100字范文 > 处州方言 Chuzhou dialects英语短句 例句大全

处州方言 Chuzhou dialects英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-07 08:55:03


处州方言 Chuzhou dialects英语短句 例句大全

处州方言,Chuzhou dialects

1)Chuzhou dialects处州方言

1.Based on the practical investigation with geographical linguistic method,this paper studies the phonetic feature of haoyaoyun ofChuzhou dialects as Wu dialects from historical stratum.通过实地调查,运用地理语言学的研究方法,平面揭示吴语处州方言豪、肴二韵的语音特点,并对其历史层次进行分析。

2.,labiodental initial consonants) inChuzhou dialects,a south-Zhejiang branch of the Wu dialect,analyzing the historical stratum of these consonants from the perspective of geographical linguistics.本文在实地调查的基础上,描写了吴语处州方言非组字声母的读音特点,并从地理语言学角度,对处州方言非组声母读音的历史层次进行分析。

3.Based on the data investigated mostly by the author, this paper studies the geographical distribution of "spider"inChuzhou dialects (belonging to Wu dialects) by using geographical linguistic method.运用地理语言学的研究方法考察"蜘蛛"一词在吴语处州方言的地理分布状况,通过语言地图静态的横向地理比较,展示"蜘蛛"一词动态的纵向历史演变过程,并分析其地理和历史的变化原因。


1.Non-linguistic Factors and the Geographical Distribution and Evolution of Chuzhou Dialect非语言因素与吴语处州方言的分布和演变

2.Distinguishing Words and the Dynamic Geographic Classification of Chuzhou(处州) Dialects;鉴别词与吴语处州方言的动态地理分类

3.On Historical Stratum of the Phonological Features of Labiodental nitial Consonants in Chuzhou Dialects:A Geographical-Linguistics Analysis;吴语处州方言非组声母读音历史层次的地理语言学分析

4.The Tackling of Tone Sandhi in Kunshan Dialect and a Comparison Between It and Shanghai & Suzhou Dialects;昆山方言连读变调的处理及与上海、苏州的比较

5.Maps of the Suzhou Dialect《苏州方言地图集》

6.Researches on Speech Activities of Bidialectal Area in South Hunan Province;湘南(郴州)双方言的社会语言学透视

7.A Lanzhou dialect corpus for speech engineering一个面向言语工程的兰州方言语料库

8.Dialectal Comparison, History of Dialectal Areas and Dialectal Division: A Case Study of fenyinci in Jin Dialects and qiejiaoci in Min Dialects;方言比较、区域方言史与方言分区——以晋语分音词和福州切脚词为例

9.The Vocabulary Change of Xuzhou Dialect in the Last Sixty Years --The Investigation of Tendency of Xuzhou Dialect s closing to Common Speech (II);徐州方言词汇60年来的变化——徐州方言向普通话靠拢趋势考察之二

10.Research on Native Youngsters Attitudes Towards Huizhou Dialect;惠州本土年轻人对惠州方言的态度研究

pare and Study on the Dialects of Xuzhou, Hongdong, Luoyang, Zhengzhou and Jingxiang;徐州及洪洞、洛阳、郑州、金乡方言的比较研究

12.The Effect of Language Contact on the Evolvement of Voiced Initials in ChenZhou Dialect语言接触对郴州方言古全浊声母演变的影响

13.A Study of the Protection of Suzhou Dialect--A Survey on the Status Quo of the Dialects in the Region of Suzhou;苏州地方特色语言保护研究——对苏州地区语言生态状况的调查

14.(Maine colloquial) temporary summer resident of coastal Maine.(缅因州方言)缅因海滨的夏日临时居民。

15.Analysis of Some English Pronunciation Errors Made by Lanzhou Primary School Students;兰州方言区小学生英语发音错误分析

paring the "you(有)+V" in Mandarin with the "you(有)+V" in Fuzhou Dialect;福州方言与普通话“有+V”格式之差异

17.On "Zao Qi","Zao Dun" and "Tou Zao" in Zhangzhou Dialects;说漳州方言中的“早起”、“早顿”和“头早”

18.The Sentence Pattern of "adj.+li+no+noun" for the Emphasis of Degree in Xinzhou Dialect;忻州方言强调程度的“形+哩+没+名”句式


Xuzhou dialect徐州方言

1.Investigating of Closing Tendency to the Common Speechof the Chinese Language in Xuzhou Dialect -- The Analysis of Changing Characteristics and Phonetic Differences Between old Groups and Young Groups;徐州方言向普通话靠拢趋势的考察——新老派语音差异及变化特点分析

2.This article selects a part of custom vocabulary ofXuzhou dialect to investigate the changes in the local old age,middle-aged and young people and analyze reasons,discusse the present situation and the development tendency of the change.本文选取一部分徐州方言的民俗词语,考察其在当地老年、中年和青年人中的变化,分析产生这些变化的原因,探讨这种变化的现状与发展趋势。

3.There are two literary and colloquial reading systems,one old and one young,in the entering tone words ofXuzhou dialect.徐州方言入声字存在着年龄层面上新老两派文白异读系统,老派音文读和白读之间,韵母不存在对立,大都是[e],而声调上对立整齐,凸显了文白异读中声调手段的强表达功能;文读的阴平调值向44靠拢。

3)Yongzhou dialect永州方言

1.Therefore,according to that,the paper has tested 35 original verb words of the etymological notes inYongzhou dialect.文章考求方言本字,根据的是古今语音对应规律、词义的相关性与古文献资料印证三条标准,并据此考证了永州方言本字中的30个动词。

4)Fuzhou dialect福州方言

1.Some Witty-and-dark Words in Fuzhou Dialect;福州方言隐实示虚趣难词

2.Most previous studies argue thatFuzhou dialect uses both.各主要方言的通用量词是"复"或"個",一般认为福州方言兼用二者。

5)Wanzhou dialect万州方言

1.Wanzhou dialect belongs to southwest mandarin of northern language family.万州方言属于汉语北方方言区西南官话成渝方言片的万州话点。

6)Quanzhou dialect泉州方言

1.As the living fossil of ancient Chinese,theQuanzhou dialect carries the generous Minnan cultures.泉州方言作为古汉语的"活化石",同时承载着丰厚的闽南文化。

2.The classification and usuage of demonstrative pronouns with basic form ofQuanzhou dialect are studied.文章对泉州方言基本形指示代词的分类和使用进行初步的研究,作者认为泉州方言的指示代词可以进行四分,且在使用上有一些特殊性,同时作者对基本形指示代词的来源进行一些探讨。

3.This paper studies the preposition system ofQuanzhou dialect.本文主要讨论了几大范畴的泉州方言介词,主要包括:时空介词、施受介词和对象介词。


