100字范文 > 生化标记 biochemical marker英语短句 例句大全

生化标记 biochemical marker英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-12 09:32:05


生化标记 biochemical marker英语短句 例句大全

生化标记,biochemical marker

1)biochemical marker生化标记

1.DNA fingerprinting andbiochemical markers in the genetic monitoring of inbred rats:a comparative study;DNA指纹图与生化标记分析在近交系大鼠遗传检测中的比较研究

2.High frequency induction of nucellar embryogenesis in vitro and abiochemical marker of early embryogenesis in citrus;柑桔珠心胚的高频离体诱导及其发生早期的生化标记研究

3.Two kinds of isozyme belong to this type,which accounts for 10 5% of all thebiochemical markers analyzed.由此推测,四倍体长穗偃麦草可能是一个异源四倍体,即只含有一个起源于二倍体类型的染色体组Ee,而另一个染色体组在所分析的生化标记上明显不同于近缘种中的St、J和N染色体组,其起源尚待进一步研究。


1.Studies on the Biochemical and Molecular Markers for Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Sexuality;番木瓜性别的生化标记与分子标记研究

2.Studies on Biochemical Marker Auxiliary Selective Indexes of the Noodle Wheat;面条小麦品种生化标记辅助选择指标的研究

3.Construct General Genetic Picture of Two Macaque Species Trough Blood Biochemical Markers and Microsatellites;用血液生化标记法和微卫星标记法建立两个猕猴种群的遗传概貌

4.Evaluation the changes of cTNI,CK-MB and MYO after atrial fibrillation radiofrequency cathether ablation房颤射频消融术前后心肌生化标记物的变化

5.Study on Physiology of Seed Dormancy and Identification Techniqueof Protein RP-HPLC Biochemistry Marker of Rhodiola.L.;红景天种子休眠生理与蛋白质HPLC生化标记鉴定技术的研究

6.Establishment of the Method of SNP Genetic Monitoring and the Molecular Biological Study of Biochemical Markers of Mice;小鼠SNP遗传检测方法的建立及生化标记位点的分子生物学研究

7.Preparation of cholesterol and its oxide labeled with tritium氚标记胆固醇及其氧化衍生物的制备

8.chemiluminescent labeling化学发光标记(法)

9.Pronominally Reinforced Marked Themes and Unreinforced Marked Themes;代词强化标记主位与非强化标记主位

10.Biochemical and Molecular Markers of Grain Hardness in Chinese Common Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.);中国小麦籽粒硬度的生化和分子标记研究

11.Studies on Use of Biochemical Characters and Molecular Marker in Sugarcane Breeding;生化性状和分子标记在甘蔗育种上的应用研究

12.Research on Biochemical Genetic Markers in Blood of the Three Types Sheep in Qinghai Province;青海三个类型藏羊血液生化遗传标记研究

13.Relationships between Genetic Diversity Based on Biochemical and Molecular Markers and Heterosis of Brassica Napus L.;生化和分子标记与甘蓝型油菜杂种优势的关系

14.Starch Property and Biochemical and Molecular Markers of Waxy Protein in Bread Wheat;小麦淀粉特性与糯蛋白的生化和分子标记

15.Novel Electrochemical DNA Biosensors Based on Carbon Nanotube as a Probe Carrier;碳纳米管载体标记电化学DNA生物传感器的研究

16.Study of the Native XML Database Query and Optimization;原生型扩展标记语言数据库查询及优化研究

17.Oncoproteomics and alimentary system tumor biomarkers肿瘤蛋白质组学与消化系肿瘤生物标记

18.Study on Application of Biochemical Genetic Markers for Breeding of Xingguo Grey Geese生化遗传标记在兴国灰鹅育种中的应用研究


biochemical markers生化标记

1.Chuannong 16,Chuanyu 12,87429,Chuanmai 28 and Mianyang 26 were analyzed in their 3biochemical markers(i.利用醇溶蛋白,谷蛋白和酯酶同工酶等3种生化标记对新品种川农16号及其亲本和对照品种进行了分析。

3)biochemical marker生化标记物

1.Clinical significance ofbiochemical markers in endometriosis;子宫内膜异位症生化标记物的临床意义

4)biochemical biomarker生物化学标记


1.Through a series of researches on the physical and chemical characteristics of the crude oil in the study area,some differences between the oils in the two Formations have been found not only on the physical properties but also on the geochemical composition andbiomarkers.对研究区原油的物理、化学性质进行系统的研究,认为侏罗系三工河组和八道湾组原油不仅在物理性质上有一定的差别,而且在地球化学组成及生物标记化合物上也有一定的差异,应具有不同的来源。

6)biochemical marker gene生化标记基因

1.1-2001, thirteenbiochemical marker genes (Car-2, Hbb, Es-1, Trf, Mod-1, Idh-1, Es-2, Es-3, Mup, Pgm-1, Gpd-1, Ce-2, Gpi-1 ) located on the eight chromosomes were detected in 4 mice from YYHL and HLC inbred strains, respectively.12001检测分布于8条染色体上的13个生化标记基因位点:Car2、Hbb、Es1、Trf、Mod1、Idh1、Es2、Es3、Mup、Pgm1、Gpd1、Ce2、Gpi1;每个品系抽样4只,并用标准近交系C57BL/6、DBA/2、615、BALB/c作对照,对YYHL小鼠近交系和HLC小鼠近交系进行遗传检测。


大肠杆菌不同生化突变型菌落(显示不同颜色)大肠杆菌不同生化突变型菌落(显示不同颜色) 乔守怡提供[图]
