100字范文 > 不正之风 unhealthy tendency英语短句 例句大全

不正之风 unhealthy tendency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-07 03:44:34


不正之风 unhealthy tendency英语短句 例句大全

不正之风,unhealthy tendency

1)unhealthy tendency不正之风

1.Theunhealthy tendency in athletics sports is a cancer of harming athletic sustainable development, not only did it override the fair principle of athletics sports, impair mind and body health of the athletes, but resulted in abominable influence in society, if let things go hang, athletics sports will take to perdition.竞技体育领域中的不正之风,是妨害体育事业可持续发展的一大毒瘤,它不仅严重践踏了竞技体育的公平竞争原则,损害运动员身心健康,而且在社会上造成了恶劣的影响。


1.Backdoor deals are unhealthy praethy.走后门是一种不正之风。

2.put a stop to political abuses煞住政治上的不正之风.

3.Act as a megaphone for the unhealthy tendency充分不正之风的传声筒

4.a campaign aimed to correct abuses or malpractices.纠正玩忽职守等不正之风的运动。

5.Resolute measures should be taken to prevent and redress malpractice in the recruitment and promotion work.坚决防止和纠正用人上的不正之风。

6."Office for Correcting Illegitimate Practices of all Trades, the State Council"国务院纠正行业不正之风办公室(纠风办)

7.We should give first priority to eliminating these bad practices.应该首先把这些不正之风整一整。

8.We must arm the people against unhealthy tendency我们要教育人民抵制不正之风。

9.Appoint people on their merits; do not resort to malpractice in personnel placement.坚持任人唯贤,反对用人上的不正之风

10.Unhealthy tendencies are quite widespread at present, and to correct them we should begin with the leading cadres who are at fault.现在,不正之风很突出,要先从领导干部纠正起。

11.Resolutely oppose privilege and earnestly overcome all such unhealthy tendencies as "practicing Back-doorism"坚决反对特殊化,认真纠正“走后门”之类的不正之风

12.Check such malpractices as Building connections and cementing Backdoor sources for private gain杜绝为谋取私利拉关系,钻门路的不正之风

13.Such unhealthy tendencies as securing advantage through pull or influence must be checked and stopped像走后门这一类不正之风,必须加以帛止

14.Persons in the know also revealed some malpractices at the fair.知情人披露了一些交易会上的不正之风。

15.Contagion in the Academic Sphere and the Establishment of Fundamental Academic Moral Spirits;学术领域不正之风与基本学术道德精神确立

16.Establish Honest Government Risk Prevention & Control Pattern to Containment the Unhealthy Tendency in Drug Purchase建立廉政风险防控模式,遏制医院药品采购与使用中的不正之风

17.Continued efforts were made to correct malpractice in all trades and professions and the service industry is Beginning to offer guarantees to consumers.继续纠正行业不正之风,服务行业的承诺制初步开展

18.A Talk about the Malpractice and Corruption of the Chinese Academic Circle杞人之忧 忧怀天下——关于学界不正之风与学术腐败的对话


unhealthy tendencies不正之风

1.This paper analyzes the dangers and reasons of theunhealthy tendencies in tax departments, and probes into the countermeasures for controlling theunhealthy tendencies in tax industry.分析了税务部门行业不正之风的危害及原因,探讨了治理税务行业不正之风的对策。

3)check unhealthy tendencies; amend unwholesome ways; rectify bad tendencies; put a stop to all malpractices纠正不正之风

4)profession unhealthy tendency行业不正之风

1.On inquiry of the contributing factor and the medicineprofession unhealthy tendency counterplan,the inquirieds are the medicine profession medicine price high, drugs discount the formation reason that wait the unhealthy tendency, and the serious bane that may result in.探讨医药行业不正之风的成因及对策。

5)malpractice and corruption学界不正之风

1.This paper analyses themalpractice and corruption of the academic circle in China.本文对当前深受关注的学界不正之风与学术腐败问题进行了分析 ,指出了其主要表现形式、成因 ,并提出了相应的对

6)scholastic immorality学术不正之风

1.The progressive of the CPC and its leading position determine that it must be led by the CPC to prevent thescholastic immorality.中国共产党的先进性及其执政地位决定了防治学术不正之风必须有党的领导作保证。


