100字范文 > 显示比较优势 revealed comparative advantage英语短句 例句大全

显示比较优势 revealed comparative advantage英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-12 16:35:53


显示比较优势 revealed comparative advantage英语短句 例句大全

显示比较优势,revealed comparative advantage

1)revealed comparative advantage显示比较优势

1.Model ofrevealed comparative advantage decrease tax about Chinese farm produce;中国农产品显示比较优势降税模型


1.Will FDI weaken the competitive power of the export of domestic enterprises?--Research based on revealed comparative advantageFDI是否降低了中国内资企业的出口竞争力?——基于显示比较优势的研究

2.On the Applying Condition of RCA;显示性比较优势指数的适用条件分析

3.Analysis on Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage of Chinese Vegetables Export;我国蔬菜出口的显示性对称比较优势分析

4.The Change of Comparative Advantages and Export Structure of Chinese Service--A RCA-based Empirical Analysis;中国服务出口比较优势与出口结构的变化——基于显示性比较优势指数的实证分析

5.Analysis on Regional Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage of Chinese Honey Export我国蜂蜜出口美国的区域显示性对称比较优势分析

6.Therefore, this project has obvious comparative advantage.因此,此项目具有明显的比较优势。

7.Analysis on Revealed Comparative Advantage of China"s Electromechanical Products中国机电产品显性比较优势变动分析

8.The Dynamic Transformation of Static Trade Comparative Advantages;论贸易静态比较优势的动态化及启示

9.From Comparative Advantage,Competitive Advantage to Knowledge Advantage--Japan"s intellectual property strategy and its enlightenment to China从比较优势、竞争优势到知识优势——日本知识产权战略对中国的启示

parison and Development Trend of Normal Back Illumination of LCD Display;液晶显示器常见背光源的比较及发展趋势

11.Empirical analysis on revealed comparative advantage changes of China s agriculture products;中国农产品显性比较优势变动的实证分析

12.Explicit Comparative Advantages,Intra-industry Trade,and Sino-US Bilateral Trade Balance;显性比较优势、产业内贸易与中美双边贸易平衡

13.Quantitative analysis on the revealed comparativeadvantage of Chinese manufacturing;中国工业制成品显性比较优势计算和分析

14.On Integrated Comparative Edges in International Trade;论复合比较优势——对比较优势的拓展

15.From comparative advantage to competition advantage--Evolving orbit and enlightenment of the western free trade theory;从比较优势到竞争优势——西方自由贸易理论的演变轨迹及其启示

parative Advantage Theory and Policy Suggestion Based on Environmental Cost;基于环境成本的比较优势理论及政策启示

parative Edges and Liberalism Theory of International Services Trade;国际服务贸易比较优势与自由化理论及其启示

18.The Theory of Comparative Advantage to the Enlightening of China Higher Education Development;比较优势理论对中国高等教育发展的启示


revealed comparative advantage显示性比较优势

1.This paper mainly analyzes static and dynamic comparative advantage of export trade from the aspects ofrevealed comparative advantage index,trade competition index and variable index.近几年浙江省出口贸易快速增长,国际竞争力不断提高,作者从显示性比较优势指数、贸易竞争指数和出口优势变差指数三方面来具体分析出口贸易的静态和动态比较优势。

3)Revealed Comparative Advantages (RCA)可显示比较优势



1.This paper analyzes the international competitiveness of C hina s natural rubber products by employing MS, TSC andRCA and probes into the factors that affect the international competitiveness of such products.从我国天然橡胶的生产和消费现状及其消费趋势与前景入手,借助国际市场占有率、贸易专业化指数和显示比较优势指数分析我国天然橡胶产品的国际竞争力,探讨了影响我国天然橡胶国际竞争力的主要因素,并就如何提升我国橡胶产品的国际竞争力提出了若干思考。

2.It shows that Chinese peanut has competitive advantages in the world by comparing the unit production,world market share,average price andRCA of main peanut exportation countries such as China,the United States and Argentina.文章分析了世界花生生产和出口情况,通过对中国、美国和阿根廷三个主要花生出口国花生的平均单产水平、世界市场占有率、平均出口价格以及显示比较优势指数的对比分析,表明我国花生在世界市场上具有较强的竞争力。

3.This paper analyzes the international competitiveness of Hainan s pepper products by employing MS, TSC, andRCA; probes into the factors that affect the international competitiveness of Hainan s pepper products; and subsequently proposes some suggestions on how to enhance the international competitiveness.本文从海南胡椒产品的生产和我国胡椒产品的消费现状及消费趋势与前景入手,借助国际市场占有率、贸易专业化指数和显示比较优势指数分析海南胡椒产品的国际竞争力,探讨影响海南胡椒产品国际竞争力的主要因素,并就如何提升海南胡椒产品的国际竞争力提出了若干思考。

6)revealed comparative advantage index显示比较优势指数

1.This paper analyzed the Chinese fruit s overall and regional comparative advantge using the resource endowment index andrevealed comparative advantage index.运用资源禀赋系数和显示比较优势指数两个指标对中国水果的总体比较优势和区域比较优势进行分析。


