100字范文 > 日语学习者 Japanese learner英语短句 例句大全

日语学习者 Japanese learner英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-04 14:18:31


日语学习者 Japanese learner英语短句 例句大全

日语学习者,Japanese learner

1)Japanese learner日语学习者

1.33 Japanese native speakers and 97 senior collegeJapanese learners who have grown up in the Yue-speaking areas were invited as subjects to participate in the experiment of auditory discrimination,so as to discover the differences between them in the rate of discrimination as regards palatalized sounds and.通过分析可知,这些差异源于粤方言区日语学习者对直音和促音辨认的不稳定性,与塞音生成过程中对持阻时长控制不当有一定关系。


1.Observation on the Acquisition of "Wa" and "Ga" of Japanese-Learners Whose Native Language is Chinese对以汉语为母语的日语学习者“は”“が”习得的考察

2.The Intonation of Japanese Interrogative Sentences Used by Japanese Learners in Yue Dialect Areas;粤方言区日语学习者的日语疑问句语调特征

3.A Study on the Use of Japanese Aspect by Learners of Chinese Focus on the Idiomatic Use of Teiru中国日语学习者“テイル”的使用现状分析

4.An Analysis of Japanese Modality in the Composition of Japanese Majors in China;对中国日语学习者作文句末语气表达的考察

5.A study of the closure duration of stops articulated by the Cantonese-speaking learners of the Japanese Language;粤方言区日语学习者的塞音持阻时长研究

6.Study on Errors of Chinese Students in Using Japanese Offering and Receiving Expression中国日语学习者授受表现误用根源探究

7.A Discussion on the Building of An Integration Corpus Platform--the construction of Chinese Japanese Learners Corpus as an example整合型学习者语料库平台的规划与实现——以中国日语学习者语料库CJLC的构建为例

8.Auditory Discrimination of Closure Duration of Plosives: an Experiment on Japanese Learners in Yue Region;粤方言区日语学习者的塞音持阻时长听辨实验研究

9.The Acquisition of Mandarin Vowels by Japanese Learners;日本学习者对汉语普通话舌面单元音的习得

parative Study on the Acoustic Characteristics of Phoneme /u/ in Mandarin between Chinese Native Speakers and Japanese Learners汉语母语者与日本学习者汉语普通话音位/u/的声学特征比较

11.A Study of Pragmatic Failure of Daily Politeness Formulas of College English Learners;大学英语学习者日常礼貌套语语用失误调查研究

12.Japanese Learner s Perception and Production of Chinese [Aspirated] Feature;日本学习者对汉语[送气]特征的感知与产生

13.Stereotypes of Chinese,Japanese and Americans as Held by English Major Students;英语学习者对中、日、美三国人的刻板印象

14.A Study on the Comparison of How Chinese and Japanese EFL Learners Handle Communication Breakdown中日英语学习者在应对交流障碍中的比较(英文)

15.A Study of the Japanese-speaking Students Acquisition of Chinese Directional Complement;日语母语学习者趋向补语习得情况分析——基于汉语中介语语料库的研究

16.Cultural Introduction in Japanese Teaching: Taking Learner as Subject日语教学中以学习者为主体的文化导入——以“中日同形词”为例

17.Learner Language and Target Language Learning Strategies in SLA;二语学习者的语言及目标语学习策略

18.Variability in pronouncing Chinese blade-palatal initials by Japanese SLA learners;日本学习者习得普通话卷舌声母的语音变异研究


Japanese learners of English日本英语学习者

3)Japanese learners who study the system of Chinese characters"汉字圈"日语学习者

4)high-level Japanese learners高水平日语学习者

5)Japanese Learning日语学习

1.On Influence of Chinese toJapanese Learning from Word Sense;从词义看汉语对日语学习的影响

2.By means of questionnaire, it is found that: the motivation of "longing for the foreign culture and foreign language " is common to both major students and non-major students, and "compulsory motivation" is possessed by the major students, "targeted Japanese learning motivation" and "accomplishment motivation" are high among non - major students.本研究针对清华大学学生日语学习动机、日语学习动机与学习效果的关系作了考察。

6)Japanese and Korean learners日韩学习者


基于学习的受辅者中心疗法基于学习的受辅者中心疗法learning-based client-centered therapy基于学习的受辅者中心疗法Oearning-based elient一eentered theraPy)一种心理治疗的理论模型。它着重探讨受辅者中心疗法的三要素(即同感、尊重和温暖、真诚)的治疗价值,认为并不像罗杰斯所说的那样。它主张应用学习理论,通过治疗家与受辅者的交谈及真诚的情感,在操作性条件反射的基础上,减轻内部冲突,使症状减轻、问题解决、焦虑减少、自信心增强。此疗法由马丁(Martin,D.G.)在20世纪70年代提出。(徐云撰梁宝勇审)
