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可意象性 Imaginable英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-02 15:53:04


可意象性 Imaginable英语短句 例句大全



1.Open, Organic andImaginable——Strategies on Middle School Campus Planning;开放性 有机性可意象性——浅谈中学校园规划设计的策略

2)imaginable elements可意象性元素

3)symbolic image象征性意象

1.It always pays little attention to Liu Changqing s poem, let alone has special article expounding itssymbolic image.历来对刘长卿诗歌少有重视,对其象征性意象更无专文论述。


1.Writing Poems by Motion Picture Technique:The Way to the Symbolic Images of Chinese Pure Poems;用电影的手法写诗——中国纯诗的象征性意象之途

2.On the Symbolic Images in Xu Xiaobin s The Feathered Serpent;神界的“黄昏”——谈徐小斌小说《羽蛇》中的象征性意象

3.Feminine Dilemma In Patriarchal Culture--On Symbolic Images in the Daughters of the Late Colonel;父权文化下的女性困境——《已故上校的女儿》中象征性意象的分析

4.Both the consciousness and the imagery symbols are the most essential type of literay symbols.意识性象征和具象性象征是最基本的文学象征类型。

5.A Symbol of the Female Destiny--Commenting on the Moon Image in "The Record of Gold Lock";女性命运的象征——解读《金锁记》中的月亮意象

6.Of, relating to, or serving as an emblem; symbolic.象征的象征的、与象征有关的或作为象征的;象征性的

7.The Idea Has the Elephant and Abstract Painting Works to Express the Comparison of the Characteristic Research in the Spirit;意象 具象和抽象绘画作品中精神性表达特征的比较研究

8.In one sense, these are always show trials- and rightly so.某种意义上说,此类审判都是象征性的,也应该是象征性的。

9.we realized each one was symbolic.我们意识到每一件都具有象征性。

10.The Peculiar Image;the Multi-meaning in Lishangyin s poetry;独特的意象:李商隐诗歌的多义性特征

11.The Symbolization of Sex in Lady Chatterley’s Lover;《查特莱夫人的情人》中“性”的象征意蕴

12.To Analyze the Implication of Flowers Images in Subtle Poetry论婉约词中“花”意象的暗示性特征

13.Make an Image to Express Connotation --Analysis of emergence of idea in symbolic logo design through living examples;立象以尽意——象征性标志设计的创意构思过程实例分析

14.Songs of Crow on the Way to Individuation--On the Symbolic Meanings of the Images in Ted Hughes Crow;个性化道路上的乌鸦之歌——论塔特·休斯《乌鸦》中意象的象征意义

15.On the Symbolic significance of The Sound and the Fury;死亡与象征——解析《喧哗与骚动》中的象征意象

16.The consciousness symbol takes the multiplelevel psychological content to constitute the symbolic structural formula, which has its peculiar revealing form of symbols.意识性象征以多层次的心理内容构成象征结构体,具有独特的象征展示方式。

17.On the Images of "Araby" and Their Symbolic Meaning浅谈《阿拉比》中几种意象及其象征意义

18.Analysis on the Symbols of Life in the Images of Flower in Zhu s Poems;论朱淑真诗词“花”意象的人生象征意义


imaginable elements可意象性元素

3)symbolic image象征性意象

1.It always pays little attention to Liu Changqing s poem, let alone has special article expounding itssymbolic image.历来对刘长卿诗歌少有重视,对其象征性意象更无专文论述。

4)symbolic images象征性意象

1.In this novel, however, there are, besides individualsymbolic images, subsidiary symbols formed by severalsymbolic images, which combine to constitute the symbolic meaning of the novel.但是这部小说中除了单个象征性意象外,还有由几个象征性意象构成的子象征,以此共同支撑小说的象征意义。

2.Moreover,these topics are mainly expressed by manysymbolic images in the novel.这一主题的表达有赖于作品中众多象征性意象的运用,着重分析这些意象的隐喻意义,并发掘莫里森文本的民族寓言特质。


1.The importance of what is the soul of traditional Chinese paintings,imagism,is frequently overlooked.应试教育条件下的中学美术教育 ,主要着重西方绘画特点的素描和色彩技能练习 ,而体现中国画重要特征的意象性却一直被忽视。

2.omamental, pictorially,imagism and taste particularity in ancient sculpture art were impersonal appraised.对中国古代雕塑的形成作了概要的分析,并从古代雕塑艺术表现形式中对雕塑的装饰性、绘画性、意象性及审美的特殊性进行了客观的评述,旨在从中国古代雕塑的本体艺术中领悟中国古代雕塑的独到之处。

6)kansei image感性意象

1.Investigation of relationship of form design elements tokansei image by means of quantification-Ⅰ theory;应用数量化一类理论的感性意象与造型设计要素关系的研究

2.Investigation ofkansei image direction for product design;产品设计中的感性意象定位研究

3.Based on establishing the analyzing model of user-oriented product styling design item,the relationship between the consumer s productkansei image and styling design elements is discussed with support of kansei engineering system,which will aid the designer .通过建构面向用户的产品造型设计要素分析模型,提出在感性工学系统的研究理论架构内, 建立用户的心理感性意象与产品造型设计要素的关系。


情绪性意象法情绪性意象法emotive imagery情绪性意象法(emotive imagery)由拉扎勒斯(Lazarus,A.A.)和亚伯拉莫维茨(Abram。vitz,A.)创用的一种系统脱敏法变式。这种脱敏法与经典的系统脱敏法的区别在J二,它不要求对病人首先进行放松训练,而是要求治疗者诱发病人积极的情绪以对抗焦虑和恐惧反应。在实施治疗过程中,治疗者一边让病人按焦虑层次依次接触令他感到恐惧的事物或情境,一边通过形象化的语言或视听手段描述那些令病人感到愉快、轻松、骄傲和喜爱的事物与情境。这些描述所激发出的积极情绪、情感可以抑制或消除恐惧的意象,从而瓦解恐惧刺激物同恐惧反应间的联系。这种方法最初被用于儿童(因为儿童不易掌握放松技巧),后来又被用于具有丰富想像能力的青少年。(梁宝勇撰徐俊见审)
