100字范文 > 《方言》 Dialect英语短句 例句大全

《方言》 Dialect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-04 00:02:39


《方言》 Dialect英语短句 例句大全



1.Dialect and linguistic thinking of Yangxiong;《方言》与扬雄的语言思想

2.On the Relation Between NanchuDialect and ChuDialect According to DIALECT by Yangxiong in Western Han Dynasty;论扬雄《方言》中南楚方言与楚方言的关系

3.OnDialect's Record and Narration of the Archaism and the Modern Language of Er Ya;论《方言》对《尔雅》古今语的记述


1.On the Relation Between Nanchu Dialect and Chu Dialect According to DIALECT by Yangxiong in Western Han Dynasty;论扬雄《方言》中南楚方言与楚方言的关系

2.The Dialect Words in Zhouyi Viewed from Fangyan;从《方言》看《周易》古经中的方言词

3.Wu dialect, Min dialect, Cantonese, Xiang dialect, Gan dialect, Hui dialect, Jin dialect, Pinghua dialect.吴方言、闽方言、粤方言、湘方言、赣方言、徽方言、津方言、平话。

4.A spoken language or dialect.语言说的语言或方言

5.A regional dialect, especially one without a literary tradition.方言一地区方言,尤指不具文学传统的方言

6.Illustration of Dialect Homophone Misuse in the Chapter of Dialects in Records of History in Hexi District;河西方志方言章误用“方言同音字”类举

7.Maps of the Suzhou Dialect《苏州方言地图集》

8.in the vernacular用方言 [白话文]

9.The Comparison Between Xi ning Dialect and Wu Dialect西宁方言与吴方言的一些语言现象之比较

10.Should this happen, would there still be a place for dialects in Singapore society?方言呢?到那时还有方言的地位吗?

11.A group of vernacular Indic dialects spoken in northern India.北印度方言北印度乡土方言的集成

12.the dialect of Chinese spoken in Beijing and adopted as the official language for all of China.北京方言而且作为中国的官方语言。

13.belonging to or characteristic of a dialect.属于方言的,或有方言特征的。

14.The Minnan dialect of Chinese spoken on Taiwan.台湾方言台湾所讲的中国闽南方言

15.One who specializes in the study of dialects.方言学家专门研究方言的人

16.Regional speech or dialect.方言,土语某个地区的地方语言或土话

17.The dialect of English spoken in Kent.肯特方言属英语的肯特方言

18.Vocabulary Differences between Jiangxi s Wucheng Dialect and Nanchang Dialect;江西吴城方言与南昌方言的词汇差别



1.An Attempt to Expound the Materials of Native Accent inDialects;试论《方言》用字中的方音标音材料

2.On the Strange Words in Yang Xiong sDialects;扬雄《方言》“奇字”考(上)——兼析《方言》“奇字”的表词特点

3.Studies on the "Grotesque Characters" in Yang Xiong′sDialects试论扬雄《方言》的“用字之奇”


1.The Dialect Words in Zhouyi Viewed fromFangyan;从《方言》看《周易》古经中的方言词

2.Fangyan(方言) is the first writing of Chinese dialectology,and in the history of ancient Chinese it occupies an important position.《方言》是我国第一部汉语方言学著作,在中国古代语言学史上占有重要地位。

4)Fang Yan《方言》

1.On the Circulation of Editions ofFang Yan and Proofreading of inFang Yan Character Revision;《方言》版本流传及文字校订

2.Study onFang Yan and Yang Xiong"s Ideology of Lexics;《方言》与扬雄词汇学思想研究

3.To be specific, the thesis makes a comparative study of the quotations ofFang Yan in Li Shan s annotations to Wen Xuan andFang Yan Jiao Jian by Zhou Zumo.本文對《文選》李善注所引《方言》材料與周祖謨先生的《方言校箋》進行了比較研究,逐條考核並歸納出李善注引《方言》的特點,分析其引用的貢獻和失誤。


1.Mandarin HINT Test on ChineseDialect Speakers with Normal Hearing;汉语普通话噪声中听力测试材料在不同方言正常人中的应用研究

2.Research of TVDialect Programmes from the Perspective of Linguistics;从语言学视角看方言电视节目

3.Research of language model in automatic chinese dialect identification system;汉语方言自动辨识系统中的语言建模


1.Dialects and Research of Minorities Culture;略论方言与少数民族文化研究

2.Dialects and Foreign Language Learning方言与外语学习问题——有关河源职业技术学院的问卷调查与分析

3.Radio broadcasting programs in localdialects have broke down the domination of Mandarin,which is because of not only a full display of colorful territory languages,but also the inevitable market-oriented operation of broadcasting.广播播音方言化使得普通话节目一统天下的播音格局被彻底打破。


