100字范文 > 机票价格 ticket price英语短句 例句大全

机票价格 ticket price英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-25 04:39:24


机票价格 ticket price英语短句 例句大全

机票价格,ticket price

1)ticket price机票价格


1.An economy class air ticket costs much less.经济舱飞机票价格要便宜得多。

2.Game Theory Analysis and Explanation of Air Ticket Price Control Problem;机票价格管制问题的博弈分析及解释

3.On the Government Regulation in Marketing Process of Aviation Ticket;民航机票价格市场化过程中的政府规制研究

4.Economic Reflections on the Reform of Civil Airline Ticket Price in China;对我国民航机票价格改革的经济学思考

5.The Influence of Price Limit Mechanism on Price Fluctuation and Market Liquidity价格限制机制对股票价格波动及流动性的影响

6.Weak form Market of Stock Market and Random Walk of Stock Price;股票市场弱势有效与股票价格的随机游走

7.government contract fare passage on standard route by air标准航空路线的政府合约价格机票

8.Institutional Investors and Stock Price Volatility;机构投资者与股票价格波动研究综述

9.share capital, dealing, prices股本、 股票交易、 股票价格

10.The Price Formation Mechanism Analysis of the Film Tickets Market Based on the Price Theory;基于价格理论的电影市场票价形成机制分析

11.The Pricing of Options with Several Stock Prices Models under Stochastic Interest Rates随机利率下若干股票价格模型的期权定价

12.An Analysis of the Cost Structure of CCA Fares and Price System民航企业机票成本结构与价格机制分析

13.Research on the Formation Mechanism of Stock Price of Our Country and Regulation and Control Mechanism;中国股票价格形成机理及调控机制研究

14.A Cost Analysis of the Passenger Ticket of Chinese Airlines and the Price System;我国民航企业机票成本结构与价格机制分析

15.strong prices, share values, etc坚挺的价格、 股票价值等

16.An attempt by speculators to drive stock prices down by coordinated selling.抛售股票投机者为使股票价格大幅下跌而采取的联手抛售行为

17.Stock prices have fallen considerably during the current economic malaise.股票价格因为当前的金融危机已大幅度下跌。

18.Study on Fluctuations of Stock Prices by Stochastic Model and Grey System;应用随机模型和灰色系统研究股票价格波动


Asking about flight price询问机票价格

3)stock price股票价格

1.Prediction ofstock price base on radial basic function neural networks;基于RBF神经网络的股票价格预测

2.An Empirical Study on Interaction Between Exchange Rate and Stock Price in China.;中国汇率与股票价格联动的实证研究

3.Empirical Study on the Impact of Stock Price Fluctuation on Investment;股票价格波动对投资影响的实证分析

4)stock prices股票价格

1.The Relativity between Irregular Profits and Stock Prices;非经常性损益与股票价格的相关性分析

2.Information Asymmetry and Stock Prices: A Theoretical and Empirical Study;信息不对称与股票价格的理论与实证研究

3.In this paper,the authors give a strict proof of geometric Brown motion displayed bystock prices using the methods of approximation from discrete process to continuous stochastic process.通过由一般的离散过程逼近连续随机过程的方法,给予证券价格按有漂移率的几何布朗运动变化的一个严格的证明,并指出了股票价格过程的一般模型。

5)share price股票价格

1.The Analysis of Market Differential of the Enterprise s Share Price;企业股票价格市场差异分析

2.In the light of the changing situation in whichshare prices of stock sometimes go up and sometimes go down , this paper predicts the changes of theshare prices in the future using transition probability and stationary equation and analyses theshare prices and rise and fall with a living example.针对股票价格涨跌的变动情况,运用转移概率和平稳方程对股票价格在未来时间的变化进行了预测,并对某股票的价格涨跌进行实证分析。

3.The sales features of a listed company′s share can be described by two indexes: exchange volume andshare price.选取股票价格、成交量来刻画公司股票在证券市场上的表现特征 ,根据股票量价波动的相似性和决策者的偏好构建了综合模糊聚类模型 ,提供了一种动态分类股票的方法 。

6)ticket price门票价格

1.About the contesting production of the professional football going to the market from theticket price;从门票价格视角看职业足球竞赛产品的市场化

2.By resource-based tourism products prices on the theory discussion,we gave the establishment of such products pricing two main factors: the effectiveness of tourists and landscaper profit maximization,constructed a static Nash equilibrium,calculated optimal scenicticket prices of the theoretical value,conducted a structural analysis,gave the corresponding policy recommendations.通过对资源依托型旅游产品价格制定的理论探讨,初步确立了影响此类产品价格制定的2个主要因素:游客的效用最大化和景区的利润最大化;通过构建静态纳什均衡,计算出了景区门票价格的理论值,并对此进行了结构分析,最后给出了相应的政策建议。

3.In recent years,the increasingticket price of scenic area of heritage has aroused great attention from all sectors of society.遗产类景区门票价格管理问题的解决,主要应从及时调整遗产类景区的经营目标,转换遗产类景区门票价格管理中的政府角色和职能入手,使其成为遗产保护的责任主体,以便景区摆脱自筹维护管理费用的沉重负担;拓宽遗产保护的社会融资渠道,实现门票经济向产业经济的提升。


