100字范文 > 《易》 Yi英语短句 例句大全

《易》 Yi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-13 11:12:03


《易》 Yi英语短句 例句大全



1.Synthetically referring to three ancient types ofYi:on the region of Tai xuan;综参古《易》:《太玄》的易学渊源

2.TheYi and the annotations to the Analects of Confucius from the Han to Jin dynasties;汉晋《论语》注的援《易》解经特色

3.The split of physics and metaphysics in modern times:Yi and the scholars interests in the Classics Studies times;"形而上"与"形而下"的近代分离——《易》与经学时代中国学者的学术兴趣

2)The Book of Changes《易》

1.On the Role ofThe Book of Changes in the Transitional Process from Witchery to Historical Record in the Transitional Period from the Yin Dynasty to the Shang Dynasty;试论殷周之际由巫到史转变中《易》的作用

2.The explanation system of the Book of Changes ought to have been completed within the imperial palace of Zhou.《周易》卦、爻辞所引之古歌、文献,系出自周族旧典,有的年代相当古早;但《易》到西周中晚期(宣王之世)已基本定稿,最晚收入《易》卦爻辞的歌诗、谣谚应不晚于宣王之世。

3.The Book of Changes is to make use of it ,that is to cultivate one s moral character,to run his family,to administer a country and to suppress the universe.孙奇逢的一个重要思想,即学《易》旨在用《易》以治身、治家与治国平天下。

3)Book of Changes《易》

1.The Features of Metaphors and the Literay Enlightenment inBook of Changes;《易》的取象特征及其文学启示


1.Brief Discussion on the Relation between "Wenxindiaolong" and "Yi";略论《文心雕龙》与《易》的一些关系

2.The Approaches the Author Masters to Know the World inYijing;《易经》作者认识和把握世界的基本方式


1.a good [bad] sleeper容易[不易]入睡者

2.be subject to hallucinations易产生 [易有] 幻觉

3.Liable to be accused or indicted.易被指责的,易被指控的

4.Department of Overseas Trade海外贸易部海外贸易部

5.Tending to ablate.易烧蚀的,易消融的

6.Old wood be best to burn; old horse to ride .旧木易烧,老马易骑。

7.(esp of food)likely to decay or go bad quickly(尤指食物)易腐的,易坏的

8.spot trade现货贸易,现汇贸易

mercial Relations Branch [Trade Department]对外贸易关系科〔贸易署〕

10.Multilateral Division [Trade Department]多边贸易部〔贸易署〕

mercial Relations Registry [Trade Department]对外贸易关系组〔贸易署〕

12.Easily approached or entered.易接近的,易进入的

13.This kind of material is easy to wash and scruB.这种面料,易洗易搓。

14.bull and bear operations多头交易与空头交易

15.Susceptible to physical injury.易伤的身体易受伤害的

16.Easily aroused to anger.易怒的容易被激怒的

17.International Trade Organization国际贸易组织(贸易组织)

18.be highly probable, contagious, inflammable极有可能、易传染、易燃烧


The Book of Changes《易》

1.On the Role ofThe Book of Changes in the Transitional Process from Witchery to Historical Record in the Transitional Period from the Yin Dynasty to the Shang Dynasty;试论殷周之际由巫到史转变中《易》的作用

2.The explanation system of the Book of Changes ought to have been completed within the imperial palace of Zhou.《周易》卦、爻辞所引之古歌、文献,系出自周族旧典,有的年代相当古早;但《易》到西周中晚期(宣王之世)已基本定稿,最晚收入《易》卦爻辞的歌诗、谣谚应不晚于宣王之世。

3.The Book of Changes is to make use of it ,that is to cultivate one s moral character,to run his family,to administer a country and to suppress the universe.孙奇逢的一个重要思想,即学《易》旨在用《易》以治身、治家与治国平天下。

3)Book of Changes《易》

1.The Features of Metaphors and the Literay Enlightenment inBook of Changes;《易》的取象特征及其文学启示


1.Brief Discussion on the Relation between "Wenxindiaolong" and "Yi";略论《文心雕龙》与《易》的一些关系

2.The Approaches the Author Masters to Know the World inYijing;《易经》作者认识和把握世界的基本方式


1.This paper makes a critique on the idea that translation isvariation which was implied in Cai Yuanpei s article "Preface to Lectures of Chinese Language "from the point of view of Epistemology.本文从哲学认识论的角度对蔡元培在“《国文学讲义》叙言”中隐含的“译即易”的译学观点进行了诠释。

6)flammable and explosive易燃易爆

1.Examination method of independent lighting rod inflammable and explosive place;易燃易爆场所独立避雷针检测方法


《保婴易知录》《保婴易知录》 《保婴易知录》 儿科著作。二卷,补编一卷。清·吴宁澜撰。刊于18。上卷鞠养类,论述新生儿护理营养事项,如拭口、洗儿、断脐、灸脐等方;下卷及补编为胎疾、杂症及疮疡类,分别对婴幼儿各种病症的诊治作了简要介绍。现存初刻本等清刻本十余种。
