100字范文 > 最佳心理状态 optimal mental state英语短句 例句大全

最佳心理状态 optimal mental state英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-01 19:42:39


最佳心理状态 optimal mental state英语短句 例句大全

最佳心理状态,optimal mental state

1)optimal mental state最佳心理状态

1.By the studies on psychological factors influencing the optimal competition mental states of 68 Chinese weightlifters and the relationship between them,we tried to find the factors ofoptimal mental state underlying peak performance of weightlifters and set up academic groundwork guiding the control on optimal competition mental states of weightlifters in the future.以我国68名优秀举重运动员比赛中最佳心理状态形成的有关个心理因素以及考察这些影响因素与比赛最佳心理状态的关系入手,寻找举重运动员取得优异成绩的最佳心理状态因素,试图为举重项目的训练和控制运动员比赛最佳心理状态提供理论支持。


1.Discussion of the Short Track Speed Skaters Optimal Psychology before Competition;短道速滑运动员赛前最佳心理状态与调控

2.How an athlete keeps a good mental state before a real contest;田径运动员如何保持赛前最佳心理状态

3.Adjustment to the Best Psychological State of High-jumpAthletes During Training and Competition;跳高运动员训练与比赛中最佳心理状态的调控

4.A Study on the Formation of Wushu Athletes" Best State of Mind武术套路运动员赛前最佳心理状态形成的研究

5.Optimal mental state of weightlifters in competition and influencing psychological factors举重运动员赛中最佳心理状态及其心理影响因素研究

6.The Personality Characteristic of Physical Ability Speed Event-group and Best Ychological Condition Relations Research;体能速度项群人格特征及最佳心理状态关系研究

7.Study on Optimal Mental Constitute and Feature of Athletes for Together Field Antagonism Items;同场对抗项群运动员竞赛最佳心理状态纬度构成及特征研究

8.The Research Of Athletes Best Psychological Condition Constitute And Features For Speed Dominated Event In Track And Field;田径速度性项目运动员比赛最佳心理状态特征研究

9.The Structure of Optimal Competition Mental Sate and Characteristic of Athletes on Speed Events of Track and Field;田径速度类项目运动员比赛最佳心理状态维度构成及特征研究

10.Psychological Character and Training of Best Competition States for 110m Hurdle Runner;论110m栏运动员最佳竞技状态的心理特征及培养

11.The Fence-play Athlete s Mental Training and their Best Sports state Cultivating Before Match;击剑运动员赛前心理训练与最佳竞技状态的培养

12.Research on Adjustment of Optimum Competition Mental Status of High Level Jumper对高水平跳高运动员最佳比赛心理状态调适的研究

13.optimalizing input drive最佳状态的输入给定器

14.Every month psycho-physical check ups are carried out, with the aid of specialized centers, in order to evaluate the development and progress during the season.在专业监测中心每月对车手进行一次心理身体测查,以保证他们处在最佳状态。

15.The age of ideal physical perfection and intellectual vigor.盛年,壮年具有理想体力最佳状态和智力的年纪


17.I"m never at my best early in the morning.在大清早我从来不是处在最佳状态。

18.He seems at his best tonight .今晚他似乎处在最佳状态了。


optimum condition最佳状态

3)optimum starting and stopping requirement最佳起制动状态

1.The study about belt viscoelasticity theory andoptimum starting and stopping requirements of belt conveyor;胶带粘弹性理论与运输机最佳起制动状态的研究

4)optimum compaction state最佳压实状态

pactibility andoptimum compaction state of high liquid-limit clay are analyzed according to indoor experiment,a corresponding construction guidance is put forward to instruct the embankment compaction of this kind of soil.通过室内试验,分析高液限粘土的压实性能和最佳压实状态,结合路基工艺实验成果,提出直接利用高液限粘土修筑公路路基的质量控制标准。

5)optimal combustion state最佳燃烧状态

1.For an automatic combustion control system of a reheating furnace,based on the bi-cross limitiation control,an oxygen volume fuzzy predictive control is introduced in order to ensure the system running on anoptimal combustion state.对于加热炉的燃烧自动控制系统,在采用双交叉限幅控制的基础上,为确保系统运行在最佳燃烧状态,引入了残氧量的模糊预测控制。

6)optimum running state最佳输送状态


最佳心理状态最佳心理状态optimal state of mind最佳心理状态(optimal state of mind)运动员的心理活动在特定的环境和时间内所表现出来的心理机能的完善特征,亦称为“运动竞赛心理优势”。完善性心理特征是指运动员在训练和比赛过程中,他的情绪、思维、意志、注意、人格等处于最佳水平,即发挥运动技、战术高效能状态。(谢三才撰刘淑慈审)
