100字范文 > 夷夏之辩 the debates of Chinese and foreign cultures英语短句 例句大全

夷夏之辩 the debates of Chinese and foreign cultures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-24 03:35:44


夷夏之辩 the debates of Chinese and foreign cultures英语短句 例句大全

夷夏之辩,the debates of Chinese and foreign cultures

1)the debates of Chinese and foreign cultures夷夏之辩

1.Therefore,this paper analyses the text of the article attempts to structure,moral principles,religion andthe debates of Chinese and foreign cultures,and reveals the influence on the development of Chinese Buddhist.因此,通过对其文本结构、义理、信仰和"夷夏之辩"这样几个方面的分析,揭示了它在中国佛教发展史上的影响和地位,并能深切体悟佛教的独特思维方式和价值观与中国传统文化互补互融、长期共存的内在意蕴。


1.A Study on Early Chinese Buddhism in the View of Distinguishing of the Barbarian Tribes and China;从《弘明集》中“夷夏之辩”看初传佛教中国化

2.and win a free trip to the Hawaiian islands.赢得免费夏威夷之旅。

3.: Confucius said: "The tribes of the East and North (Koreans and Mongolians), though having kings, are not equal to our people, even when lacking kings, "子曰:「夷狄之有君,不如诸夏之亡也。」

4.Discrimination between the Chinese Race and Foreign Races and the Dispute overthe Chinese Orthodoxy in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods;春秋战国的华夷之辨与华夏正统之争

5.Pineapples are one of the most popular fruits in Hawaii.菠萝是夏威夷最受欢迎的水果之一。

6.On the Development of Chinese Yixia Conception During 1840~1900;1840~1900年间国人“夷夏之辨”观念的演变

7.ON Amalgamation of Huaxia and Dongyi and Miaoman clan in Yan and Huang Emperor s Age;论炎黄时代华夏族与东夷、苗蛮之融合

8.The discrimination between the Chinese race and foreign races and the dispute over the Chinese orthodoxy actually were the mixture of the two cultures with different characters-Chinese culture and foreign culture and the impact on each other.华夷之辨和华夏正统之争 ,实际是华夷异质文化间的碰撞和融汇。

9.Debate Between Siyi Musical Official and Yixia -On the Origin of Zhouli Musical Officials and the Music Cultural in the Early Qin Dynasty;四夷乐官与夷夏之辨——《周礼》乐官与先秦乐文化源流考述

10.the most northwestern Hawaiian island (beyond Kauai).夏威夷最西北的一个岛屿,在考艾岛之外。

11.One of the reasons I came to Hawaii is to practise my English.我来夏威夷旅游的目的之一就是要练习英语。

12.Hawaii will be the last stop of his nine-day US trip.夏威夷将是他9天美国之行的最后一站。

13.I always associate that song with my visit to Hawaii.听到那首歌,我就会联想到我的夏威夷之行。

14.Oscar-winning actor Nicolas Cage married Elvis"daughter in Hawaii影帝尼可拉斯凯吉夏威夷迎娶猫王之女

15.Tahiti is in the same time zone as Hawaii and a part of the Society Islands.大溪地为社会群岛之一,与夏威夷同处一个时区。

16.I always associate that song with my visit to Hawaii.; Hearing that song conjures up my trip to Hawaii.听到那支歌我就会联想到我的夏威夷之行。

17.Between Chinese and Barbarians: A Study of Ch"ing"s Diplomacy Towards the West, 1842-1856;夷夏之间:对1842—1856年清政府西方外交的研究

18.A Brief Discussion of Thoughts about Frontiers in the Qin and Han Dynasties;“王者无外”和“夷夏之防”——秦汉时期边疆思想论略


the debate between Chinese and NonChinese华夷之辩

3)conception of the Hans and other barbarian races夷夏之防

1.Further- more,Wang sconception of the Hans and other barbarian races was far-sighted.他的"夷夏之防"观念也颇具前瞻性。

4)Yi-xia Distinction夷夏之辨

5)the difference between Chinese and barbarians夏夷之辨

1.The evolution and the Zeitgeist of the notion ofthe difference between Chinese and barbarians;夏夷之辨观念的嬗变及其时代特征

6)Confucianism and Yi-xia Distinction儒家与夷夏之辨


夷夏1.夷狄与华夏的并称。古代常以指中国境内的各族人民。 2.指少数民族地区与内地。
