100字范文 > 城市软实力 city soft power英语短句 例句大全

城市软实力 city soft power英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-19 01:53:08


城市软实力 city soft power英语短句 例句大全

城市软实力,city soft power

1)city soft power城市软实力

1.One of the characteristics of soft power study is the extensive application of "soft power" at regional, city, corporate and organizational levels, in particular,city soft power.其中的一个特点便是,“软实力”概念被扩展到区域、城市、企业、组织等层面,尤其是城市软实力。


1.Optimize Garden Landscape of Relics Park and Increase Soft Power of Hefei优化遗址园林景观 提升合肥城市软实力

2.Bronze culture:soft power of Huangshi弘扬黄石的青铜文化 提升黄石城市软实力

3.City Spirit, City Policy and the Soft Power of City Culture;城市精神、城市政策与城市文化软实力

4.Soft strength hard justification --thinking on urban culture development strategy;软实力 硬道理——城市文化发展战略之思

5.Promoting the Cultural Soft Power-An Inevitable Approach in Building up Metropolitan-regional City提升城市文化软实力是打造区域中心城市的必然之路

6.The Cultural Soft Power of National Central Cities: A Case Study of the Top Five National Central Cities in China国家中心城市文化软实力评价研究——以港京沪津穗城市为例

7.Three Important Links for Promoting the Cultural Soft Power of Guangzhou City提升广州城市社区文化软实力的三个重要环节

8.The Application to Cultural Soft Power of Urban Redevelopment in Globalization全球化背景下城市再发展的文化软实力运用

9.On the Improvement of the Softpower of P.E.Culture in Medieum-sized Cities--Langfang as a Case对提升中等城市体育文化软实力的思考——以廊坊市为例

10.Reflections on the construction of historic and cultural cities through improving their cultural power:taking Hengyang city as a case关于建设历史文化名城、提升城市文化软实力的若干思考——以衡阳市为例

11.Study on Forward Modeling for Hybrid Electric Transit Bus and Forward Simulation Software;混合动力城市客车正向建模及仿真软件研究

12.The Development and Exploitation of Power Supply Capability Evaluation Software for Urban Power Distribution Network;城市电网供电能力评估软件的研究与开发

13.UMT Quasi-moving Block CAD Software Design and Implementation;城市轨道交通准移动闭塞CAD软件的设计与实现

14.Deep Excavation Design and Construction Example in Soft Soil Area of Urban Center城市中心区软土地基中深基坑设计与施工实例

15.Analysis of investigation and confirmation of Ningde s (city proper) supermarket competitive force;宁德市(城区)超市竞争力调研实证分析

16.Applying the Concept Planning of Urban Development and Promoting the UrbanCompetitiveness of Xuzhou;实施城市发展概念规划 提升徐州城市竞争力

17.Study on City Competitive Capabilities and Competitive Capabilities Analysis of 10 Central Cities in Shaanxi Province;城市竞争力理论与陕西省10个中心城市竞争力实证研究

18.An Empirical Study on Relationship between Urban Sustainable Development and Urban Competitiveness;城市可持续发展能力与城市竞争力关系的实证研究


urban comprehensive strength城市综合实力

1.The method of weighting varies in evaluation ofurban comprehensive strength.在分析部分主要方法的优点和不足的基础上,提出用分形维数求权重的方法,并结合东北地区90个城市发展的综合实力的排序分析,阐述利用分形维数求权重的方法在判断城市综合实力中应用的具体步骤。

2.The index system of the evaluation of theurban comprehensive strength is set up in this paper,based on the index system,26 urbans of Hunan province are lined up according to their comprehensive strength by means of the factors analysis method.本文建立了城市综合实力评价的指标体系,并以此为依据,运用因子分析法对湖南省26个城市的综合实力进行了评价与排序。

3)urban comprehensive strength hierarchy城市实力等级

4)city"s synthetic economic power城市综合经济实力

1.In order to evaluating the city′s synthetic economic power reasonably,the authors raise the method of ″Vertical-Horizontal″ Wide Range which can be the measure of city′s synthetic power.为了对长江三角洲城市群的经济综合实力做合理的评价,提出用作为“纵横向”拉开档次法对城市综合经济实力进行评价,并通过16个城市的2000、2002和三年数据进行了实证分析,最后给出了这些城市综合经济实力的排序和分类。

5)Objective city实体城市

6)urban entity城市实体

1.Based on the TM images in 1988, 1996 and , the article applies RS, GIS and Shannon entropy theory to extract the boundary ofurban entity of Beijing, and analyzes the area, direction, type and rules of Beijing urban expansion between 1988 and .本文以1988、1996、TM遥感影像为依据,应用遥感、地理信息系统技术与信息熵原理提取了北京市城市实体边界,分析了北京市1988-间城市扩展的面积、方向、扩展类型以及城市扩展的导向规律。

2.Based on the TM images in 1988, 1996 and , the article applies RS, GIS and land use degree comprehensive index to extract the boundary ofurban entity of Beijing, and analyzes the area, direction, type and rules of Beijing urban expansion between 1988 and .本文以1988、1996、TM遥感影像为依据,应用遥感、地理信息系统技术,并首次采用土地利用程度综合指数模型提取了北京市城市实体边界,分析了北京市1988-间城市扩展的面积、方向、扩展类型以及城市扩展的导向规律。


