100字范文 > 锦鲤幼鱼 Crucian carp fingerlings英语短句 例句大全

锦鲤幼鱼 Crucian carp fingerlings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-11 10:12:30


锦鲤幼鱼 Crucian carp fingerlings英语短句 例句大全

锦鲤幼鱼,Crucian carp fingerlings

1)Crucian carp fingerlings锦鲤幼鱼


1.Studies on the Sensitivity of Larvae of Fancy Carp(Brocarded carp)in the Water with 0.5% NaCl to Three Kinds of Medicine0.5%NaCl水体中日本锦鲤幼鱼对3种药物的敏感性

2.Research on accumulate of heavy metal ions copper and lead in Cyprinus carpioi juveniles重金属离子铜、铅在锦鲤鱼幼鱼体内积累的研究

3.Welcome the people from all walks of life to approach this breeding farm wholesale brocade carp, the retail sales brocade carp, the ornamental fish, welcome presence.欢迎各界人士来临本养殖场批发锦鲤、零售锦鲤、观赏鱼,欢迎光临!

4."cyprinoid:Of, relating to, or resembling a carp or other cyprinid fish.""鲤鱼的,鲤科鱼的:鲤鱼或鲤科鱼的,有关或似鲤鱼或鲤科鱼的"

5.Of, relating to, or resembling a carp or other cyprinid fish.鲤鱼的,鲤科鱼的鲤鱼或鲤科鱼的,有关或似鲤鱼或鲤科鱼的

6.Any of various fishes of the family Cyprinidae.鲤科鱼鲤科鱼的一种

7.Investigation of Endobiotic Helminths of Larval Carps in Huangzhou Stretch of the Long River and Proper Utilization of Fish Resource长江黄州段幼鲤体内寄主蠕虫的调查及鱼类资源的合理利用

8.carp in brown sauce红烧鲤鱼煲[江浙]

9.Effect of Meal Size on Specific Dynamic Action in Juvenile Crucian Carp摄食水平对锦鲫幼鱼特殊动力作用的影响

10.Any of numerous often small freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae, which includes the minnows, carps, and shiners.鲤;鲤科鱼鲤科中通常为淡水鱼的一种鱼,其中包括鲤科小鱼、鲤鱼和银色小鱼

11.Genetic Diversity and Genetic Differentiation of Koi Carp, Long-feng Carp and Long-fin Carp长鳍鲤、锦鲤和龙凤鲤的遗传多样性研究

12.European carp closely resembling wild goldfish.非常象金鱼的欧洲鲤鱼。

13.A small Eurasian freshwater fish(Gobio gobio) related to the carp and used for bait.鮈鱼一种小型的亚欧淡水鱼(鮈鱼鲤科),与鲤鱼近缘,用作鱼饵

14.Lei Yu Mun Park and Holiday Village鲤鱼门公园及度假村

15.He is interested in the cultivation of trout in ponds.他喜欢在池中养鲤鱼。

16.I like the white carp most.我最喜欢白色的鲤鱼。

17.Study on genetic diversity of Longfin carp,Koi carp and Longfeng carp by microsatellite markers利用微卫星标记分析长鳍鲤、锦鲤和龙凤鲤的遗传多样性

18.A young or small fish, especially a young salmon or trout.鱼苗幼鱼或小鱼,尤指幼鲑鱼或鲑鳟鱼


larval carps鲤鱼幼鱼

1.The toxicity of copper、zinc and cadmium to thelarval carps was determined.研究了铜、锌、镉三种重金属对鲤鱼幼鱼的毒性作用,以及铜和锌在鲤鱼幼鱼中的积累。

3)Brocarded Carp锦鲤鱼

1.]Acute Toxicity of Three Nitrobenzene Compounds TowardBrocarded Carp;3种硝基苯污染物对锦鲤鱼的急性毒性

2.The Acute Toxicity Effect of P-NCB on Brocarded carp;对氯硝基苯对锦鲤鱼的急性毒性效应

3.Acute Toxicity of P-NCB and DNCB to Brocarded carp;对氯硝基苯和2,4-二硝基氯苯对锦鲤鱼急性毒性作用

4)Juvenile carp鲤幼鱼

1.Juvenile carp s fishin 24 h, 48 h and 96 h LC_(50) was 1.通过急性毒性试验得出鲤幼鱼在24h、48h和96h的半致死浓度(LC_(50))分别为1。

5)juvenile crucian carp锦鲫幼鱼

1.The pre-feeding and postprandial oxygen consumption rate(V o2)injuvenile crucian carp are fed with 0,0.00%体重等不同摄食水平的锦鲫幼鱼在摄食前和摄食后的耗氧率。

6)Brocarded Carp锦鲤

1.The acute toxicity effect of P-NCB toBrocarded Carp(Cyprinus carpio);对氯硝基苯对锦鲤(Cyprinus carpio)的急性毒性试验

2.Acute toxicity test of several common drugs for Brocarded carp;几种常用药物对锦鲤的急性中毒试验


锦乡鱼米原料:青鱼种段 300 克 ,青椒 25 克 ,胡萝卜 30 克 ,水发香菇 5 克 。调料:精制油 500 克 (耗 40 克 ),黄酒 4 克 ,盐 2.5 克 ,味精 1 克 ,鸡蛋 1 只,葱、姜、生粉适量。制作方法:⒈青鱼中段洗净,去骨去皮,切成绿豆大小的粒状,用少许葱姜水,加盐、酒、味精、鸡蛋清、生粉 5 克 上浆待用,青椒、胡萝卜、香菇均切成鱼米状大小,待用。⒉锅中放入油,烧至三成熟,将鱼米倒入滑散,至熟时放入鱼米等翻炒,用水生粉勾芡,淋少许熟油即可。特点:刀工精细,色泽美观适合年龄: 1 岁半以上幼儿食用。
