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方言特色 dialect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-14 07:00:13


方言特色 dialect英语短句 例句大全



1.The adoption of Tianjin localdialect and massive usage of various rhetoric skills give unique, splendid and diverse linguistic characteristics to FENG s novels.结合天津方言特色,多种修辞手段的大量运用,使文章的语言异彩纷呈、独具特色。

2)language features语言特色

1.The music of Yuan Dynasty has its own specificlanguage features.元代散曲语言特色的形成是由于散曲产生于民间俚曲小调,又有北方少数民族文化的影响,同时也由元代文人特定的社会地位所决定。

2.This paper compares and expounds the language of Lonely Hearts ads mainly from itslanguage features(vocabulary feature, syntax feature, rhetoric feature),self forms of address, self statement language types, and main body style feature and so on and points out that vocabulary, syntax arid.本文以随机抽样的方式从1987年—全国各地的报刊杂志和网上的征婚启事中选取了718则,着重从征婚启事的语言特色即词汇特色,句法特色,修辞特色,自我称谓形式,自我陈述语言类型及正文文体特色等六个方面对征婚启事语言进行比较、论述。

3.This novel best shows hislanguage features.该小说充分体现了他的语言特色。


1.Pragmatic Analysis of the Written Business English;商务英语书面语语言特色的语用分析

2.An Interpretation of Chuang Tzu "Zhong Speech" Poetic Language Feature;解读《庄子》“重言”的诗质语言特色

3.A Pragmatic Approach to Verbal Features of Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》语言特色的语用学研究

4.An Analytic Study of Advertising English and Its Translation;广告英语的语言特色、翻译标准及策略


6.Language Features of the Headline of English Sports News Report in the Internet谈网络英语体育新闻标题的语言特色

7.A Comparative Study about the Linguistic Features of Chinese Advertisement and Japanese Advertisement from the Perspective of Cultural Linguistics;文化语言学视角下的中日广告语言特色比较

8.A Contrastive Study of Female Language Features in Speech Act between English and Chinese;言语行为中女性语言特色英汉对比研究

9.Analysis of the Language Characteristics of "the Collected Works of New Circles";语言斑斓现精神——探析《新文坛全传》的语言特色

10.Case Analysis for Features of Pragmatics Language and Social Pragmatics of Chinese-English Logo中英文对照标识语的语用语言特色和社会语用特色例析

11.A Contrasting Analysis of Language Features Between Advertising English and Business English广告英语与商务英语语言特色对比分析

12.Appreciation Visualization--The Language Features of Mobile Phone Message;审美视觉化——手机短信的语言特色浅议

13.Characteristics of Press Title of 《TITAN SPORTS》;论《体坛周报》新闻标题的语言特色

14.On the Language Feathers in "The Catcher in Rye";浅析《麦田里的守望者》之语言特色

15.On the Linguistic Characteristics of "Xifengji" and the Reasons for the Writing;试论《喜风集》的语言特色及其成因

16.The History Position and Language Characters of“Nineteen Ancient Poem”;《古诗十九首》的历史地位及语言特色

17.From the Jin Bonze (金和尚)See the LanguageFeatures of Liaozhaizhiyi(聊斋志异);从《金和尚》看《聊斋志异》的语言特色

18.A Preliminary Approach to the Three Features of Body Language In Communication;浅析身势语在言语交际中的三大特色


language features语言特色

1.The music of Yuan Dynasty has its own specificlanguage features.元代散曲语言特色的形成是由于散曲产生于民间俚曲小调,又有北方少数民族文化的影响,同时也由元代文人特定的社会地位所决定。

2.This paper compares and expounds the language of Lonely Hearts ads mainly from itslanguage features(vocabulary feature, syntax feature, rhetoric feature),self forms of address, self statement language types, and main body style feature and so on and points out that vocabulary, syntax arid.本文以随机抽样的方式从1987年—全国各地的报刊杂志和网上的征婚启事中选取了718则,着重从征婚启事的语言特色即词汇特色,句法特色,修辞特色,自我称谓形式,自我陈述语言类型及正文文体特色等六个方面对征婚启事语言进行比较、论述。

3.This novel best shows hislanguage features.该小说充分体现了他的语言特色。

3)language feature语言特色

1.It mainly discusses the writing techniques,language feature, vocabulary, grammar, and rhetoric devices of English advertisment.文中对广告英语的语言特色进行了分析和归纳,着重探讨了广告英语的结构及其写作特点、语言特征、用词特色。

2.So, necessary knowledge of thelanguage features of English newspapers and periodicals is much helpful for readers to promote their understanding and.在信息时代里,阅读英文报刊是获得信息的主要渠道之一,但是英文报刊文章不同于一般文章,它已形成一种使用性很强的功能语体,并借自己的特点成为语言运用形式的一个组成部分,因此,掌握英文报刊的语言特色有助于提高对英文报刊文章的理解与欣赏。

4)language characteristics语言特色

1.As a special type of English,advertising English differs from general English inlanguage characteristics.广告英语是一种特殊的文体 ,其语言特色不同于普通英语。

2.This paper probes into thelanguage characteristics of cross talk.本文从相声语言特色这一视野时相声语言进行粗浅探究。

3.Thelanguage characteristics and styles of Su Shi s prose are as follows: the language is not only simple and brief,but also vivid and beautiful;his prose is mainly composed of short and simple sentences and antithesis is frequently used as well;various figure of speech is also employed in his prose which make his works more natural,vivid and concise.苏轼散文的语言特色与创作个性,在语言上,注重平易自然,明快畅达,但又不乏活泼生动,圆畅流美;以散语为主,长短错落,连用排偶句,凝重与流美结合;好用善用比喻,新奇而不生硬,以自然妥贴取胜;语言形象精炼,言简意赅,具有丰富的表现力。

5)language characteristic语言特色

1.The paper from five aspects elaborates thelanguage characteristic shown in the feminine words,demonstrates the unique artistic charm in the female creation.从五个侧面阐述了女性词作的语言特色,展示了女性创作独特的艺术魅力。

2.as to the differences of the English and Chinese modes of thinking and theirlanguage characteristics caused by the differences,which demonstrate the impact of the differences on Chinese college students′ English writing.英汉思维模式的差异及其由此而形成的两种语言特色在词法、句法、篇章等方面的不同体现,展示出这种思维的差异对大学生英语写作的影响。

6)linguistic features语言特色

1.A Study of Linguistic Features of Hard News in English Newspaper;英语报纸硬新闻的语言特色研究

2.The essay discusses thelinguistic features of Lawrence s works from the aspects of employment of diction,symbolic vocabulary,rhetorical comparison,imagist and sentimental expression.独特的语言风格和修辞手法是英国现代著名作家劳伦斯作品中的重要特征,本文从特色词汇的运用、象征性语言、比喻修辞手法、具有意象化与感悟性特征的语言等几个方面对劳伦斯作品的语言特色进行探讨。

3.This paper analyzes thelinguistic features of Peng Jia-huang s short stories from three aspects.湖南籍乡土作家彭家煌短篇小说的语言特色主要是:带地方口语的对话描写,刻画个性鲜明的人物形象;形象简洁的动作描写,揭示人物复杂的内心世界;褒贬分明的称谓语和生活化的比喻增强了文章的趣味性。


宁夏话考究—宁夏方言特色一:qing(庆) 注释:自做多情,无事生非。 经典句型:你小心qing死了着。。。。 羊油滴到石板上,qing住了~~` 二:shong 注释:形容某人做了被人所不齿的事,或其本人被人所不齿。 经典句型:你听你都说了些撒,快把人shong死了。 三:ta(踏) 注释:意为用脚踩,为威胁用语 经典句型:你再这么个小心我踏开了着。 四:saoqing(骚轻) 注释:意为某人举止轻浮含有轻佻,挑逗意味。 经典句型:你再少saoqing,听下列嘛? 五:er(二) 注释:多用来形容人做出了超出规范的事或性格卤莽不考虑后果。 经典句型:你咋这么二撒? 六:song(松) 注释:用在某个单字的后面,语意可褒可贬,主要由说话人所决定。 经典句型:qingsong,shongsong........... 七:niao(尿) 注释:理睬的意思。与“不”连用,意为“不理睬” 经典句型:他二着咋呢?再我也不niao他! 八:nie(捏) 注释:与“家”连用,为“人家”的意思。 经典句型:我给nie家说了半天,nie家就是没niao我.
