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宜 Yi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-27 01:08:58


宜 Yi英语短句 例句大全



1.This article gives new interpretation about four characters of "Shuo Wen Jie Zi":"Shui"(Water) means equating;"Gong"(Justice) means fair and impartial;"Zhong" (Loyalty) means respccted and serious;"Yi"(Fitting) means suitable and proper.(四 )宜 ,所安也。


1.Book and friend should be few but good.书籍与朋友,宜好不宜坏,宜少不宜多。

2.Suit our measures to differing conditions in terms of locality, time, issue and persons involved因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜

3.Cheap things are not good; good things are not cheap .好货不便宜,便宜无好货。

4.Dear is cheap, and cheap is dear.便宜无好货,好货不便宜

5.Tell not all you know, nor do all you can .言不宜尽,能不宜竭。

6.Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing.择友宜慎,弃友宜更慎。

7.Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.读书如择友,宜少且宜精。

8.Is today right for sowing?"算算今天宜不宜栽种?”

9.Be swift to hear, slow to speak.听宜敏捷,言宜缓行。

10.A Study on the Relationship between Leisure and Livability in A Modern Livable City;宜居应宜闲:论现代宜居城市的休闲融入问题

11.lend itself to适宜于,对...有用

12.Oh, that"s really a good buy.哦,这支笔很便宜。

13.It is strong, light and cheap.它坚韧、轻便、便宜;

14.That"s very cheap,@ says Li Ming.李明说:“很便宜,

15.It ill befits him to do.....他不宜 [不适合] …。

16.appropriate to a church or to use in a church宜于在教堂中使用的或对教堂适宜的.

17.Cheryl"s chilly cheap chip shop sells Cheryl"s cheap chips.雪露的便宜辣椒薯条店卖便宜的薯条。

18.breathable:Suitable or pleasant for breathing.适宜于吸入的:适合或宜于呼吸的。


To make a harmonious and orderly home宜室宜家


1.Design strategy to decrease the cost ofIKEA;论宜家的降低成本设计战略

2.On Marketing Strategies ofIKEA;浅谈宜家家居的独特营销策略

3.Inspiration from the Human-oriented Thought ofIKEA to Youth Work;“宜家”人本思想对青年工作的启示


1.Research of Acid Method Purification Experiment of Thin Crystal Graphite inYihuang;宜黄细晶质石墨酸法提纯实验研究

2.Investigation on East Chinese Tigers and Their Habitat inYihuang County,Jiangxi Province;江西宜黄华南虎及栖息地调查


1.Analysis on Bamboo Vinegar Produced inYibin;宜宾碧源竹醋液成分分析

2.The Present Condition and Developing Trend ofYibin Environmental Protection Industry;宜宾环保产业的现状及发展趋势

3.An Investigation of the Sexual Physiological and Psychological Development of 2 770 High School Students inYibin;宜宾市2770名中学生性生理、性心理发展的调查研究


1.Concept and countermeasure for development ofYichang phosphate industry;宜昌磷肥工业发展的思路与对策

2.Surface Modification of Calcined Coal-measures Kaolin inYichang and Its Application in SBR;宜昌煤系煅烧高岭土表面改性及在丁苯橡胶中的应用

3.Fault Space Textures and Their Ore-Control Rule in Shibanxi Au Mining Area,Yichang, Hubei Province;湖北宜昌石板溪金矿区断层空间结构及其控矿规律研究


《药症忌宜》《药症忌宜》 《药症忌宜》 内科著作。二册。清·陈澈撰。刊于1872年。本书根据不同的病理情况,将病症风、寒、暑、湿、燥、火、阳虚、阴虚、表虚、里虚、阳实、阴实、阳厥、阴厥、上盛下虚、心虚、肝虚、脾虚等五十门。每门中又分列多种病证,每种病证均选列应用药物,并对些药物的药性、功效及药物的宜忌作相应的论述,末附诸病应忌药总例,综述各类药性。现存清刻本及《珍本医书集成》本。
