100字范文 > 虚化泛化 delexicalization and generalization英语短句 例句大全

虚化泛化 delexicalization and generalization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-03 01:33:34


虚化泛化 delexicalization and generalization英语短句 例句大全

虚化泛化,delexicalization and generalization

1)delexicalization and generalization虚化泛化

2)functionization and generalization虚化与泛化


1.A New Approach to Improve the Generalization Ability of Neural Network;一种提高神经网络泛化能力的新方法

2.Analysis ofgeneralization and genericity in object-orientedsystem development;面向对象系统开发中的泛化与泛型分析

3.About Intensification and Generalization of Editorial Knowledge;试论期刊编辑知识的深化与泛化


1.Generalization of V and lexicalization of yiba(一把)in the"V+yiba"construction;说“V一把”中V的泛化与“一把”的词汇化

2.The Categorization and Extension of the British-American Prototype Mark-gate;美英式原型标记“-门”的类化和泛化

3.The Generalizing and Narrowing of the "Sexual Harassment" Concept, and Coping Measures;“性骚扰”概念的泛化、窄化及应对措施

4.Drag onto the page to add a generalization arrow.拖到绘图页后,可以添加泛化箭头。

5.About the Generalization of the Bible Words and their Translation关于英语中《圣经》词汇的泛化及其汉译

6.Study of Generalization Ability of Solar Irradiance Forecast on the Basis of Neural Network;太阳辐射预测神经网络泛化性能研究

7.pantothenic acidph.1. 【化】泛酸

8.Reduced Grbner Bases and Universal Grbner Basis;约化Grbner基与泛Grbner基

9.The Expansion of Western Culture and Cultural "Westernization";西方文化扩张与文化的“泛西方化”

10.HECT Domain Ubiquitin-protein Ligase Wwp2 Ubiquitinates the Large Subunit of RNA Polymerase II;HECT家族泛素连接酶Wwp2泛素化修饰RNA聚合酶II大亚基Rpb1

11.The Effect of UV-irradiation on the mRNA Expression Levels of Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-activating Enzyme in Rat Lens;紫外线对大鼠晶状体泛素mRNA和泛素活化酶mRNA表达的影响

12.On Equilibrium in Cultural Setup-Re-reading and Annotating the Religious "Generalities" in Outlaws of the Marsh;文化格局上的守衡态势——对《水浒》宗教"泛泛论"的重新解读与诠释

13.a surface-active chemical widely used in industry and laundering.工业和洗烫业广泛应用的化学剂。

14.Pan-American Society for Chemotherapy of Tuberculosis泛美肺结核病化学疗法学会

15.Hydrogen peroxide is the most widely used commercial bleaching agent.过氧化氢是应用最广泛的商业漂白剂。

16.Sodium hydroxide in various forms is the most widely used.各种形式的氢氧化钠是最广泛使用的。

17.The rampant spread of bourgeois liberalization may have grave consequences.资产阶级自由化泛滥,后果极其严重。

18.Be widely applied in medical and health care area, as well as toiletry field.被广泛应用于医疗保健和化妆品行业。


functionization and generalization虚化与泛化


1.A New Approach to Improve the Generalization Ability of Neural Network;一种提高神经网络泛化能力的新方法

2.Analysis ofgeneralization and genericity in object-orientedsystem development;面向对象系统开发中的泛化与泛型分析

3.About Intensification and Generalization of Editorial Knowledge;试论期刊编辑知识的深化与泛化


1.Theextension must be reconsidered by us.在认知语言学的影响下,转喻的范围不断扩大,越来越多的学者用转喻理论来分析越来越多的语言现象,这种不断泛化过程对转喻来说是一把双刃剑,值得我们做进一步的思考。

2.The present paper attempts to analyze and explain"准X"word family from the perspective of its development,formation,seman- tic connotations andextension/localization in Chinese.本文旨在探讨"准X"词族的形成与发展、"准X"的组合方式与结构关系、"准X"词的语义表达以及"准X"的泛化和汉化。

3.Theextension of new words is an outstanding phenomenon of current languages in our country.新词运用的泛化是我国当前语言生活的突出现象,本文对这一语言现象的产生原因作了语言心理层面的探 讨。

5)broad chemicalize泛化学化



公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
