100字范文 > 即时性 Instantaneousness英语短句 例句大全

即时性 Instantaneousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-08 05:56:04


即时性 Instantaneousness英语短句 例句大全



1.As one of the communication media,sci-tech academic journals demonstrate their own transmitting features which can be summarized as interactiveness,innovativeness,brevity,instantaneousness and limitedness.科技学术期刊是众多传媒的载体之一,在传播科技信息时有其自身的特点,可以概括为互动性、创新性、简约性、即时性以及局限性。


1.The network has global,opening,characteristic immediately and so on,development speed is extremelt fast.网络具有全球性、开放性、即时性等特点。

2.Is the promotion of instant sexual gratification just harmless entertainment?即时性满足对宣传只是无害的娱乐吗?

3.It is the immediacy of events which makes television so popular.是时事报道的即时性使电视如此受到大众欢迎。

4.You can specify if you want to receive immediate notification for performance alerts.您可以指定是否接收即时性能警报的通知。

5.The block becomes magnetic when the current is switched on.通电时线圈即具磁性.

6.The block become magnetic when the current be switched on通电时线圈即具磁性

7.Electric batteries charging again will be able to resume.电池的电性在再次充电时即可恢复。

8.Study on the Simultaneous Transient and Delayed Transient Properties in the Dynamic System in the Pipe;管道动力系统即时瞬变与延时瞬变特性研究

9.Reality Monitoring in Preschoolers: Immediate and Delayed Tests;学前儿童的现实性监测:即时和延时测验

10.Even then she would have had no conception of the relative value of the thing;即使在那时候,她也不会明白价值的相对性。

11.Even a little diversification can provide a substantial reduction in variability.即时一丁点分散也能造成变异性的显著降低。

12.Even innocuous substances can sometimes register a positive result in a drug test.即使无害的物质在药物测试中有时也会呈阳性。

13.A Study of On-line Thematic Inferences of Chinese EFL Learners during Narrative Text Processing;中国英语学习者叙述性语篇即时主题推理研究

14.A Clinical Study of Three Kinds of Active IUD Inserted Immediately after Induced Abortion;人工流产术后即时放置三种活性IUD的临床研究

15.The Research of Relationship between Life Style and Use of Instant Messaging;生活形态与即时通讯使用的关联性研究


17.The Improved Research Design and Implementation of Instant Messaging System安全即时通信系统的改进性研究、设计与实现

18.Observations on the Immediate Effect of Ear-acupuncture Combined Treatment on Cervical Vertigo耳针疗法对颈性眩晕即时效应的疗效观察


instant rationality即时理性

3)instantaneous technology即时性技术

1.Gestalt therapy andinstantaneous technology of psychological consultation and therapy also do the .心理咨询和治疗的即时性技术和格式塔疗法,也是让求助者的眼光注意到"此时此地"。

4)instantaneous liquidity即时流动性

1.In order to meet this demand,the "instantaneous liquidity",only able to be satisfied by assets in cash or similar reserve abilities,has to be available for commercial banks.承诺类业务对银行流动性影响的核心,是银行提供承诺后就面临着“不确定的流动性需求”;为保证满足这种不确定的流动性需求,要求银行拥有“即时流动性”;即时流动性只能由以现金资产或其他类似的备付能力才能提供;银行可能拥有的即时流动性使一些业务的开展遇到“流动性限制”。

5)simultaneous evaluation即时性评价

1.Though the traditional exterior-controlled evaluation,pattern evaluation, andsimultaneous evaluation have shown their functions and value,it is necessary and indispensable to reform and integrate the ways of school evaluation to develop school education.传统的外控评价、模块化评价、即时性评价,虽依然表现出自身的功能和价值,但学校评价方式的变革与整合,已成为学校教育发展需要的必然。

6)immediate linearization即时线性化

1.A new predictive control scheme for Wiener type non li near systems by the combination Laguerre networks with SBP neural networks (SBP NN) and the method ofimmediate linearization (IL) is presented.采用一种Laguerre网络与SBP神经网络构成的组合模型和即时线性化方法实现了对Wiener非线性系统的自适应预测控制策略 。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
