100字范文 > 洪升 Hong Sheng英语短句 例句大全

洪升 Hong Sheng英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-26 23:14:00


洪升 Hong Sheng英语短句 例句大全

洪升,Hong Sheng

1)Hong Sheng洪升

1.On the Progressive Vision of Love and Male Chauvinism inHong Sheng s Historical Plays;洪升历史剧爱情观的进步性及男权色彩

2.Hong Sheng applied Tang Xianzu\"s world outlook of admiring pure love that directly made Yang Yuhuan\"s cultural grade sublimated.洪升塑造杨妃形象时,情感倾向基本上回归到中晚唐,择取了同情、回味与美化的态度;在价值观上则运用了汤显祖的"至情观",使杨妃的文化品格得以升华。


1.On the Progressive Vision of Love and Male Chauvinism in Hong Sheng s Historical Plays;洪升历史剧爱情观的进步性及男权色彩

2.From the Handling of the Relevant History Materials by Hongsheng to See the Theme Ideas of the Palace of Eternal Youth;从洪升对相关历史材料的处理再看《长生殿》的主题思想

3.The water moved up like a sea.洪水升高了,像海水涨潮一般。

4.The floods had spread and the water was rising fast.那里洪水泛滥,水位正在急剧上升。

5.The helicopters brought off the people marooned by flood waters.直升飞机救出了被洪水围困的人。

6.The village was cut off by floods and helicopters had to bring in food.这个村子被洪水隔离了,只好用直升机运进食物。

7.Only helicopters can fly the relief into the flood-stricken area只有直升机才能把这些救灾物资运入洪泛区。

8.JingHong Hydraulic Ship Lift Chamber s Mechanics Characteristic Analysis;景洪水力式升船机承船厢受力特性分析

9.The Practical Improvement of Hui Neng’s Theory of the Mind by Hongzhou Zen Buddhism;体道与解脱——洪州禅对慧能心性论的现实性提升

10.Shaking Table Model Test of Ship Lift Tower in Jinghong Water Power Station景洪水电站升船机塔楼的振动台模型试验

11.Increased temperatures will also cause the polar ice-caps to melt, raising sea levels, and flooding coastal areas.温度升高还会引起极地冰水融化,海平面上升,沿海地区洪水成灾。

12.David said: Coach has been sucking up to Mr. McMahon for years and finally got tired of not geting a promotion.大卫说:教练一直吸干先生麦克马洪多年,终于厌倦了不迷途的升职.

13.The helicopter circled about the flooded area, looking for a proper landing field.直升飞机在洪水地区上空盘旋,想找一处适合降落的地方。

14....The flood continued upon the earth for forty days, and the waters swelled and lifted up the ark so that it rose high above the ground.……洪水泛滥了四十天,大水涨起来把方舟托起,高高地升离地面之上。

15.Glacial outburst floods, known as Jokuiblaups, occur when the water rises to about nine-tenths of the height of the dam.当水面上升到堤堰高度的十分之九时,出现了冰川洪水,称为Jokulhlaups。

16.The flood continued upon the earth for forty days, and the waters swelled and lifted up the ark so that it rose high above the ground.洪水泛滥了四十天,大水涨起来把方舟托起,高高地升离地面之上。

17.Rubber boats and a helicopter were used to evacuate people stranded by the deluge.消防处出动多部橡皮艇和一部直升机救出被洪水围困市民。

18.Uplift of the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau:Evidences from the Xiaohonggou Section in Tongxin,Ningxia青藏高原东北部隆升:来自宁夏同心小洪沟剖面的证据


flood level raising洪水位上升

1.This paper discusses a series of contradictory movement,such as the tectonic subsidence and the great barrier restraint,theflood level raising and the flood disaster.本文主要是通过构造沉降与大堤约束、洪水位上升与洪涝灾害等一系列矛盾运动的论述,揭示荆州市区水环境还在恶化的发展趋势。



1.Value of imagingascending aorta by epicardial ultrasound during operation of coronary artery bypass grafting;升主动脉心外膜超声成像在冠状动脉旁路移植术中的价值

2.Objective To summarize the clinical management experience ofascending aortic atherosclerosis(AAA) in off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG).目的总结非体外循环冠状动脉旁路移植术中升主动脉粥样硬化(ascending aortic athero-sclerosis,AAA)的临床处理经验。

5)store and regulate floodwater蓄洪调洪

6)flood abatement消洪;灭洪



【药物名称】升麻—大三叶升麻 【英文名】Skunk Bugbane Rhizome 【别名】关升麻、龙眼根、窟窿牙根。 【来源】为毛茛科植物大三叶升麻Cimicifuga heracleifolia Kom. 的根茎。 【植物形态】多年生草本。茎直立,高1~1.5m。叶为二回三出复叶,茎部叶有长柄;小叶卵形至广卵形,中央1片小叶常再3浅裂,边缘有粗大锯齿,两面均被柔毛。花序复总状,被灰色柔毛;花两性;萼片5,花瓣状,早落;雄蕊多数;心皮3~5,分离,光滑无毛,有短柄。骨突果3~5。花期7~8月,果期8~9月。生于林下`灌木丛中。主产辽宁、吉林、黑龙江。 【采集】同升麻。 【化学成分】含β-谷甾醇、阿魏酸 (ferulic acid)、升麻醇(icmigenol) 等。 【性味】同升麻。 【功用主治】同升麻。
