100字范文 > 文白之争 the debate of ancient and modern Chinese英语短句 例句大全

文白之争 the debate of ancient and modern Chinese英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-10 11:18:45


文白之争 the debate of ancient and modern Chinese英语短句 例句大全

文白之争,the debate of ancient and modern Chinese

1)the debate of ancient and modern Chinese文白之争


1.Influence To New-vernacular Literature By Discussions Between;文白之争的较量兼及对新文学发展的影响

2.On the Discussion of Translating the Buddhist Scriptures in Classical Chinese or Vernacular文白之辨——译经史上文质之争的实质

3.Argument about classical Chinese and prose written in the vernacular in 1930s;20世纪30年代文言白话之争及其影响

4.Battle Rages for the Internet ControlInternet控制权之争白热化

5.Brief Remark about Hushi s Colloquialism Reform and Problem and Doctrin Argument;简评五四时期胡适的白话文改革和问题与主义之争

6.The Conflicts between the Shi of Li-Neng and the Shi of Wen-Yi in the Song Dynasty“吏能之士”与“文义之士”:宋初的文士之争

7.On traasfarmation Languages in zoth Chinese Liferafure;“体用之争”与白话文运动——20世纪中国语言变革与文学发展关系的探讨

8.On Disputes of Domestication and Foreignization Strategies in Studying the Disputes over Wen and Zhi on the Sutra Versions从佛经译本“文质之争”看归化与异化之争

9.Nowadays, competition between every country has become increasingly white-hot.现在世界各国之间的竞争愈益白热化。

10.The Argument between "MANXIE" and "LIUBAI" Bamboo Slipsin On Poetry;《诗论》“满写简”与“留白简”之争辨析

11.Battle of "Revolutionary Literature" in the Leftist Culture Movement;左翼文化运动中的“革命文学”之争

12.Building standard of evaluating culture with debating between China and the western about culture;文化评价尺度的构建与中、西文化之争

13.The Controversy between the Stydy of Confucian classics in Classical writing and in Current Calligraphy and XuShen s "Analytical Dictionary of Characters";古、今文经学之争与许慎的《说文解字》

14.Content of the Way of Speech:An Invisible Pattern of Literature and Art Debate;话语权力之争:文艺论争的一种隐形形态

15.More Emphasis should be Laid upon to the Essays by Bai Juyi;白居易散文在文学史上应占一席之地

16.Seeking for the Version Information of Li Bai"s Poems Collected in Wenyuan Yinghua《文苑英华》之录李白诗文所本寻踪

17.Cultural Revolution:the Key to Qu Qiubai"s Concern for Culture“文化革命”:瞿秋白文化思想之匙

18.Cultural Difference between China and Western World Embodied in the English Translation of Guan Zhui Bian;《管锥编》的英译与中西文化的异同之争


the shift of standard白话文之争

3)the controversy between Hanhan and Baiye韩白之争

4)cultural controversy文化之争

5)style dispute文体之争

6)conflict between ancient and present literature古文之争


