100字范文 > 文化传存和发展 the preservation and development of Chinese culture英语短句 例句大全

文化传存和发展 the preservation and development of Chinese culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-13 21:02:34


文化传存和发展 the preservation and development of Chinese culture英语短句 例句大全

文化传存和发展,the preservation and development of Chinese culture

1)the preservation and development of Chinese culture文化传存和发展

2)cultural existence and development文化存在与发展

3)cultural harmonious development文化和谐发展


1.Discussion on cross-cultural differences & harmonious development of cultural diversity;浅谈跨文化差异与多元文化和谐发展

2.Developing Harmonious Culture and Constructing Harmonious Society;以发展和谐文化为先导构建和谐社会

3.Constructing Harmonious Sexual Culture:the Enrichment and Development of Harmonious Culture;构建和谐性别文化对和谐文化的丰富和发展

4.Constructing Harmonious Culture Promoting Harmonious Development of Ethnic Relationship;建设和谐文化促进民族关系的和谐发展

5.Dialectically and Interactive Development: Harmonious Culture and Building Harmonious Society;辩证互动发展:和谐文化与构建和谐社会

6.Harmonious Culture: Core Inherent Quality of Harmonious of Nationality harmonious Development;和谐文化:民族地区和谐发展的潜质内核

7.Cultivate Library"s Harmonious Culture for Better Serving the Harmonious Developments in University建设大学图书馆和谐文化,为大学和谐发展服务

8.Harmonious Development of National Culture in Globalization;论全球化视野中民族文化的和谐发展

9.Cultural Scanning in Economic Development in Building a Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会中经济发展的文化省视

10.Constructing a Harmonious Institutional Culture and Promoting the Development of Teaching Staffs;构建和谐制度文化,促进教师队伍发展

11.On the Improvement of the Construction of Clean Government Culture and the Promotion of Social Harmonious Growth;加强廉政文化建设 促进社会和谐发展

12.Reinforcing Construction of Media Morality; Accelerating Development of Harmonious Culture;加强传媒道德建设 促进和谐文化发展

13.Strengthen Legislation of the Local Culture to Promote a Harmonious Development in Xinjiang;加强地方文化立法 促进新疆和谐发展

14.Ecological literature:a "Catalyst" for the Healthy Development of a Harmonious Society;生态文学:和谐社会健康发展的“催化剂”

15.To Strength an Honest Cultural Administration and to Promote Harmonious Society Growth;加强廉政文化建设 促进和谐社会发展

16.Building culture of the emotional attachment among family members to promot harmonious development of enterprises;打造亲情文化 促进企业和谐发展

17.Interaction of Hunan-Jiangxi Religious Culture and Harmonious Development of Society;湘赣宗教文化互动与社会的和谐发展

18.Developing Earth Science Culture and Serving Construction of Harmonious Society;发展地球科学文化 服务构建和谐社会


cultural existence and development文化存在与发展

3)cultural harmonious development文化和谐发展

4)existence and development生存和发展

1.In the report of the Party s Sixteenth Congress, Jiang Zemin points out that the spirit of a nation is the spiritual support on which a nation depends for itsexistence and development.江泽民在党的十六大报告中指出 :民族精神是一个民族赖以生存和发展的精神支撑。

2.In mis thesis, I think that the maximal benefit toexistence and development of human being is origin of legal validity.本文在评析主要法学流派的基础上,提出最有利于人的生存和发展是法律效力的来源的观点。

5)existence and development存在和发展

1.There are laws in theexistence and development of the truth.真理的存在和发展是有规律的。

6)the development and charge of traditional accounting传统会计发展和变化


存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)存在主义伦理学(见存在主义)existentialist ethicscu陀012加yilun淞Ue存在主义伦理学(existeotialist ethics)见存在主丸
