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陈熠 Chen Yi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-15 21:59:16


陈熠 Chen Yi英语短句 例句大全

陈熠,Chen Yi

1)Chen Yi陈熠

1.Dr.Chen Yi"s Experience in Treating Lung Cancer by Regulating Spirit and Relieving Depression陈熠运用调神解郁法治疗肺癌的临床经验


1.Dr. Chen Yi"s Experience in Treating Lung Cancer by Regulating Spirit and Relieving Depression陈熠运用调神解郁法治疗肺癌的临床经验

2.She has an amused twinkle in her eye.她高兴得双目熠熠发亮.

3.The sun winked on the lake.阳光照得湖面熠熠闪光。

4.Bolts of lightning and heavy rains appeared.闪电熠熠,大雨倾盆。

5.The morning appeared finally, in its splendour.在这熠熠光辉中,黎明终于降临了。

6.and there were gardens bright with sinuous rills,花园里蜿蜒的小溪熠熠闪光,

7.But he didn"t truly shine until Valentine"s Day.但父亲真正光彩熠熠的时候是情人节。

8.A Review of The Character in British Fiction:A Critical History破土之作,其辉熠熠——评《英国小说人物史》

9.The reel was on backward.钓线因未经使用而熠熠生辉,卷线轴却装反了。

10.The bird"s beautiful wings were shining with all colors of the rainbow.小鸟美丽的翅膀如七色彩虹般熠熠闪亮。

11.The sidewalk wears a coat of shiny spots.人行道好象穿上了一件熠熠闪光的外衣。

12.Presently the string of blue beads lay gleaming again before him.那串蓝宝石珠立刻又在他的面前熠熠发光。

13.She had health and beauty, and money to gild these gifts.她健康而漂亮,富有使这些天赋更加熠熠生辉。

14.His own genial nature reflects its sunshine through his pages.篇页间可见其温文尔雅,光彩熠熠的秉性。

15.Professor Ferguson"s integrity shone in his classroom.佛古森教授光明磊落,学堂之上,人格熠熠生辉。

16.Wishing you a sparkling Christmas and bright New Year!愿你有一个熠熠生辉的圣诞,欢乐明亮的新年!

17.The true hazel eye-and so brilliant!真正淡褐色的眼睛,而且总是那么熠熠放光!

18.Light of life shines--on the theme of humanity in Shen cong - wens novel生命之光 熠熠照人——论沈从文小说中的人性主题


To become radiant.变得熠熠发光

3)a brilliant gemstone熠耀生辉的宝石


1.The country of the Xie clan was inChen and theChen was established in Western Zhou Dynasty,which changed repeatedly,and eventually fell among Yongjia of Chaos.在六朝的300余年间,陈郡谢氏自谢衡至谢靖前后凡10余代,世系绵长,子孙繁盛;陈郡谢氏的祖籍陈留阳夏,行政区划几经变更,最后在永嘉之乱中沦陷;之后,谢氏侨居江东,以建康和会稽为两个重要据点发展家族势力,很快成为一流的门阀世族。

5)Chen Xuan陈

1.To keepCaoYun unimpe ded,Chen Xuan alongwithotherofficials harne ssedtheGrand Canaleffectively.陈是明朝初期一位很有作为的人物 ,虽非重臣 ,然其对明代社会的贡献颇大 ,主要在于漕运。

6)stale .flavor陈味


熠耀1.光彩;鲜明。 2.磷火,鬼火。 3.借指萤火虫。 4.显耀。 5.犹飘扬。
