100字范文 > 外生比较优势 exogenous comparative advantage英语短句 例句大全

外生比较优势 exogenous comparative advantage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-10 02:16:41


外生比较优势 exogenous comparative advantage英语短句 例句大全

外生比较优势,exogenous comparative advantage

1)exogenous comparative advantage外生比较优势

1.This article proposes that theexogenous comparative advantage should not be "the mechanical pattern" in female employment.因此,不应让发挥外生比较优势成为女性就业的一种"刻板模式",培育内生比较优势对促进女性就业具有重要意义,应强化公共政策对培育女性内生比较优势的作用,对劳动力市场实施更为积极主动的干预政策。


1.From Exogenous Comparative Advantage to Endogenous Comparative Advantage:Reflections on Female Employment Competence;从外生比较优势到内生比较优势:女性就业竞争力再思考

2.Sources of Competitiveness:From Exogenous Advantage to Endogenous Advantage;论竞争力的源泉:从外生比较优势到内生比较优势

3.Endogenous Comparative Advantage and International Trade of Agricultural Products in China;内生比较优势与我国农产品对外贸易研究

4.To Competition Superiority from the Comparison Superiority--Transform of our Country s Foreign Trade Mode;从比较优势到竞争优势——转变我国外贸方式

5.The Foreign Trade Development Strategy of China: From Comparative Advantage to Competitive Advantage;从比较优势到竞争优势——中国外贸发展新视点

6.Research on Comparative Advantage of China(?)s Undertaking Service Outsourcing;中国承接服务业外包的比较优势研究

7.Theory of Comparative Advantage and the Development of Chinese Foreign Trade;比较优势理论与中国对外贸易的发展

parative Advancement Theory and Strategic Choice of Foreign Trade;比较优势理论与对外贸易战略的选择

9.Dynamic Comparative Advantage and the US New Trade Policy;“动态比较优势说”与美国的“新”外贸政策

10.The extending of the principle of comparative advantages of the world trade theory in China under the new situation;新形势下我国对外贸易比较优势理论分析

11.On Integrated Comparative Edges in International Trade;论复合比较优势——对比较优势的拓展

parative Advantage and Structure Adjustment in China"s Crop Production;比较优势与中国种植业生产结构调整

13.Study on the Comparative Advantage of Main Agricultural Product in Guizhou;贵州省主要农作物生产比较优势研究

14.Information Production,Comparative Advantages and SMEs Financing;信息生产、比较优势与中小企业融资

15.Studies on comparative advantage of flue-cured tobacco production of different cities of Henan province;河南省烤烟生产的地区比较优势研究

16.Study on Transition from Regional Comparative to Competitive Advantage from the Perspective of Foreign Trade in China;对外贸易视角下我国区域比较优势向竞争优势转化研究

17.From Comparative Advantage to Competitive Advantage:the Approaches to China s Foreign Trade Strategy Transformation;从比较优势走向竞争优势:中国对外贸易战略转变的依据和路径

18.From Comparative Advantage to Competitive Advantage:the Strategy of China s Foreign Trade of Aquatic Products;从比较优势到竞争优势——我国水产品对外贸易的战略选择


endogenous comparative advantage内生比较优势

1.This may create anendogenous comparative advantage and promote economic growth.生产服务业知识、信息密集的特性使得其具有规模递增的产业特点,进而可创造出内生比较优势,促进经济增长。

2.It is the crux of developing agricultural products export trade to create certainendogenous comparative advantage evolving form labor division.发展农产品出口贸易 ,关键是要通过分工创造可演进的内生比较优势。

3.The thesis deeply analyzes the circumstances of comparative advantage in China s trade in financial service under the guide of the Theory of Endogenous Comparative Advantage, and presents the corresponding solutions to grow comparative advantages in our country s trade in financial service.本文以内生比较优势理论为指导,对我国金融服务贸易的比较优势状况进行了深入的分析,并就如何培育我国金融服务贸易比较优势问题提出了相应的对策建议。

3)Productive comparative advantage生产比较优势

4)Comparative Advantage比较优势

1.The Industry Collects Group,Comparative Advantage and China"s Ceramic Industry"s Competitiveness;产业集群、比较优势与中国陶瓷产业竞争力

2.Analyse comparative advantage of Heilongjiang province dairy products;浅谈黑龙江省乳产品的比较优势

3.Mode selection of private corporation overseas listing based on comparative advantage;基于比较优势学说研究民营企业海外上市模式

5)comparative advantages比较优势

1.An analysis ofcomparative advantages: a new idea on the development of tourist industry of Dalian;比较优势分析:大连旅游业发展的新思路

2.Exploring and analysis on the thinking ofcomparative advantages strategy for Shaanxi province;开拓陕西农业比较优势的发展思路探析

3.On thecomparative advantages of Xi′an in attracting foreign investment——A postive analysis against the background of China′s joining WTO and the Western Development;论西安市利用外资的比较优势——以中国加入WTO和西部大开发为背景的实证分析

6)comparative superiority比较优势

1.Bringing Comparative Superiority into Play to Promote Advance in Phosphate Chemical Industry;发挥比较优势促进磷化工发展

2.Getting rid of the natural resourcecomparative superiority pitfall of the economy development in the west of China;破除西部经济发展中的自然资源比较优势“陷阱”

3.Bringing the Comparative Superiority into Play,Prompting the Development of Economy in Heilongjing Province;发挥比较优势 促进黑龙江经济的发展


