100字范文 > 心性修养 Cultivation of Mind英语短句 例句大全

心性修养 Cultivation of Mind英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-10 04:41:08


心性修养 Cultivation of Mind英语短句 例句大全

心性修养,Cultivation of Mind

1)Cultivation of Mind心性修养

1.The Impact of "Having Respect" upon Zhu Xi sCultivation of Mind;论持敬在朱熹心性修养中的作用


1.The Collision and Fusion of Modern Western Psychology and Chinese Heart Cultivation Theories in Confucianism, Taoism as Well as Buddhism;论中国儒、道、佛心性修养说与现代西方心理学的碰撞与交融

2.The culture of the mind is vital.修心养性是极其重要的.

3.On Mencius Methool of Cultivating Moral CharacterRealizing Nature Through Mental Construction;论孟子以心证性的修养方法——兼解“养浩然之气”

4.Paris is a good city for people who are interested in culture.对于修养心性有兴趣的人来说, 巴黎是个好城市。

5.Self-cultivation and the Evolution of Chinese Painter s Training--Xu Fuguan s Confucian Study to Chinese Painting;人格修养与中国画人艺术修养之嬗变——徐复观对中国绘画之心性学考察之三

6.Improving the Effects of "Moral Culture and Fundamentals of Law" Under the Guide of Socialist Core Values;把握核心价值体系 增强“思想道德修养与法律基础”的实效性

7.The Study on the Morality of the Great Learning under the Domain of Cognitive Psychological Mechanism and Its Modern Enlightenments认知心理域境下的《大学》德性修养及其现代意义研究

8.She cultivated her mind by reading.她以阅读来修身养性。

9.Careful pruning at the right time be the secret of success with roses养玫瑰花的秘诀就是适时细心修剪

10.Electronic and Optical Maintenance and Repair Centre电子和光学保养及维修中心

11.The person who does not now courtesy a self central person dislike it.不喜欢没有修养,自我为中心的人.

12.I have training, optimistic heavy feeling rich love healthily well.我端正健康有修养,豁达重情富爱心。

13.Reading good books elevates the mind.阅读好书可提高心灵[思想]修养。

14.Reading good books elevate one"s mind.阅读好书可提高人的心灵修养。

15.Careful pruning at the right time is the secret of success with roses.养玫瑰花的秘诀就是适时细心修剪.

16.A man who will cherish me.你有修养,有包容心,诚实,善良,懂得珍惜。

17.Psychology Should be Added in the Course of Education in Ethics;“思想道德修养”课教学应有心理学视野

18.A Comparison Between Cheng and Zhu s Idealist Philosophyand the Moral Training of Lu and Wang s parapsychology;程朱理学与陆王心学道德修养论比较


cultivating oneself through meditation修心养性

1.Mencius believed that"human nature is kind",and thus advocated pursuing the self-discipline through "cultivating oneself through meditation".孟子以"人性善"为前提,主张追求以"修心养性"为基础的道德自律,并据此提出有教无类、因材施教与循循善诱、自反自得的德育方法。

3)the theory of mind-cultivating心性修养理论

4)Chinese heart cultivation中国心性修养说

5)balance of physical and spiritual health修身养心

6)psychological cultivation心学修养

1.WANG Yang-ming was a remarkable psychologist in ancient China, whose theory ofpsychological cultivation discussed in detail the relation among knowing, loving, meaning and acting in the course of moral formation.王阳明作为中国古代心学的集大成者 ,其心学修养理论 ,详尽而系统地阐述了道德养成中知、情、意、行的交互作用和相互关系 ,特别是在道德养成的高难环节 ,即道德的自律与践行两方面畅发其意 ,赋予了主体巨大的主动性和能动性 ,抓住了道德养成问题在理论上的重点和实践中的难点 ,其心学修养理论具有不可移易的超时代的价


