100字范文 > 规范策略 standardize and strategy英语短句 例句大全

规范策略 standardize and strategy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-29 06:02:10


规范策略 standardize and strategy英语短句 例句大全

规范策略,standardize and strategy

1)standardize and strategy规范策略


1.A Research on Standard Strategy and the Usage of Chinese Character in Naming Real Estates;楼盘名称的语言运用及规范策略研究

2.Analysis on SP s Fouls and Policy in Data ServicesOperation;对SP在数据增值业务市场违规行为的分析及规范策略

3.On current situations of standardized language explanation and corresponding solutions;论语言规范解释的现状及其应对策略

4.The Strategy of Perfecting and Regulating the Ready of Enterprise Asset Impairment;完善和规范企业资产减值准备的策略

5.Politeness as Strategy and Politeness as Norm:A Critique;质疑“礼貌策略说”和“礼貌规范说”

6.Improved UCON_B Authorization Policy Specification for Service Grid一种改进UCON_B的服务网格授权策略规范

7.The Study of Subtitle Translation from the Perspective of Norms Theory;图里规范理论视野下的字幕翻译策略研究

work Communitive Event Rule Analysis and Guard Strategy Research;网络群体性事件的规律分析和防范策略研究

9.Reflections on Strategic Treason in Translation-from the Perspective of Skopostheorie and Norm Theory;从目的论和规范论看翻译中的策略性叛逆

10.Translation Norms and the Translator s Selection of Source Texts and Translation Strategies;翻译规范与译者对文本及翻译策略的选择

11.A Strategic Study of the Classification and Standardization of Undergraduates Employment Markets;大学毕业生就业市场规范及发展策略研究

12.An Analysis of the Translation Strategies Applied in Non-formal Language Translation from Register Perspective;不规范语言翻译策略的理论透析:语域的视角

13.Utilization and Regularization of Idioms in Advertising;论广告词中成语化用的策略性与规范性

14.From Application to Regularization --On "the Evidence from a Stratagem" in the Lawsuit;从适用到规范——论民事诉讼中的“策略取证”

15.Villagers Self-government:Problems and Countermeasures;村民自治进程中的非规范化问题与应对策略

16.Tactics for standardizing freights forwarders operations at road transportation market;规范公路运输货运代理企业经营行为的策略

17.Study on the Service Standardization and Strategy of Productivity Promotion Center;生产力促进中心服务规范化与发展策略

18.The college guides andlyze of reyuleatiag and leading conduction of students高校辅导员规范和引导学生行为之策略探析


policy specification策略规范

1.Improved UCON_A-based authorizationpolicy specification of grid services;基于改进UCON_A的服务网格授权策略规范

2.This method simplifies thepolicy specification by representing it as a quad-tuple (set of subject, target, action, and constraint).在IETF策略框架的基础上,提出了基于角色的分布式策略管理规范(RBPMS),使用域的方式来表达角色,用主体集、目标集、动作集和约束集4元组表达策略,简化了策略规范。

3.Module decision is based on access control space aspolicy specification for general support.为解决LSM在策略重用和策略共存方面存在的问题,提出了一个新的安全体系结构ELSM,它引入一个模型组合器作为主模块实施模块堆栈管理和模块决策管理,其中模块决策的实施采用了访问控制空间的策略规范方法,可支持通用性,ELSM的设计及其在安胜OS安全操作系统中的实例分析表明其有效性。

3)security policy specification安全策略规范

4)Translation Norms and Strategies翻译规范与策略

5)RPSL(routing policy specification) language路由策略规范语言

6)routing policy specification language (RPSL)选路策略规范语言



目录第一章 总则第二章 计算的一般规定第三章 建筑
