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利益说 the Interest Theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-03 19:36:23


利益说 the Interest Theory英语短句 例句大全

利益说,the Interest Theory

1)the Interest Theory利益说


1.Rethinking of the Theory of Common Interests In Legal Idea --Revolution of the theory of government interests analysis;共同利益说在法律理念上的反思——政府利益分析说的扬弃与无奈

2.Were the Benefits greater than 4 lives?还是说「利益」大于「损失」呢?

3.absolute advantage theory绝对成本说;绝对成本说;绝对利益论;绝对利益论

4.Interest Is Not Right: From Article 51 of the Constitution利益不是权利——从我国《宪法》第51条说起

5.He said, "That takes nothing from the poor."他说:“这并不损害穷人的利益。”

6.In the intersts of your family, please do as he says.为了家庭的利益,请按他说的做吧.

7.dangerous to yourself or your interests.对你自身及你的利益来说危险的。

8.When the advantage concerned with him, he tells a lie without hesitating.当与他利益有关时,他毫不迟疑地说谎。

9.Both sides still stand to gain from trade in the aggregate.总的来说,双方仍能从贸易中获得利益。

10."Whatever helps the farmer," he said, "helps everybody."“有利于农户的,”他说,“就是有益于大家的。”

11.For People′s Sublime Interests --On Zhou Meisen′s Novels;为了人民的至高利益──周梅森小说论

12.it must sacrifice some present advantages in order to insure to itself future ones.就是说,必须牺牲些眼前利益,使将来的利益获得保障。

13.So he shrugged and said, "I spoke for the good of the Family, not for myself.于是,他耸耸肩说:“反正我说那些话的目的是为了整个家族的利益,不是为了我个人的利益。

14.It offends against my principles to tell a lie, even for my own advantage.说谎是违背我的原则的,即便是为我自己的利益。

15.DR. LAKE: As I said, I think it is in our security interest.莱克:我已说过,这一战略符合我们的安全利益。

16.My behavior is on behalf of half zebras," the algebra teacher said.我的行为代表了一半斑马的利益,"代数老师说.

17.He said he will give a response in due time in line with his country"s international interests.他说,他将从伊朗的国际利益出发,适时做出回应。

18.says that the new road will bring a lot of development and benefits to citizens.说新路可以给市民带来许多发展和利益。


interest doctrine利益学说

1.Based on hisinterest doctrine,interest is divided into personal interest,public interest and social interest,and sacrificing the least interest to achieve the maximization of interest is treated as the standard of conflict of the interest.社会控制论是庞德社会学法学的思想的核心,以其利益学说为基础,将利益分为个人利益、公共利益和社会利益,并以最小的利益牺牲达到利益的最大化为利益冲突时衡量的标准。

3)the theory of common interests共同利益说

1.At the time of Internet, some scholars put forward new theory of government interests analysis--the theory of common interests based on the essences of the theory of government interests analysis.在网 络时代,有学者在汲取"政府利益分析说"精华的基础上提出"新政府利益分析说"--"共同利益说"。

4)"Legal Interest" theory"法定利益"说

5)"Factual Expectancy" theory"实际利益"说

6)comparative advantage theory比较利益说


