100字范文 > 外露 exposure英语短句 例句大全

外露 exposure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-26 23:36:36


外露 exposure英语短句 例句大全



1.EBO for treating tendo calcaneusexposure post burn---a micro-traumatic therapy;烧伤后跟腱外露的微创治疗

2.Causes and treatment forexposure of soft tissue expander皮肤软组织扩张器外露发生原因及对策分析

3.Objective To explore the prevention and treatment of tissue expanderexposure.目的探讨扩张器外露的预防及处理。


1.We camped out last night.昨晚我们在外露宿。

2.She never shows her feelings.她的感情从不外露。

3.She never raised the curtain on her feelings.她从不让感情外露。

4.She tried to hide her feelings.她尽力不使感情外露.

5.We camped out for a week.我们在外露营1周。

6.The exposure is extreme.外露情况极端严重。

7.exposed conductive part外露非带电金属部分

8.Some children are more demonstrative than others.有些小孩比其他的小孩更易情绪外露。

9.Peter, you"re too emotional on the subject.彼得,对这件事你过于感情外露了。

10.After camping out for six days, they took down their tents and closed up shop.在外露营六天之后,我们拔营结束。

11.in the open air在户外 [野外] ,露天地

12.When night came he slept in a field.夜幕降临,他露宿野外。

13.His shirt tail was hanging out.他的衬衣下摆露在外面。

14.multi-disciplinary team for elderly street sleepers老人露宿者综合外展队

15.They are waiting for Lucy outside the school.他们在学校外等露希。

16.Exposed iron will rust.露在外面的铁会生锈的。

17.Remove or raise gown, avoiding u ece ary exposure and providing full visibility of thorax.脱去或提高外衣,避免不必要暴露,充分露出喉部。

18.Method for outdoor exposure testing of photodegradable plasticsGB/T17603-1998光解性塑料户外暴露试验方法



1.The burial history and thermal history of the outcrop are modelled firstly in China, and the organic matter maturity (Ro% of subsurface source rock is predicted by artificial changing burial trace.本文在国内首次模拟了野外露头的埋藏史和地热史,并通过人工改变埋藏轨迹,预测了盆地内中侏罗统地下烃源岩的有机质成熟度。

3)Outdoor exposure testing野外曝露

4)Accidentally exposed pulp意外露髓

5)bone exposure骨外露

1.MEBO in association with skin flap transposition for treating 31 cases ofbone exposure;MEBO配合转移皮瓣治疗骨外露伤口31例

2.Hair-bearing skin flap for repairing scalpbone exposure resulted from electric burn;头皮电烧伤骨外露带毛发皮瓣修复

3.Thirteen cases of small areabone exposure treated with MEBO;应用MEBO治疗小面积骨外露创面13例报告

6)Achilles tendon exposure跟腱外露

1.The efficacy of skin regenerative medical technique in treatingAchilles tendon exposure;皮肤再生医疗技术治疗跟腱外露疗效观察


