100字范文 > 统一规范性 Generalization and standardization英语短句 例句大全

统一规范性 Generalization and standardization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-25 15:41:15


统一规范性 Generalization and standardization英语短句 例句大全

统一规范性,Generalization and standardization

1)Generalization and standardization统一规范性

2)normalized and unified规范统一


1.Ways to Put an End to Discriminatory Laws from Specifying Standard Appeal Period从规范统一的上诉期探杜绝歧视性法律的途径

2.Further unify trade code and system setting;进一步统一交易规范和交易系统设置

3.Unity of Differences:the Essence of Dialectical Laws and Categories;差异统一:辩证法规律与范畴的实质

4.Contradiction and consistency between language variations and language norms;论变异语言与规范语言的矛盾统一性

5.Cusp and the Corresponding Normal Form for a Class of Predator-Prey system一类食饵-捕食系统的尖点及规范型

6.the standard scientific and technical terms shall be used if there is a prescribed one set forth by the State;国家有统一规定的科技术语的,应当采用规范词;

7.Exterprises Tax Reduced to be Further Generally Standardized;企业所得税税前扣除办法应进一步统一规范

8.General forms of the only normal form of Three-dimensional nonlinear dynamics三维非线性动力系统唯一规范形的一般形式

9.System design and realization of product and manufacture specification;产品规范和制造规范系统设计及实现

10.The Qing government consolidated unified jurisdiction over the Western Regions.清朝政府对西域的统一规模和管辖范围。

11.the quality of being unorthodox.不是正统的,行为不合乎社会的一般规范。

12.An Improved Formula for Computing Normal Forms of Dynamical Sytstems;一个改进的计算动力系统规范形的公式

13."The First Congress of the National Writers and Artists" and the Normative Explanation of the New Literary Tradition;第一次“文代会”与新文学传统的规范化阐释

14.On Establishing Standardized Fair Death Compensation System;论设立统一规范公平的死亡赔偿金制度

15.On the Unity and Systematization of Place Names in the Chinese Translations of Tibetan Documents;藏文文献汉译中有关地名的统一和规范化问题

16.The Penalty Law of Public Security Management: the Unification of Protecting Private Rights and Standardizing Public Rights;《治安管理处罚法》:保护私权与规范公权的统一

17.The Unity of Criterion Inovation;规范与创新的统一——对加强高校系总工作的思考

18.On the Unification of Normative Function and Developmental Function of Moral Education;论道德教育规范性功能与发展性功能的统一


normalized and unified规范统一

3)unification and standardization统一与规范

4)conformity specification一致性规范

5)regulate the unite standard统一标准规范

6)uniform substantive laws统一实体规范


