100字范文 > 组织知识系统 organizational knowledge system英语短句 例句大全

组织知识系统 organizational knowledge system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-07 12:51:57


组织知识系统 organizational knowledge system英语短句 例句大全

组织知识系统,organizational knowledge system

1)organizational knowledge system组织知识系统

1.Knowledge supernetwork model and its application inorganizational knowledge systems组织知识系统的知识超网络模型及应用


1.Knowledge supernetwork model and its application in organizational knowledge systems组织知识系统的知识超网络模型及应用

2.Self-organization and hetero-organization of knowledge state system of knowledge-based enterprise;知识型企业知识状态系统的自组织和他组织

3.Studying the Essence of Knowledge Management System with the Viewpoints of Self-organizing Theory;从自组织理论看知识管理系统的本质

4.Research on Knowledge Organization and Application of E_learning System;E_learning系统中知识组织和应用的研究

5.Systemic study on organizational knowledge transfer and learning capability;组织知识转移与学习能力的系统研究

6.Agricultural Ontology: Establishment of Agricultural Knowledge Organization System in China;农业本体论——农业知识组织系统的建立

7.A Discussion on the System Complexity of Organization Learning and Knowledge Management;论组织学习与知识管理的系统复杂性

8.Information,Knowledge,System,Organization-A Postmodern Perspective;信息、知识、系统、组织——后现代的观点

9.The Effective Organization Mode of Knowledge Flow in National Innovation System:Knowledge Alliances;国家创新系统中知识流动的有效组织模式:知识联盟

10.Reasearch and application of the knowledge acquirement or ganization for agriculture expert system农业专家系统知识获取组织的研究与应用

11.The Research on Organizational Memory-Oriented Position Knowledge Management System;面向组织记忆的岗位知识管理系统研究

12.Knowledge Organization in the Appliance of Intelligent Information System;智能信息系统中知识组织及其模型研究

13.Study on Obstacles and Comprehensive System of Organizational Knowledge Creation;组织知识创造障碍分析及综合系统研究

14.Self-organization Characteristics of Virtual Industrial Cluster Cluster Knowledge System;虚拟产业集群知识系统的自组织特性分析

15.Self-organization Analysis and Evolution Model of Knowledge-based Management System;企业知识管理系统的自组织分析与演化模型

anization Sustainable Competition Advantage Based on Knowledge Management System;基于知识管理系统的组织持续竞争优势

17.Analysis of the innovation factors of knowledge organization based on the system dynamics基于系统动力学的组织知识创新影响因素分析

18.Preliminary Study on the Construction of Domain Knowledge Organization System Based on Integration基于集成的领域知识组织系统构建初探


knowledge organization system知识组织系统

1.Selecting foreign casesas examples,this paper summarizes 3 typicalknowledge organization systems and their applications,i.知识组织系统是国内外研究的热点领域。

2.This paper expounds the connotation of system and the constituent factors ofknowledge organization system of the library,and advances some problems needing attention in the research on theknowledge organization system of the library with the system theory.阐述了系统的含义和图书馆知识组织系统的构成要素,提出了运用系统论的方法研究图书馆知识组织系统中应注意的问题。

3.The paper analyses the history and the status quo ofknowledge organization system in National Library of China,and proposes a solution of constructing and applying aknowledge organization system based on Chinese Classified Thesaurus for National Digital Library of China.对国家图书馆知识组织系统的历史、现状分析,提出基于《中分表》的国家数字图书馆知识组织系统的建设及应用构想方案。

3)knowledge organization systems知识组织系统

1.The paper introduces the type and function ofknowledge organization systems,investigates and analysesknowledge organization systems and Interfaces in Chinese digital libraries,puts forward some sugges- tions on strengthening KOS in Chinese digital libraries.本文介绍了知识组织系统的类型与功能,对我国27个数字图书馆的知识组织系统及用户界面进行了调查与分析,并提出加强我国数字图书馆知识组织系统的建议。

4)Network knowledge organization system网络知识组织系统

1.Network knowledge organization system (NKOS) is an electronic description of knowledge organization system in the networked environment.网络知识组织系统(NKOS)是网络环境下知识组织体系的电子化描述。


1.Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a new NKOS representation language published by W3C in , and although it is still immature and under development, it has been paid great attention to andSKOS-based application is emerging because of its superior feature such as simple, convenience and wide accepted, etc.简单知识组织系统(SKOS)是W3C于发布的新的网络知识组织系统表示语言,尽管目前还处于不成熟的发展阶段,但它的简单易用、适用范围广等优越性已经引起广泛注意;同样,SKOS作为W3C推荐的受控词表的表示标准,在促进受控词表的实际应用等方面有着非同寻常的意义。



