100字范文 > 不良情绪 unhealthy emotion英语短句 例句大全

不良情绪 unhealthy emotion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-25 02:14:26


不良情绪 unhealthy emotion英语短句 例句大全

不良情绪,unhealthy emotion

1)unhealthy emotion不良情绪

1.Apart from the effects on the health of one s mind and body,unhealthy emotions even harm people s communication and work efficiently.不良情绪不仅影响人的身心健康 ,而且妨碍人际交往、降低工作效率。


1.The Control of the Contemporary Youth s Unhealthy Mood and the Training of the Healthy Mood;当代青年不良情绪控制与健康情绪培养

2.A Study on the Effect of a REE Based Counseling Program on Improving Students Emotion in High School;基于理性情绪教育的辅导课程对改善高中生不良情绪的效果研究

3.The Feature of Farmer-workers Children s Negative Emotion and Its Intervention Research;农民工子女小学生不良情绪特点及其干预研究

4.The Study on the Relationship of Life Events, Coping Styles and Negative Emotion among College Students;生活事件、应对方式对大学生不良情绪的影响

5.Bad emotional motivations and prevention of teenagers crimes;青少年违法犯罪的不良情绪动机及其预防

6.Analysis of the Unhealthy Moods of Woman Softball Players in Competition and Countermeasures;女子垒球运动员竞赛中不良情绪的分析与对策

7.Talk About the Basketball Player Depression to Their Influence;篮球运动员易出现的不良情绪及调节方法

8.Regulative Methods to Bad Emotion of Masses in Police Masses Work公安群众工作中群众不良情绪的调控方法

9.CONCLUSION: Psychological interventions can reduce the bad emotions of depression and anxiety in the postoperative patients of mastectomy.结论:乳腺切除术后患者存在抑郁、虑不良情绪,心理干预可以改善其抑郁和焦虑情绪。

10.Conclusion Bad emotion and less social supportion is the behaviour character of the patients with CAD.结论不良情绪、少的社会支持是冠心病患者的行为特征。

11.Relationship among Unhealthy Emotions, Psychological Status and Quality of Life in Patients with Asthma;支气管哮喘患者不良情绪、心理状况与生存质量的相关研究

12.On The Source And Regulating Ways Of Wushu Athletes Negative Moods;武术套路运动员产生不良情绪的原因及调整方法研究

13.Ill-Emotions and Adaptability in School of Mental Retardation Children: Review and Research Expectations;智力落后儿童不良情绪与学校适应研究现状及展望

14.Structural Equation Modeling:Stressful Life Events,Coping Styles and Emotional Disorder of Junior Middle Student Students;初中生的生活事件、应对方式与不良情绪的结构模型研究

15.and beyond are not evil humour born of indigestion,不是消化不良引起的邪恶情绪,

16.University Students’Self-Adjustment to Bad Study Fettle and Emotions大学生不良学习情绪和情感的自我调节

17.The child"s bad behaviour is a result of emotional problems.这孩子的不良行为是情绪问题导致的结果。

18.Cognitive Characteristics of Emotional Display Rule Among Children with Learning Disabilities;学习不良儿童对情绪表达规则的认知特点


unhealthy mood不良情绪

1.This paper points out the bad effect brought by the fiveunhealthy moods such as "anxiety","conceit","nervouseness","slakening"and "apathy" by analyzing the low spirits of woman baseball players in competition and proposes some coumtermeasures by analyzing the causes of the low spirits.通过对全国部分女子垒球运动员在竞赛中的不良情绪的分析,指出了对竞赛产生副作用的“焦躁”、“自负”、“紧张”、“松弛”、“淡漠”等5种不良情绪,在分析其成因的基础上提出了对策。

2.The research is aimed at designing a rational-emotive education (REE) course which satisfies the actual demands of the school, and at the same time making a study of the effect it may have on reducing or removingunhealthy mood.本研究旨在设计一套针对我校实际需要的理性情绪教育(Rational-emotive education,REE)辅导课程,并探讨该课程在减低或消除不良情绪及提高心理健康方面的辅导效果。


4)unfavorable emotions in the course of pregnancy孕产期不良情绪

5)Unhealthy mood/therapy不良情绪/治疗

6)students unhealthy emotions学生不良情绪


