100字范文 > 不良心理状态 unhealthy psychology state英语短句 例句大全

不良心理状态 unhealthy psychology state英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-13 16:00:02


不良心理状态 unhealthy psychology state英语短句 例句大全

不良心理状态,unhealthy psychology state

1)unhealthy psychology state不良心理状态

1.The writer classifies and analyzes the college throwing racersunhealthy psychology states,the causes by means of psychology and puts forward some countermeasures in order to provide reference for the athletes psychology training.采用问卷调查、访问调查等研究方法,并结合实践就直接影响普通高校投掷运动员竞技成绩的心理因素进行探讨,对普通高校投掷运动员的赛前不良心理状态及其成因进行社会学分析,并针对性地提出调适方略,为普通高校投掷运动员的赛前心理训练提供参考。


1.Volleyball Athlets Unhealthy Psychological State and Adjustment Countermeasures;排球运动员不良心理状态及调整对策

2.Analysis and Countermeasure of the Negative Mood State of the Athlete in Golf Match;高尔夫比赛中不良心理状态分析及对策

3.Basketball Athletes Bad Psychological Condition and Adjusting and Controlling Countermeasures;篮球运动员的不良心理状态及调控对策

4.Analysis on the Ill-psychological State of the Poor Students and Relative Countermeasures;高校特困生的不良心理状态分析及对策

5.Graduates Unhealthy Psychological State before Leaving Alma Mater and Strategies of Its Adjustment;毕业生离校前不良心理状态及调适策略

6.Discussions on Accommodation of Bad Mentation of Fence-player;论击剑运动员赛前不良心理状态的调节

7.Analysis on the Psychological Training for Wushu Athletes Overcoming the Bad Psychological State浅析武术运动员竞赛中克服不良心理状态的心理训练

8.Analysis and Adjustment on Unhealthy Psychology State Before the Match of the College Thrower;普通高校投掷运动员赛前不良心理状态成因分析及调适

9.Analyses and Countermeasures of Juvenile Speed Skaters Bad Psychology in the Composition;青少年速滑运动员比赛不良心理状态分析及对策


11.On The Negative Psychological State of the College Student-athletes;高校普通运动员比赛中不良心理状态分析及对策

12.0n the Unhealth Competition Mental State of Weightlifters and the Means of Modification;举重运动员在比赛中的不良心理状态及改善方法

13.Influence and Overcoming Method of Unhealthy Psychological Condition on Sanda Competition试论不良心理状态对散打比赛的影响及克服方法

14.Results Adverse state of mind is comparatively more often shown on elder, illiterate and abnormal pregnant and parturient women who need psychological support.结果:高年龄、文化程度及异常妊娠孕产妇出现不良心理状态相对偏高,此类病人需要心理护理。

15.On the Influence of the Prematch Bad Mental Condition of Sanda Athlete on the Result of Match from the Sports Institute of Shenyang;浅析沈阳体育学院散打运动员赛前不良心理状态对比赛胜负的影响

16.The Status of Students Mental Health Who Learning Disabilities and Education Strategy Research;学习不良大学生的心理状态与教育策略研究

17.Gastric Emptying and Psychological Parameters in Post-prandial Distress Syndrome Patients;餐后不适综合征型功能性消化不良患者胃排空及心理状态研究

18.Lack of reponsibility, bad psychlogical statua incorrect starting point of thinking and unreasonable radiation and convergence thinking could all result in misdiagnosis.医师责任心差、不良的心理状态、思维基点选择错误、辐射—辐集思维不良等均可导致误诊。



3)unhealthy psychology不良心态

1.Abandon Unhealthy Psychology & Establish a Correct Conception of Choosing an Occupation;摒弃不良心态,树立正确的择业观

4)unhealthy psychology不良心理

1.Many factors which come from society,school and the students themselves result in college studentsunhealthy psychology in consumption field.社会、学校以及大学生自身等诸多因素造成当代大学生在消费中出现种种不良心理。

2.Many factors which come from society,school and the students themselves result in college studentsunhealthy psychology in selecting their careers.社会、学校以及大学生自身等诸多因素造成当代大学生在择业中出现种种不良心理问题。

3.We analyze seven kinds ofunhealthy psychology for employment seeking identified in recent years: passive waiting, psychology of valuing excessively the stabilization of employment, major fitting psychology, self-abused psychology, blind psychology, psychology of identifying self-employment and self-livelihood, equating knowledge and ability psychology and so on.文章对近年来大学毕业生在择业过程中表现出来的七种不良择业心理 :消极等待 ;过分看重职业稳定心理 ;专业对口心理 ;自卑心理 ;盲目心理 ;职业自我与生活自我同一心理 ;知识、能力素质等同心理等 ,进行深入分析研究 ,并就如何矫正这些不良心理提出了积极的解决办

5)Unhealthy mentality不良心理

1.In this article,the author uses the method of actual performance o bservation,personal interview,documentary material and sports competitive psycho logical state analysis and other research methods to discuss the way of adjustin g and controlling players unhealthy mentality in the game on the basis of discr iption of its character and cause.采用临场比赛观察法、个别访谈法、文献资料分析法、运动竞技心理状态分析法及其研究方法,在描述足球比赛中运动员不良心理的行为特征以及揭示其形成原因的基础上,讨论了克服不良心理的调控方法。

6)bad psychology不良心理

1.The paper uses the methods of spot observation,the individual interview method,the documentary analytic method,the athletic psychological state analytic research method,describes the behavior characteristics of athletesbad psychology in the football competition and points out the origin.采用临场比赛观察法,个别访谈法,文献资料分析法,运动竞技心理状态分析法及其研究方法,在描述足球比赛中运动员不良心理的行为特征以及揭示其形成原因的基础上,讨论了克服不良心理的调控方法。

2.Criminals are difficult to be managed during the later stage ,which have muchbad psychology.罪犯在服刑后期难管难教,出现一些不良心理和行为偏差,是目前监狱工作面临的一个 突出问题。


心理状态心理状态mental state心理状态(mental state)心理活动的某种暂时性的状态。苏联心理学家H.八.列维托夫对心理状态的问题进行了长期的研究,提出了比较完整的关于心理状态的理论。他指出,心理学的基本范畴应包括心理过程、心理状态和个性心理特征。所谓心理状态,乃是与合理活动在某一定时间内的完整的特征”。它有两个根本特征:一是具有完整的状态,即由许多心理过程构成的一个完整的整体;二是具有时间上的特征,即心理状态都占有或长或短的时间。但它不像心理过程那样具有高度的流动性和变化性,也不像个性心理特征那样稳定和持续。心理状态在心理生活中占有重要的地位,与心理过程和个性心理特征之间有着紧密的联系。它是由心理过程到个性心理特征之间的运动变化的中间环节。个性心理特征通过心理状态调节心理过程的进行,而心理过程的变化则通过心理状态的改变而导致个性特征的发展。目苏联心理学界对上述观点给予了比较一致的肯定并在教科书中有所反映,但对心理状态问题的具体研究还比较少。(王启康撰彭转龄审)
