100字范文 > 曝光时间 exposure time英语短句 例句大全

曝光时间 exposure time英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-12 01:15:07


曝光时间 exposure time英语短句 例句大全

曝光时间,exposure time

1)exposure time曝光时间

1.Noninvasive Method on the Measurement of the Tube Voltage and Exposure Time of Diagnostic X-ray Machine.;用非介入法检测诊断X射线机的管电压和曝光时间

2.Effect ofexposure time on atmospheric scintillation of uplink beams曝光时间对上行传输光束强度起伏的影响

3.The basic principle is that for exposure changing the transmissivity τ is equal to changing theexposure time t .利用改变曝光时间t和改变透射率τ对曝光量的改变是完全等价的这一原理,不用借助任何标准密度灰片校准,可在大面积上足够精准地测量物体透射密度。


1.Make sure that you have the correct time for exposure.曝光时间要掌握好。

2.overtime a photographic exposure.使摄影曝光时间过长

3.shutter time快门曝光时间(摄影)

4.Manual exposure camera all have build in light meter which tell you exactly what exposure you have to set.手动曝光相机都装有曝光表,说明应设定多少曝光时间。

5.You"d better consult the exposure meter if you"re not sure of the time for exposure.如果你吃不准曝光时间,最好查一下曝光表。

6.You"d better consult the exposure meter if you be not sure of the time for exposure.如果你嘱不准曝光时间,最好查一下曝光表。

7.You "d better consult the exposure meter if you are not sure of the time for exposure .如果你算不准曝光时间,最好查一下曝光表。

8.To expose(film)to light for too short a time or to light or radiation insufficient to produce normal image contrast.曝光不足(底片)曝光时间太短或光线太弱无法制造正常图像反差

9.Time exposures produce a fuzzy boundary.曝光时间长会使轮廓不清。

10.These two picture is take with different exposure.这两张照片是用不同曝光时间拍的。

11.Designed for or compatible with a short exposure time为短曝光时间设计或与之相适宜的.

12.An exposure of one hundredth of a second will is enough.百分之一秒的曝光时间就足够了。

13.You "d better give it an exposure of 1/60 of a second .你最好给它六十分之一秒的曝光时间。

14.exposure of a film for a relatively long time (more than half a second).胶卷曝光时间相对较长(超过半秒钟)。

15.One will choose an exposure time which is a good compromise between the times required for the blue and the red rays.可以选择一个介于红光和蓝光所需要的曝光时间之间的折衷值作为曝光时间。

16.an exposure of 1/100 of a second will be enough in this sunshine.这样的阳光下,百分之一秒的曝光时间足够了。

17.Effect of exposure time on atmospheric scintillation of uplink beams曝光时间对上行传输光束强度起伏的影响

18.Exposure meter: An instrument which measures light intensity and provides information for proper exposure. Calibrated for different emulsion speeds.曝光表:测量光的强度,并根据不同乳剂的感光速度,提供标准曝光时间的仪器。


exposure duration曝光时间

1.Based on the analysis of the mechanism of the thermal propagation and equilibrium, the relationship among temperature rise, thermal damage andexposure duration was deeply discussed.在激光辐照下生物组织的热传输和热平衡机理分析的基础上 ,深入讨论了被作用靶组织产生的温升、热损伤和激光曝光时间三者之间的相互关系 ,随着吸收的光能量的增加 ,热源扩散使得靶组织的温度升高 ,温升分布将由一个δ函数扩展为一个正态分布 ,同时 ,温度升高又伴随着不同程度的热损伤。

2.The principle ofexposure duration calibration is formed by adjustingexposure duration and keeping other parameters of digital color camera.仅改变曝光时间,保持相机的其它参数不变,建立了曝光标定原理。

3)time of exposure曝光时间

4)exposure table曝光时间表

5)time exposure长时间曝光

6)total exposure time总曝光时间


长时间曝光长时间曝光(Long time exposure),从彩色胶片的倒易律失效特性来看,指比1/30秒还要慢的慢快门。通常数秒或数十秒的曝光。
