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全生 Quan Sheng英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-28 01:01:30


全生 Quan Sheng英语短句 例句大全

全生,Quan Sheng

1)Quan Sheng全生


1.Well do, please.全熟(五分熟/全生)。

2.Production safety was strengthened, and the responsibility system for production safety was improved.重视和加强安全生产,健全安全生产责任制。

3.Security Production Management in the Enterprise;从《安全生产法》谈企业的安全生产管理

4.Research of Traceability System in the Pork Safety Production Chain猪肉安全生产全程可追溯系统的研究

5.Carrying out the Clean and Safe Production and Promoting the Circular Economy;实施清洁安全生产 全面推进循环经济

6.About the Relation between Enterprise Safety Culture and Safety at Work;浅谈企业安全文化与安全生产的关系

7.Explore the Corporate Safety Culture,Safety Production Enterprise探索企业安全文化、实现企业安全生产

8.a life devoted to the people全心全意为人民的一生

9.a thoroughly insalutary outlook on life完全不健全的人生观

10."All children are swine."“孩子们全是畜生。”

11.a doctor working in general practice,ie as a family doctor全科医生(如家庭医生)

12.Fifth, the management of industrial and traffic safety needs to be strengthened.五是加强生产、通安全管理,健全安全责任制。

13.Fifth, the management of industrial and traffic safety will be strengthened, and the safety responsibility system will be improved.五是加强生产、交通安全管理,健全安全责任制。

14.Fertility safety consists of fertility ability safety, fertility process safety, fertility health safety and fertility security safety.生育安全问题包括生育的能力安全、育的过程安全、育的健康安全和生育的保障安全。

15.The phase of an eclipse when it is total.全食时间发生全食的阶段

16.Global Consultation on Safe Water and Sanitation for the 1990s 1990年代安全用水和卫生问题全球协商

17.The discussion for the conception of security and works safety;关于安全与生产安全概念的法理探讨

18.Legal Protection Of Eco-Security Under The Background Of Globalization;论全球化背景下生态安全的法律保护


ecological security生态安全

1.Spatial pattern modelling ofecological security assessment in a region;区域生态安全空间格局评价模型的研究

2.Measuring theecological security of tourist destination:Methodology and a case study of Jiuzhaigou;旅游地生态安全测度分析——以九寨沟自然保护区为例

3.Ecological effects andecological security index system of major engineering project;重大工程对区域生态安全的驱动效应及指标体系构建

3)safe production安全生产

1.Technical Means in the Supervision and Management of the Coal-mine Safe Production——The application of the image monitor-control system in the coal-minesafe production supervision and management;煤矿安全生产监督管理工作中的技术手段——图像监控系统在煤矿安全监管中的应用

2.Discussion on psychological quality andsafe production;浅议心理素质与安全生产

3.Exertion of Principle of Humanism to Promote Safe Production;运用人本原理 促进安全生产

4)safety production安全生产

1.Analysis the controlling force and innovation strength coordination unification insafety production system;安全生产系统控制力与创新力协调统一探析

2.Supervising responsibility of constructingsafety production;浅析建设工程安全生产的监理责任


1.Advance on thebiosafety assessment of GMO;GMO生物安全评价研究进展

2.Some considerations on strengtheningbiosafety works in China;关于加强我国生物安全工作若干问题的思考

3.The Survey and Analysis of the Biosafety Status of Laboratories in the Medical Institutions of Qingdao City;青岛市医学实验室生物安全现状调查分析

6)safety in production安全生产

1.Building safety culture and promotingsafety in production;构建安全文化 促进安全生产

2.Study onsafety in production of coal enterprise based on fuzzy comprehensive judgement;煤炭安全生产模糊综合评判系统

3.Measures to guide construction enterprises to realizesafety in production;如何采取有效措施引导施工企业搞好安全生产


全生1.谓六欲皆得其所宜。 2.保全天性,顺其自然。也指保全天性之道。 3.保全生命。
