100字范文 > 照射量 Exposure英语短句 例句大全

照射量 Exposure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-21 00:50:08


照射量 Exposure英语短句 例句大全



1.Exposure estimation of personnel around patients after radionuclide therapy by Monte Carlo method and integration method;蒙特卡罗法和积分法计算核素治疗后的病人对周围人员的照射量

2.Method Thermoluminescent dosimetry(TLD)has been used to determinate the radiation dose of the video display terminals(VDT)and the exposure in extra of radiation protection screen.结果 :计算机视频终端表面的平均照射量率为2 。

3.Based on the Bragg-Gray’s cavity theory,a fundamental foimula for the exposureand absorbed dose of X-ray or γ-ray is given when the measurement is proceed bya cavity ionization chamber.以布拉格-格雷(Bragg-Gray)的空腔理论为依据,推导了用空腔电离室测量X、γ射线照射量和吸收剂量的基本关系式,空腔电离室设计计算方法,给出了计算实例,结果表明,提出的设计计算方法是有效的。


1.fountain pen type exposuremeter自来水笔式照射量计

2.Development of γ-Ray Reference Radiation Field and Exposure Standard for Radiation Protection Level;防护级γ射线参考辐射场及照射量标准的建立

3.Exposure meters and dosimeters General methods for testing?照射量计和剂量计的一般试验方法

4.portable logarithmic scintillator exposure ratemeter携带式对数闪烁体照射量率计

5.geiger muller counter tube exposure ratemeter盖革 缪勒计数管照射量率计

6.Direct-reading electroscope type pocket exposure meters???直读式验电器型袖珍照射量计

7.The Forward Method Research of the Exposure Rate of Aviation γ Spectrum航空γ能谱照射量率的正演问题研究

8.areal dose monitor照射面积剂量监视器

9.long continued irradiation小剂量的长时间照射

10.In the acute exposure group,fertilization time was 140 days after irradiation with 2.OGy,and the spermatogonia were mainly injured.2.2.2慢性照射:着床前死亡率与照射剂量呈正相关。

11.Study on FTIR of Ec9706 after X-ray radiationwith different doses不同剂量X射线照射Ec9706细胞的FTIR研究

12.The Measurement and Analysis of MSCT s Radiation Dosage;多层螺旋CT受照射剂量测量与分析

13.Dose Levels of Medical Exposure from Diagnostic X-ray Examinations in in Shanghai上海市X射线诊断的医疗照射剂量水平

14.Assessment of Dose Distribution of the Esophageal Cancer in the Treatment Using the Extended Field Radiotherapy食管癌扩大照射野放射治疗的剂量学研究

15.Estimation of the internal radiation absorbed dose of ~(99m)Tc-DTPA-DG人体~(99m)Tc-DTPA-DG内照射辐射吸收剂量的估算

16.changing colour according to the amount of light that strikes it?根据照射到身上的阳光数量改变颜色?

17.Thus, doses of radiation to the bladder and rectum can be limited.因此,照射膀胱和直肠的剂量就更少。

18.quantitative microautoradiography定量显微自动射线照相术


Exposure rate照射量率

1.Using advantage of the fortran porgram designed by ourselves,the distributive curve, we can print the equal exposure rate on a general printer in IBM-PC computer.本文建立了~(60)Co 栅板源照射量率分布规律的理论模型。

2.In this paper,using the distribution law in grid plate source radiation field,the effect of scatter and shielding was represented in mathematical model and computer software designed by ourseves;and we can print the equal exposure rate curve on a general printer in IBM-PC computer.本工作在栅板源辐射场分布规律研究的基础上,对散射和吸收的影响进行理论描述,利用自行设计的计算机软件,给出考虑源棒间散射和吸收后的等照射量率曲线。

3)Radiotherapy boost推量照射

4)radiation dose照射剂量

1.Dose optimization studies the relationship between image quality andradiation dose for reasonable reduction ofradiation dose and good image quality.剂量优化就是研究成像质量和照射剂量间的关系,在充分保证成像质量的同时合理降低照射剂量。

5)boost irradiation补量照射

6)total radiological amount总照射量

1.The calculation oftotal radiological amount under the condition in motion in strong r dynamic radioactive field is studied,The calculation is accurate compared with the vaiue set for the experiment.论述了在强γ辐射照场中,被照射物在运动状态下总照射量的理论计算,与实验定值对照,计算准确。


照射量X射线或 γ辐射在单位质量空气中产生的正离子或负离子的总电量。严格的定义是光子在质量为dm的空气中释放的全部电子(负的和正的)完全被空气阻止时,在空气中产生的任一种符号的离子总电量绝对值dQ被dm除所得的商,用X表示。它的国际单位制单位是库/千克(C/kg),以前习惯使用的单位是伦琴 (R),1R=2.58×10-4C/kg。1伦琴相当于在1厘米3标准状况的空气(质量为0.001293克)中产生的正、负离子电荷各为 1静电单位。在早期辐射剂量测量中,测定空气中生成离子的电量是比较方便的。在充气电离室中使两极板保持饱和电位即可准确测量离子的电量或产生的电流。因此广泛使用射照量(当时称伦琴值)来表征辐射剂量。实际上,不同密度或组分的物质放在同一点的空气中,即使照射量相同,吸收剂量并不相同。如1伦琴相当于1千克空气吸收0.0089焦耳能量,而相当于1千克人体组织吸收0.0096焦耳能量。因此,照射量只是一种参考比较的物理量,根据照射量测算各种物质中的吸收剂量不是很简易的过程。还有一点值得注意,照射量只用于光子在空气中引起电离的情况,其他类型辐射虽然也可以在空气中引起电离,却不允许使用照射量。过去曾经用过的物理伦琴当量已经废除。
