100字范文 > 生化遗传标记 Biochemical genetic marker英语短句 例句大全

生化遗传标记 Biochemical genetic marker英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-24 16:17:12


生化遗传标记 Biochemical genetic marker英语短句 例句大全

生化遗传标记,Biochemical genetic marker

1)Biochemical genetic marker生化遗传标记

1.Advances of research on goat milk biochemical genetic marker;山羊乳生化遗传标记的研究进展

2.s:This paper summarized character of biochemical genetic marker,it particularly introduced research status quo of biochemical genetic marker and their application in domestic animal breeding.本文综述了生化遗传标记的性状和特征,较为详细地介绍了生化遗传标记的研究现状及其在家畜育种中的应用。


1.Research on Biochemical Genetic Markers in Blood of the Three Types Sheep in Qinghai Province;青海三个类型藏羊血液生化遗传标记研究

2.Study on Application of Biochemical Genetic Markers for Breeding of Xingguo Grey Geese生化遗传标记在兴国灰鹅育种中的应用研究

3.A Research on the Genetic Differentiation of Immunogenetic and Biochemical Genetic Markers Loci Among 21 Wild,Domestic and Native Pig Breeds in Asia, Europe,America and Africa21个野生、培育及地方猪种免疫及生化遗传标记基因位点的遗传分化研究

4.Construct General Genetic Picture of Two Macaque Species Trough Blood Biochemical Markers and Microsatellites;用血液生化标记法和微卫星标记法建立两个猕猴种群的遗传概貌

5.Establishment of the Method of SNP Genetic Monitoring and the Molecular Biological Study of Biochemical Markers of Mice;小鼠SNP遗传检测方法的建立及生化标记位点的分子生物学研究

6.Study on Marker-Free Genetic Transformation of Poplar(Populus×euramericana CV. Nanling895 );南林895杨无选择标记遗传转化的研究

7.Study on Molecular Markers of Feed Convertion Efficiency in Cattale;牛饲料转化效率分子遗传标记的研究

8.Establish the Method of Biochemical Markers and Detect Population Genetic Diversity in Mongolian Gerbils;长爪沙鼠生化标记分析方法建立及群体遗传特性研究

9.Genetic Diversity and Genetic Differentiation of Tan Sheep Populations Analyzed by Using Microsatellite Markers;利用微卫星标记分析滩羊群体的遗传多样性与遗传分化

10.Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Huangjincha Cultivar Based on EST-SSR Markers利用EST-SSR标记研究黄金茶群体遗传多样性及遗传分化

11.Analysis of Genetic Differentiation Based on ISSR and Morphological Markers in Paris thibetica黑籽重楼种内形态标记和ISSR标记的遗传分化研究

12.Study on the Transformation and Risk Assessment of PMI Gene in Sugarcane;甘蔗遗传转化中的pmi筛选标记及其安全性评价

13.Studies on Genetic Markers Related to the Sex Differentiation of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.);黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)性别分化相关的遗传标记研究

14.Applications of Molecular Marker on the Research of Pine Genetics and Evolution分子标记在松树遗传与进化研究中的应用

15.Establishment of Genetic Transformation System via Environmental-friendly Approaches环境安全型筛选标记遗传转化体系的建立

16.Analysis on the Genetic Diversity and Evolution in the Camelus bactrianus Using SSR Markers利用微卫星标记分析双峰驼进化和遗传多样性

17.Genetic differentiation of Myzus persicae based on host plants revealed by using microsatellites基于微卫星标记的桃蚜种群寄主遗传分化

18.Research Progress of Marker Gene in Plant Genetic Transformation植物遗传转化中选择标记基因的研究进展


biochemical genetic markers生化遗传标记

1.At present,biochemical genetic markers and DNA markers are main genetic markers in aquaculture.在水产业中,目前常用的遗传标记主要是生化遗传标记和DNA标记。

2.Studies on the Biocheniical Genetic Markers of the blood of ShanXi Native Goats This paper studied the Biochemical Genetic Markers of the blood of three Local goat populations in ShanXi province,and analyzed the correlated relationships between these Genetic Markers and special economic traits by analyzing the blood protein olymorphism and detecting the activity of the blood enz.本论文通过血液蛋白多态性分析、血液酶活力测定,研究了山西三个地方山羊群体的血液生化遗传标记,以及这些遗传标记与特定经济性状的关系,结果表明: 1。

3.This proved that it is feasible and effective for the early indirect selection usingbiochemical genetic markers.8%,证明应用生化遗传标记进行兴国灰鹅的早期间接选择是可行有效的。

3)biochemical genetic markers in blood血液生化遗传标记

4)biological genetic markers生物遗传标记

1.In the article,the studies ofbiological genetic markers of latent fingerprint,the difficulties encountered during ex-aminations such as pollution of the criminal sence,effects of enhancement reagents and substrates were reviewed.综述了血指印和汗潜指印生物遗传标记的研究历史和现状,指印DNA检验面临的问题,包括现场污染,显现剂的影响,载体的影响等,并对指印DNA在法医学中的应用前景进行了展望。

5)genetic marker遗传标记

1.Bi-PASAgenetic marker and polymorphism of the porcine TLR2 gene;猪TLR2基因Bi-PASA遗传标记的建立及多态性研究

2.Preliminary Studies of Hasake s Performance Traits Using Microsatellite DNA as Genetic Markers;微卫星DNA作为哈萨克牛生长性状遗传标记的初步研究

6)Genetic markers遗传标记

1.Development of genetic markers and assay technique of molecular markers;遗传标记的发展和分子标记的检测技术

2.The Technology of New Pattern Molecular Markers and Genetic Markers on Rice Male Sterility;新型分子标记技术与水稻雄性不育遗传标记研究

3.The development of genetic markers was undergoing four stages, which were morphological markers, cytological markers, biochemical markers and molecular markers.遗传标记经历了形态标记、细胞学标记、生化标记和分子标记等4个阶段,其中分子标记的发展最为迅猛和有效。


