100字范文 > 科技文化软实力 the soft power of sci-tech culture英语短句 例句大全

科技文化软实力 the soft power of sci-tech culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-13 00:34:10


科技文化软实力 the soft power of sci-tech culture英语短句 例句大全

科技文化软实力,the soft power of sci-tech culture

1)the soft power of sci-tech culture科技文化软实力

1.From the perspective of soft power of culture,the paper discusses the connotation,composition,function and main contents of sci-tech culture,and argues that constant enhancement ofthe soft power of sci-tech culture is of great importance in intensifying national cohesion and increasing overall national strength.本文从文化软实力的视角,分析了科技文化的内涵、整体结构、功能和主要内容,指出当前不断提升科技文化软实力,对于强化国家的凝聚力和向心力,进一步增强国家综合国力,具有十分重要的意义。

2)soft power of culture文化软实力

1.Soft power,soft power of culture and soft power of sports culture——Soft power promotion in China caused by Beijing Olympic Games软实力 文化软实力 体育文化软实力——兼论北京奥运会对我国文化软实力的提升

2.Boosting library development and advancingsoft power of culture推进图书馆建设 提升文化软实力

3.The author believes thatsoft power of culture is the core of a country s soft power,the strength of mass media is the core part ofsoft power of culture.一国软实力的核心是文化软实力,文化软实力的核心部分是传媒实力。


1.Soft power,soft power of culture and soft power of sports culture--Soft power promotion in China caused by Beijing Olympic Games软实力文化软实力 体育文化软实力——兼论北京奥运会对我国文化软实力的提升

2.To Enhance the National Cultural Soft Power by Strengthening the Media增强传媒实力以提高国家文化软实力

3.Cultural Soft Power and West National Culture Ecology Construction文化软实力与西部民族文化生态建设

4.Improve Cultural Construction to Enhance Hospital"s Core Competitiveness提升文化软实力 增强核心竞争力

5.Cultural Soft Power:Another Power Changing the World文化软实力:改变世界的另一种力量

6.On the Soft Strength of Culture and Its Construction in View of Building a Harmonious Society;和谐社会视角下文化软实力及其构建

7.City Spirit, City Policy and the Soft Power of City Culture;城市精神、城市政策与城市文化软实力

8.Perspectives on Enhancing Network culture as the Soft Power of Universities;提升高校网络文化软实力的若干思考

9.Advance of Soft Power and Peaceful Rising of China;文化软实力的提升与中国的和平崛起

10.Promoting Chinese Traditional Culture Improveing Cultural Soft Power;返本开新:提升文化软实力的新路径

11.To Improve the Cultural Soft Strength of the Nation: Connotation, Background and Task;提高国家文化软实力:内涵、背景和任务

12.The Soft Power of Chinese Culture in Quanzhou City and Its Strategic Path to Choice泉州“文化软实力”及其战略路径选择

13.On Promotion of Chinese Soft Power in Culture Brought by Beijing Olympic Games北京奥运会对我国文化软实力的提升

14.Studies on the Soft Power of Strengthening Hebei Provincial Culture(topic for special discussion)关于加强河北文化软实力建设的思考

15.New Trends in India"s Diplomacy:To Promote Cultural Soft Power印度外交新态势:文化软实力的推进


17.Thought on the Research of the "Soft Power" and the Construction of National Cultural Security System文化“软实力”及国家文化安全研究引论

18.Guided by Improving Soft Strength,Enhance Collegiate Cultural Power;以提升软实力为先导,提高大学文化力


soft power of culture文化软实力

1.Soft power,soft power of culture and soft power of sports culture——Soft power promotion in China caused by Beijing Olympic Games软实力 文化软实力 体育文化软实力——兼论北京奥运会对我国文化软实力的提升

2.Boosting library development and advancingsoft power of culture推进图书馆建设 提升文化软实力

3.The author believes thatsoft power of culture is the core of a country s soft power,the strength of mass media is the core part ofsoft power of culture.一国软实力的核心是文化软实力,文化软实力的核心部分是传媒实力。

3)cultural soft power文化软实力

1.The Development of Librarianship and the Enhancement of National Cultural Soft Power发展图书馆事业与国家文化软实力的提升

2.The task of improvingcultural soft power is advanced in the 17th National Congress of CPC,but how to improve and where the starting point lays still remain unsolved problems.党的十七大提出了提高文化软实力的任务,如何提高,从何处着手仍是有待解决的问题。

3.Therefore,it is of great significance to improve China’scultural soft power so as to meet the demand of the times.提高我国文化软实力是时代的要求,具有重要的意义:它可以提升我国经济硬实力,促进社会主义精神文明建设和社会的和谐发展,提高国家的综合实力、维护我国的文化安全。

4)culture soft power文化软实力

1.We need to enhance Chineseculture soft power in an orderly way and step by step in order to increase our compr.要全面增强我国的综合国力,实现中华民族的伟大复兴,必须稳步提升中国文化软实力。

2.The promotion of theculture soft power has become the focus of the world.文化软实力是综合国力的重要组成部分,文化竞争已经成为各国综合国力竞争的重要内容,提升文化软实力已经成为当今世界普遍关注的焦点。

3.It has been the times trend of human civilization to develop cultural economy,promoteculture soft power and strengthen urban central competitive power,as well as the requirement for governments,Party committees at all levels and the masses.发展文化经济,提升文化软实力,增强城市核心竞争力,已成为人类文明进步的时代潮流,也是对各级党委、政府和广大干部群众践行科学发展观的必然要求。

5)cultural soft strength文化软实力

1.Grasping the actuality ofcultural soft strength construction is the need to considercultural soft strength in a strategic way.当今世界正处在广泛而深刻的变革之中,清醒认识文化软实力在构建社会主义和谐社会中的重要地位,准确把握文化软实力建设的基本现状,对于我们自觉坚持从战略高度思考提高文化软实力具有重要意义。

2.Thus a full development of cultural cause and boosting of thecultural soft strength are required of increasing the overall national strength,constructing a harmonious society,and satisfying the civilian′s increasing spiritual life.大力发展文化事业,提升文化软实力,是增强综合国力的需要,是构建和谐社会的需要,是满足人民大众日益增长的精神生活需求的需要。

6)soft power of Chinese culture文化软实力

1.Based on the research of present problems,it also finds the measures and suggestions on how to innovate culture construction on campus and to build a better college culture to enhance thesoft power of Chinese culture in colleges.高校是传承、引领、创新文化的重要基地,在提升国家文化软实力方面发挥着越来越大的作用。

2.Through a detailed analysis of the gains and losses of various translations,it emphasizes the necessity of preventing the loss of cultural capital and promoting thesoft power of Chinese culture.通过具体分析各种英译方法的得失,提出应该通过此类翻译防止中国文化资本的流失,促进中国的文化软实力。

3.China\"s foreign strategies need to make good use ofsoft power of Chinese culture.文化软实力是软实力中的核心要素,在新形势下发挥着越来越重要的作用。


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