100字范文 > 虚拟利益 the virtual interests英语短句 例句大全

虚拟利益 the virtual interests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-24 04:25:44


虚拟利益 the virtual interests英语短句 例句大全

虚拟利益,the virtual interests

1)the virtual interests虚拟利益

1.From different perspectives,the virtual interests have different components.虚拟利益是在虚拟经济运行过程中产生的一种特殊的经济利益,是虚拟经济的核心内容。


1.Research in the Virtual Interests Theory based on the Virtual Capital基于虚拟资本视角的虚拟利益理论研究

2.Restriction and Incentive of Stakeholders in Virtual Enterprise;虚拟企业中利益相关者的制约与激励

3.Key Elements and Value Definition in Benefit Allocation of Virtual Enterprise;虚拟企业利益分配要素及其价值确定

4.Study on the Profits Allocation Method for Virtual Supply Chain Based on Extenic Theory;基于可拓理论的虚拟供应链利益分配方法研究

5.Research on profit distribution of virtual alliance;虚拟物流企业联盟的利益分配策略研究

6.Virtual enterprise profit allocation mechanism based on work breakdown structure;基于任务分解结构的虚拟企业利益分配机制

7.Benefit Allocation Model for Strategic Partners of Virtual Enterprises;虚拟企业战略性合作伙伴利益分配方法研究

8.Research on the Method of Profit Allocation Based on Virtual Sunnly Chain;基于虚拟供应链的可拓利益分配方法研究

9.Available Evaluation on Risk Sharing and Benefit Allocation of Agile Virtual Enterprise;敏捷虚拟企业风险分担和利益分配有效性评价

10.A Study on the Profit Distribution of DistributedReady Virtual Enterprises;分布式敏捷化虚拟企业利益分配方法研究

11.Analysis of cooperation drives and benefits distribution in building of virtual enterprise;虚拟企业组建的合作动力与利益协调分析

12.Application Research on the Benefit Allocation Project for Design Partners of Virtual Enterprises虚拟企业设计合作伙伴利益分配方案及其应用

13.Dynamic Profit Sharing Mechanism for High-tech Virtual Enterprise and Its Support System;高技术虚拟企业动态利益分配机制及其支持系统

14.Innovation on strategies of profit allocation among partners in virtual enterprise based on Shapley value considering weight;考虑权重的Shapley值法虚拟企业伙伴利益分配策略的改进

15.Sharecropping and group-fine scheme in virtual R&D team;虚拟研发组织利益分配的分成制与团队惩罚机制研究1

16.Research on Profit Distribution of Virtual Enterprise Based on Technical Exploitation Item;基于技术开发项目的虚拟企业利益分配机制研究

17.Obstacles of Knowledge Sharing and Scheme of Interest Coordination among Members of Virtual R&D Team虚拟R&D团队成员间知识共享障碍与利益协调方案

18.True virtuality and virtual truth--Paul Ricoeur s understanding of religion;真实的虚拟与虚拟的真实——利科对宗教的解读


virtual communities of interest虚拟利益群体

3)weakened benefit利益虚化

1.However,we did not make the system of collective land ownership bring into its anticipative function,because of the concept of its subject unclear,omission of its subject in operation,weakened benefit.集体土地所有权是一种极其重要的财产权,但由于其主体的概念内涵不清、运行中的缺位和利益虚化,致使集体土地所有权制度在实践中未能发挥预期的功能。

4)the hypothetical profit distribution plan虚拟利润

5)virtual control gain虚拟控制增益

1.A robust adaptive fuzzy controll algorithm is presented for a class of perturbed uncertain nonlinear system with unknownvirtual control gain functions (UVCGF), the fuzzy system is used to approximate unstructured uncertain functions.针对一类带有符号未知不确定虚拟控制增益函数(UVCGF)的不确定受扰动非线性系统。

6)virtual profit centre虚拟利润中心


