭、宝宋斋、冯公祠、古梅亭、影香亭、意在亭、怕亭、古梅亭、览余台,风格各异,人称“醉翁九景”。醉翁亭前有让泉,泉旁是小溪,终年水声潺潺,清澈见底。亭中有宋代文学家、书法家苏轶手书的《醉翁亭记》碑刻,称为“欧文苏字”。亭后最高处有一高台,曰“玄帝宫”,登台环视,但见亭前群山涌翠,横呈眼底,亭后林涛起伏,飞传耳际,犹如置身画中。醉翁亭因欧阳修及其《醉翁亭记》而闻名遐迩,数百年来虽然多次遭劫,但终不为人所忘,曾有人撰写了一副对联:“翁去八百载,醉乡犹在;山行六七里,亭影不孤。”解放后,人民政府将醉翁亭列为省级重点文物保护单位,并多次整修。如今,这处千载胜境,更加壮观诱人。
