100字范文 > 实际利益 the real interests英语短句 例句大全

实际利益 the real interests英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-11 12:26:11


实际利益 the real interests英语短句 例句大全

实际利益,the real interests

1)the real interests实际利益


1.One is a down-to-earth reason of practical interest;一是涉及其实际利益的现实原因;

2.more nice than wise因爱面子而损坏自己的实际利益

3.To implement these agreements will give the people of the two countries a real benefit.落实这些协议将给两国人民带来实际利益。

4.What are the practical dividends we seek from our multilateral relationships?我们想从多边关系中获得什么样的实际利益?

5.Whether or not the new Mayor would" make good" was of real interest to the country at large.这位新市长能否获得成功确实关系到全市人民的实际利益。

6.This concept has largely taken account of the actual situation in Taiwan and practical interests of our compatriots there.这种考虑,主要是基于照顾台湾的现状和台湾同胞的实际利益。

7.The Systematic Analysis on National Interests & International Interests Realization;国家利益与国际利益实现的系统分析

8.Righteousness involves a kind of long-term interest, so that to value righteousness is in effect to value long-term interests.义实际包含着一种长远的利益,所以重义实际上是重长远利益,重大利。

9.The real operating profit stood at RMB47.2 billion if the investment income derived from the listing of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited is excluded.扣除中银香港上市收益,实际经营利润472亿元

10.The essence of concurrency of international accounting standards is to coordinate the interests among different nations.会计标准国际趋同的实质是各国的利益协调。

11.On the Balance between National Interests and Foreign Interests;我国国际合作中利益兼顾的理念与实践

12.That is, if you overlook immediate interests while determining which course of action to take, all of your options become a pie painted on paper.也就是说,在你没有找到合适的实现方法以前,无论眼前利益还是长远利益实际上都是画饼。

13.The Discrimination of State Interests and International Interests in International Politics;国际政治中国家利益与国际利益之辨析

14.What prevails in real life is not the reality but the current fashion and the pecuniary interest.在实际生活中盛行的东西不是事实而是当时的风尚和金钱的利益。

15.Research on Calculation Method of Unrealized Financing Profits by the Lessor of Finance Leases Under Effective Interest Rate Method实际利率法下融资租赁出租人对未实现融资收益核算的方法研究

16.What was now wanted was, that the rulers should be identified with the people; that their interest and will should be the interest and will of the nation.实际需要的观点是,统治者应该与人民保持一致,他们的利益和意志应该是国家的利益和意志。

17.Though formally independent, they were essentially devoted to the interests of the church.虽然在形式上是独立的,但实际上都是服务于教会利益的。

18.The reality is a lot of the special interest groups aren"t going to like it."实际情况是许多有特殊利益的集团都不会愿意这样去做。”


"Factual Expectancy" theory"实际利益"说

3)advantage actual mechanical实际机械利益

4)effective interest income实际利息收益

5)realized income已实现利益;实际收入



