100字范文 > 遗传标记 genetic marker英语短句 例句大全

遗传标记 genetic marker英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-27 03:00:54


遗传标记 genetic marker英语短句 例句大全

遗传标记,genetic marker

1)genetic marker遗传标记

1.Bi-PASAgenetic marker and polymorphism of the porcine TLR2 gene;猪TLR2基因Bi-PASA遗传标记的建立及多态性研究

2.Preliminary Studies of Hasake s Performance Traits Using Microsatellite DNA as Genetic Markers;微卫星DNA作为哈萨克牛生长性状遗传标记的初步研究


1.The Application of Microsatellite Markers in Silkworm (Bombyx Mori);微卫星遗传标记在家蚕中的应用研究

2.The Study on the Subclinical Mastitis of the Cows by Molecular Genetic Marking Technique;奶牛隐性乳房炎的分子遗传标记研究

3.Study on Molecular Markers of Feed Convertion Efficiency in Cattale;牛饲料转化效率分子遗传标记的研究

4.Studies on Landaise Breed Character and Its Genetic Marker;朗德鹅品种特性及其遗传标记的研究

5.It is these markers that are used to do genetic mapping.正是这些标记物被用于绘制遗传图谱。

6.Genetic Diversity Analysis of Korean Quail Using Microsatellite DNA Markers朝鲜鹌鹑遗传多样性微卫星标记分析

7.Genetic Evaluation of Main Characters and Study of Molecular Marker Technique in Peach;桃性状遗传评价和分子标记技术研究

8.The Application of Molecular Markers in Genetic Breeding of Abalone and Scallop;鲍与扇贝遗传育种中的分子标记研究

9.Genetic Diversity of Chimonanthus Praecox (L.) Link Based on ISSR Markers;基于ISSR标记的蜡梅遗传多样性研究

10.Gentic Diversity of Waxy Corn Studied by Simple Sequence Repeats Makers;利用SSR标记研究糯玉米遗传多样性

11.ISSR Markers and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Japanese Apricot (Prunus Mume Sieb. et Zucc.);果梅ISSR标记与遗传多样性分析

12.Inheritance Patterns of a Strain-Specific Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) Marker for Lentinula Edodes Strain 135;香菇135菌株特异SCAR标记的遗传规律

13.Study on Develop of EST-SSR Primer and Genetic Structure of Tamarix Chinensis;柽柳SSR标记开发及群体遗传结构分析

14.Study on Marker-Free Genetic Transformation of Poplar(Populus×euramericana CV. Nanling895 );南林895杨无选择标记遗传转化的研究

15.AFLP-based Genetic Diversity Analysis of Oats;燕麦AFLP标记的遗传多样性分析

16.Construction of Genetic Linkage Map of Flammulina Velutipes with SCAR Markers;金针菇SCAR标记遗传连锁图的构建

17.The Genetic Diversity Research on Lilies by RAPD;利用RAPD标记研究百合的遗传多样性

18.Analysis on the Genetic Diversity of Broomcorm Millet (Panicum Miliaceum. L) by Means of PCR Markers;基于PCR标记的糜子遗传多样性分析


Genetic markers遗传标记

1.Development of genetic markers and assay technique of molecular markers;遗传标记的发展和分子标记的检测技术

2.The Technology of New Pattern Molecular Markers and Genetic Markers on Rice Male Sterility;新型分子标记技术与水稻雄性不育遗传标记研究

3.The development of genetic markers was undergoing four stages, which were morphological markers, cytological markers, biochemical markers and molecular markers.遗传标记经历了形态标记、细胞学标记、生化标记和分子标记等4个阶段,其中分子标记的发展最为迅猛和有效。

3)genetic mark遗传标记

1.To further understand the characters of two kinds of newgenetic marks: STR and SNP for human genome.了解人类基因组的两种新型遗传标记STR和SNP的特征,并探讨两者在医学遗传学、群体遗传学及法医学等领域的应用和检测方法。

4)DNA genetic markersDNA遗传标记

1.This article summarizes the structure and heredity characteristics of sex chromosomes and mtDNA, presents the advantages and disadvantages of genetic markers on them in the practice of forensic medicine which aims at promoting more widely using of the non-euchromosomeDNA genetic markers in the forensic science.对性染色体及线粒体DNA的结构特征、遗传特征等相关基础知识及其遗传标记在法医学领域应用的研究进展等进行了综述,分析了上述各类遗传标记在法医学领域应用的利弊,以促进非常染色体DNA遗传标记在法医学实践中的应用。

5)HaeⅢ genetic markerHaeⅢ遗传标记

6)AFLP genetic markersAFLP遗传标记


