100字范文 > 修养工夫 theory of cultivations and efforts英语短句 例句大全

修养工夫 theory of cultivations and efforts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-24 01:18:01


修养工夫 theory of cultivations and efforts英语短句 例句大全

修养工夫,theory of cultivations and efforts

1)theory of cultivations and efforts修养工夫

1.A New Iidea on the Position of "Heart-mind" in Zhang zai"s Philosophy——under the background of thetheory of cultivations and efforts关于张载哲学中“心”的定位问题之我见——以修养工夫论为背景


1.Cultivation and Interpretation;修养工夫与经典阐释——朱熹阐释思想研究之一

2.A Study of Zhu Xi s Respectfulness in the Context of Cultivation of the Mind;朱熹“主敬”说过程研究——在修养工夫演进背景下的考查

3.A New Iidea on the Position of "Heart-mind" in Zhang zai"s Philosophy--under the background of the theory of cultivations and efforts关于张载哲学中“心”的定位问题之我见——以修养工夫论为背景

4.ce and after installation services维修及安装后保养工作

5.Mr. Stovel has the mechanic fix his car .史多夫先生让这个修理工修理他的汽车。

6.It will take you a day to mend this wheel?"您非得有一天工夫才能修好那轮子吗?”

7.Staveley curled his lip and said that you might have the most artistic tastes.史坦夫利撇撇嘴说你可能在艺术方面很有修养。

8.A man employed to inspect and repair railroad tracks.铁路养路工检查和修理铁轨的工人

9."I can"t help admiring your great self-control, Chung-wei!"“仲翁!你的涵养工夫真不错!

10.It was tough going, but the canal was worth all the hard labour that went into it.工程很艰苦,但修这条水渠花功夫是值得的。

11.The section gang was called out to fix the broken bridge.养路工们被召集去抢修损坏的桥。

12.In charge of the maintenance and repairing of equipment.负责组织设备的维修、保养工作。

13.In Terms of Fitting Up the Cultivation of The Professional Craftsman in Indoor Design;论在室内设计中装修专业工匠的培养

14.Professional ethics for network journalists;试论网络新闻工作者的职业道德修养

15.Mrs Higgins was brought up on Morris and Burne Jones息金斯夫人的艺术修养是属于莫里斯和彭·琼斯一派的。

16.Doing the impossible is the task of great beings. Tolerating the intolerable is the cultivation of sages.为人所不能为,是丈夫事业;忍人所不能忍,是圣贤修养。

17.proficiency in language usage语言修养 语言修养

18.Team H C Ltd.- Architecture, interior and furniture design firm.骏逸空间设计-承接办公室、铺和家居室内设计、修工程及维修保养。


cultivation of Gongfu工夫修养

1.It proposes that the characteristic of gradation reflects the depth of the knowledge and cultivation of the thinkers of neo_Confucianism, the accumulation refers to the concentration of Gongfu in time and space in the course of cultivation, the naturalness reflects a natural state of thecultivation of Gongfu dominated by noumenon (Xingxing_Benti), and the consistency reflec.本文以二曲之学为切入点,从横向角度概括了宋明理学有关心性修养的几个特征:次第性反映了理学家的"为学"深度;密成性是修养工夫在时间和空间上的累积要求;自然性反映了在本体自控下工夫修养的自觉状态;一贯性反映了贯通各个方面的修养境界。


4)minor repair and maintenance works小修保养工程

1.New maintenance operation mechanism and the establishment and implementation of regulations on internal bid invitation and submission management ofminor repair and maintenance works are discussed in order to promote health development of highway maintenance market and highway enterprises to realize separation of institution and enterprise and management and maintenance separation.对公路事业单位计划经济体制下的养护模式的改革进行了分析,探讨了新的公路养护机制以及如何建立和实施《省养公路小修保养工程内部招标投标管理规定》,从而培养公路养护市场,实行事企分开、管养分离,实现公路养护事业又好又快的发展。

5)maintenance works保养工程;维修工程


1.It aims at discussing the approaches on how to improve morals andculture of the students majoring in nursing in current situation.就如何运用激励机制培养护理专业学生热爱专业的思想品质、扎实的文化知识、熟练的操作技能、健康的心理等综合素质能力的教育方法进行了论述 ,旨在探讨当前形势下提高护理专业学生护理道德修养的途径。

2.Based on the current condition of colleges and universities,the paper analyzes the situation of the teachers moralityculture,points out the existing problems and espounds the value orientation of improving the teachers moralityculture.师德修养是教师的永恒主题。

3.The qualityculture of sports teacher is the basis and key point of physical education.体育教师的素质修养,是搞好学校体育教育的基础和关键。


