100字范文 > 王生 Wang Sheng英语短句 例句大全

王生 Wang Sheng英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-12 09:46:01


王生 Wang Sheng英语短句 例句大全

王生,Wang Sheng

1)Wang Sheng王生

1.The Unremitting Pursuit——A Case Study ofWang Sheng, Principal of Qidong Middle School;不懈的追求——江苏省启东中学校长王生个案研究

2)Wang Pusheng王蒲生

1.Prof.Wang Pusheng s Experience on the Treatment of Protracted Cough;王蒲生教授治疗小儿久咳的经验

3)Wang Wei"s Life Story王维生平


1.A Further Discussion about Wang Wei s Life and Deeds Refuting Chen Tiemin s paper entitled "A Second Talk about Types of Mistakes Easily Made in Doing Textual Researches on the Life and Deeds of Ancient Writers";关于王维生平事迹的再讨论——陈铁民《再谈》一文驳评

2.A Textual Research on Wang Wei s Life Story and Systems of the Tang Dynasty--a discussion with Chen Tiemin about his two related articles;王维生平与唐代制度考论——兼与陈铁民《考证》、《也谈》二文商榷

3.Wang Ping: Ji Zheng was born in 1944.王平:1944年,纪政生于台湾。

4.Wang Wei s Years of Birth and Death Issue Challenged--With Chen Ticmin s New Explorations of Wang Wei s Year of Birth as the key to the discussion;王维生卒年陈说质疑——以陈铁民《王维生年新探》为商评的重点

5.The Experience and Contact of Wang Zhen:The Second of the Archaeological Studies with the Charactersof the Wang s Family in San Huai;王震生平及其交游——三槐王氏人物考之二

6.a person who lived during the reign of Victoria.生活在维多利亚女王时代的人。

7.Wang Wei’s “Easy” Life Spirit and Poetry Interest;王维“闲适”的生命精神与诗歌旨趣

8.The Western Origin of WANG Guo-wei s “Selfless Realm”;王国维“无我之境”产生的西学渊源

9.The Reflection of Living Mood -- about the natural scenery poetry of Wangwei;生命情调的外化——论王维的山水诗

10.About Wang Wei s Seclusion in the Mountain of Zhongnan: Discussing with Mr.Chen Tiemin;王维的终南隐居──与陈铁民先生商榷

11.Wang Guowei"s Attitude Towards Life from Comments on Ci从《人间词话》看王国维的人生态度

12.The Deepest Meaning"--Wang Guo-wei s Theory of "Artistic Realms"Viewed on the Dimensions of the Meaning of Life;“最深之意义”——王国维“境界”说的人生意义维向论

13.Wang Ping: Ina competition, Chilavert usually kick foul shots and free kicks.王平:在比赛中,奇拉维特经常主罚点球和任意球。

14.Wang Tao born June sixth both well .王涛于六月六日出生,母子平安。

15.Wang Ping: The old gentleman Qian said that fat people were all narrow-minded.王平:钱老先生说,大胖子都是小心眼儿。

16.On Wang Guo-wei s Theory of "Artistic Realms"--A Personal Understanding of An Initial Study of Wang Guo-wei s Thought in literature and Art by Professor LIN Huan-ping;试论王国维的“境界说”——读吾师林焕平教授的宏文《王国维文艺思想初探》的体会

17.Poem, Meditative Mind and Life--On Wang Wei’s Living Wisdom in His Landscape Poems;诗画·禅观·人生——王维山水诗生存智慧探微

18.Sorrow and Loneliness of Life--On Wang Guo-wei"s Tragedy Life宇宙生命的悲苦与孤寂——王国维的悲剧人生论


Wang Pusheng王蒲生

1.Prof.Wang Pusheng s Experience on the Treatment of Protracted Cough;王蒲生教授治疗小儿久咳的经验

3)Wang Wei"s Life Story王维生平

4)WANG Zhong-sheng王仲生

1.Poetic Criticism and Critic Poetry——OnWANG Zhong-sheng s literary Criticism;诗性的批评与批评的诗性——简评王仲生的文学批评

5)Wang Yi-sheng王一生

1.The Same Spiritual Pursuit:Doctor B andWang Yi-sheng;不约而同的精神追求——B博士与王一生

2.Concerning the fascination ofWang Yi-sheng in King of Chess , ordinany critics and rdaders will concentrate on the appreciating the features of the Daoist culture on him.《棋王》中王一生的形象魅力,论者多欣赏其身上所凝聚的道家文化特征。

6)Wang Kengsheng王更生

1.An Analysis ofWang Kengsheng on "the Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons Research";王更生《文心雕龙研究》辨要




