100字范文 > 观念建制 concept organizational system英语短句 例句大全

观念建制 concept organizational system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-19 07:36:10


观念建制 concept organizational system英语短句 例句大全

观念建制,concept organizational system

1)concept organizational system观念建制

2)architecture conception建筑观念

1.One approach is on the ground of Chinese traditionalarchitecture conception and putting the Chinese traditional architecture in noumenal place, absorbs western architecture technique, decorative pattern and plastic characteristics.中国近代史上中西建筑文化融合存在着两种不同的途径,一种是基于中国传统建筑观念的、以中国传统建筑为本体的吸纳西方建筑技术、纹样和造型特征的途径;一种是基于西方建筑观念,以西方建筑为本体的吸纳中国传统建筑造型特征和装饰纹样的途径。


1.Discussion on the Influence of the Confucian Thoughts of Invariability and Flexibility on Chinese Classical Architectural Ideas;论儒学经权观对中国古典建筑观念的影响

2.Building up a Comprehensive Architectural Conception --Discussion on Pedagogical Reform on Architectural Design Curriculum;整体建筑观念的培养——对建筑设计类课程教学改革的思考

3.Studies on the Conception and the Methodology of Architecture Design of Foreign Office Architects;FOA建筑师事务所建筑设计观念及设计方法研究

4.Reusing Buildings-A Sustainable Development Concept;建筑再利用——可持续发展观念在建筑中的延伸

5.The harmonic tone of ideology and times--Simplicity architecture;观念与时代的谐音——简约主义建筑

6.Influence of Western Contemporary Art Concepts on Architectural Creation;西方当代艺术观念对建筑创作的影响

7.On Renovation of Thoughts of Museum"s building design浅谈博物馆建筑设计几大观念的更新

8.Innovation of Architectural and Decorative Concepts -- Architectural Ideology in the New Art Movement through Gaudi s Works;建筑装饰观念的革命——从高迪作品看新艺术运动的建筑思想

9.The Summary Reviews of Chinese Architecture History Studies during the 20th Century;二十世纪中国建筑史学研究的历史、观念与方法

10.The Aesthetic of Neo-regionalism;当代地域建筑美学观念和艺术表现手法

11.The Conceptions of Fengshui and Environment Reflected by Taoist Buildings in Wudang Mountains;试论武当山道教建筑群的风水观念和环境意识

12.On the Architectural Decoration Art of Ancient Civilian Residences in Huizhou and the Cultural Concept;浅谈徽州古民居的建筑装饰艺术与文化观念

13.Corporate Sustainability of Construction Industry: Thinking and Practical Challenge;建筑业企业的可持续性发展:观念和实践的挑战

14.The View of Nature and the Eco-concept of Architecture in Ancient China中国古代的自然观与传统建筑的“绿色”理念

15.Express Culture with Its Conception:Reading on the Works of Daniel Libeskind以观念表达文化——丹尼尔·李伯斯金建筑作品解读

16.Analysis of Memory architectural Landscape and space structure纪念性建筑景观及其空间结构形态探析

17.Analysis of problems and correct concept in financial management of construction enterprises建筑企业财务管理中的问题与正确观念分析

18.Building Custom,Space Mentality and Deification Phenomenon of Tujia Nationality土家族民居建筑艺术、建房习俗、空间观念及神化现象


architecture conception建筑观念

1.One approach is on the ground of Chinese traditionalarchitecture conception and putting the Chinese traditional architecture in noumenal place, absorbs western architecture technique, decorative pattern and plastic characteristics.中国近代史上中西建筑文化融合存在着两种不同的途径,一种是基于中国传统建筑观念的、以中国传统建筑为本体的吸纳西方建筑技术、纹样和造型特征的途径;一种是基于西方建筑观念,以西方建筑为本体的吸纳中国传统建筑造型特征和装饰纹样的途径。

3)Concept Architecture观念建筑

4)construction of the concept观念建构

5)notion establishment构建观念

6)establish concept建立观念


观念上层建筑(见意识形态)观念上层建筑(见意识形态)ideological superstructureg口annlanshangcengl旧nZ门Ue)观念上层建筑见意识形态。(ideo10gieals认Perstruetu
